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FWB 700 Aluminum Colors & Grip Selection

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:12 pm
by azuaro
Dear Members and Guests:

I am a little confused about the colors offered for the FWB 700 aluminum...I also need advice on selecting the grip size.
Going to FWB's site we will find that the colors offered for the 700 aluminum are:
FWB’s Site: ... PageId=120
1. SILVER (Aluminum and some Black)
2. BLUE (Blue and some Aluminum)
3. RED (Red and some Aluminum)
Please note in this German site that the 700 aluminum has NO HOLES in the front part of the aluminum stock (forearm)

In the US, any FWB retailer offers the 700 Aluminum in just 3 colors (NO RED):
1. SILVER (Aluminum and some Black)
2. BLACK (Black and Black with few Aluminum color parts)
3. BLUE (Blue and Aluminum)
Note that the pictures of these rifles in the US sites have HOLES around the forearm and THEY ARE NOT THE JUNIOR MODEL

In Canada I was offered the RED and the BLACK versions but the distributor did not know about the holes and he did not have the rifles in stock.

So, in Germany the color BLACK per se is not offered on their site, in the US the RED is not offered at all and in Canada it seems that the silver is the one missing but this may not be accurate as the dealer did not know for sure.

I will like to know:
1. Why the difference in color availability in between countries and
2. Why is it that the US models have holes in the front part (forearm) of the aluminum stock and the Germans don’t? …How are these rifles in Canada? (Holes or no holes?)
3. Are the rifles different depending on the country or region?

My question about the grip is more general:
How do I select the grip size?
I see that the alternatives are: LARGE, MEDIUM and SMALL but I don't know how to select the appropriate size and let me explain why, derived from my previous experience…

In the case of my FWB pistols, I have one pistol with a LARGE grip (P-56) and another pistol FWB 44 that has a MEDIUM...both grips are made by Morini… I used the MORINI’s chart (web site) for selecting the pistol grips and I am supposed to be LARGE.
I ordered the P56 with a LARGE grip and it fit very well…The P44 was also ordered with a LARGE grip but it was EXTREMELY large...
For some reason that I don’t know the MEDIUM size grip in this model (P44) is EXACTLY the equivalent of the LARGE grip in the P56...THE GRIPS ARE STAMPED SO THERE IS NO CONFUSION ABOUT THIS FACT…

Morini’s mistake when stamping the grips?...This could very well be the case but how do I know because I know for sure that there is a LARGER size grip that the LARGE grip I ordered for the P56...

Having said this…I don’t think that I can use either of these grips for choosing my rifle’s grip….

Can somebody help/advice me?
Note: I cannot grip the rifles because I will be ordering it by phone as the closest distributor is 500 miles away and there are no FWB 700’s around here.

Thanking you in advance for your time and courtesies to my request, please receive my best regards.


Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:13 pm
by B.T.Carstensen
The holes in the stock you are talking about are from the old style of p700 stock (which is no longer made) the pictures you looked at are just old.

This site should help

This guy is the only FWB dealer in the US give him a call about the grip size he should be able to compare the large grip from the P-56 to the grip size's for the p700.


FWB Dealer

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:09 am
by randy1952
Pilkguns and Champions Choice are FWB dealers and I think there is one other dealer on the West Coast. I have dealt with all of them and I think Scout would be the best to deal with for the rifle.

Re: FWB Dealer

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:06 pm
by B.T.Carstensen
randy1952 wrote:Pilkguns and Champions Choice are FWB dealers and I think there is one other dealer on the West Coast. I have dealt with all of them and I think Scout would be the best to deal with for the rifle.
What I have been told is that years ago FWB decided to only have one dealer in the US because of all that was happening to the prices of there airguns.
Sellers where cutting prices so that they could get the sale's, so FWB awarded Brenzovich the dealers license.
Other companies can still buy form FWB but not at the same price that's why Brenzovich can give you a club price of $2200 for a ALU P700 (that was the price when I bought mine) insteand of the $2350+ that everyone else was selling it for.

If that has changed or is not true then I'm sorry for the confusion that is what I was told. But I would still buy form Brenzovich because he will still give you the best deal and his customer service is good.


And the other dealer you might be thinking about is Beeman also Neal Johnson sells them as well.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:43 am
by Guest
Dear Members,

Today I received my Feinwerkbau 700 Aluminum in is a very and I mean VERY pretty rifle that is well balanced with an overall quality that is top of the line.

The only "but" if any, would be the sights ...

The rear sight has much plastic and don't seem sturdy and I have doubts about its accuracy, but this is only my personal perception as I have not shot the rifle and have no experience with these kind/brand of sights.

I may add that both front and rear sights are IDENTICAL in every way to the ones that came with my FWB 700 Basic, I modified this gun for FT and use a scope and never used either sights. Now I know that FWB uses the very same sights in the entry level and in their top of the line air rifles....

I am new to the sport and I don't have any experience with these FWB sights and any input or experience from you, FWB users will be most welcome.

I was considering switching to an Anschutz 9565 adjustable Iris but then I learned that there is model 9781, both seem to be identical (Iris with 5 filter & polarizer) and the difference relies in the aperture goes from .8 to 2.2 mm. and the other from .5 to 3.0 mm.

The 9781 has more range and I wonder if there is a trade off in adjustability for having this advantage ? Is there really an advantage in having more aperture range for shooting air at 10 meters?

About the rear sight… is there something out there better or more precise made out of metal that will be a straight replacement of the FWB? or is it only the Iris that needs to be replaced?

Any suggestions or comments for the front sight and/or inserts?

Thanking you for your inputs and comments, please receive my best regards.

Flathead Lake, MT