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Illinois rifle & pistol coach passes away

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:26 am
by pal177
From an email written by state CMP director:

"I am sorry to tell you that we have lost one of our good friends, Coach Jim Kinkade of Sandy Ford Range, Streator IL.

Jim had traveled to Colorado Springs for the Coaches Conference and suffered a heart attack.

He was a good friend. He will be missed.

No arrangements have been made at this time. I will let you know as soon as I find out.

We will also let you know any arrangements for matches that were scheduled for Sandy Ford Range.

Tina Odle

Jim was both a rifle and a pistol coach, and among all the other things he did to support our sport, he organized the Rifle Camp and Pistol Camp every summer in Streator, Il.
He was a treasure, and will be sorely missed.

Coach Paula, Wheaton Rifle Club

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:58 pm
by anschutzshooter
Paula, thank you so much for posting this. It is still breaking my heart that I will never hear those speeches again and hear him tell me that I will always be one of his "kids" no matter how old I get. You and I will no longer have our own relay with just us three. Truly saddening, but at the same time relieving to know that we will see him again and that he passed on the love of the sport to so many people.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 8:28 pm
by anschutzshooter
USA Shooting has posted a nice article which can be seen here:

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:14 am
by pal177
Where else but at Jim's matches could you win a bag of groceries, pizza-loving troll, or case of peanut butter?!
You put it so well, DV, and it just breaks my heart that I couldn't come to the November match this year, the first time I missed it in many years. Sigh.

Tina has sent out the details of Jim's services:

Arrangements have been made by the family of Jim Kinkade:

Date: Saturday Dec 15th
Location: Solon, Baker, Telford Funeral Home
301 South Park St. (Rte 23 North)
Streator IL 61364
Directions: Rte 23 North, located on the east side of the street. There are 2 funeral homes side-by-side. This one is to the North. Parking is across the street to the North.
Time: 9 to 11am
Funeral and burial to follow
Luncheon following burial for family and friends

As no money was granted to assist junior shooters with fees to attend the summer rifle camp in Streator this year, it has been arranged that a memorial in Jim's name will be used for for that purpose. This is asked instead of flowers as the family is from out of state and could not transport them home.

If you would care to make a memorial to Jim,
checks can be made out to Sandy Ford Sportsmans Club
Please note on the memo Summer Rifle Camp
Address: 310 South Bloomington Street
Streator IL 61364

The USAS Pistol match scheduled for Dec 15-16 at Sandy Ford Indoor Range has been cancelled. We will try to find an alternate date.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:45 pm
by jholtman
I was at the Olympic Training Center in classes with Jim. They announced on Sat during the conference that the USOC had decided to light the Olympic Flame in honor of Jim. A great honor for a person that made huge contributions in our sport. He will be missed by all that knew him.
Jim Holtman

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 11:20 am
by matchstreat
Every year at about this time, I turn over the season tournament funds taken in to Jim, who also helped manage our tournaments. Jim once told me when I approached him about a junior service rifle team that if I told him I spent every dime on trying to develop one, it would warm his heart. Sandy Ford and the shooting society has lost a great asset with Jim's passing. He will be deeply missed. Thank you Jim for all you have done.

Frank Krupa
Sandy Ford Service Rifle Tournaments

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:05 pm
by Roy Hill
Althought I didn't know Jim, I appreciate what he did for our sport.

My condolences and deepest sympathies for his family.

Roy Hill

Jim Kinkade

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:51 pm
by SFSC President
He'll never know what he did for me to run the Shooting Ranges for Sandy Ford, I wish that I would of learned more from him on the shooting sport this is a GREAT LOSS for us and right now hard to pick-up where he has left off and keep it going forward.Thanks to all that knew him and Coaches that are helping me with the matches alredy scheduled for 08.
I had 2 daughters that shot under Coach Kinkade that lost a great friend on 12-06-07 .Please for Jim keep the shooting sport going forward ,and Thanks to Jim for all he did.


Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:13 pm
by anschutzshooter
My mother and I were actually talking about it tonight that it will take a lot of people to make up for what Jim does. He devoted so much of his time to the range between rifle camp, all the matches, the NRA Nationals, etc. I swear sometimes Jim must've had to live at the indoor range in order to get everything done.

I feel the tribute at the OTC of lighting the Olympic Torch was perfect. He was very deserving of it. I think he was a perfect example of a coach - he cared about us on, and off, the range. I feel lucky to have him think of me as one of his "kids" and I just hope I can impact people's lives the way he did. If there is anything I can do to help out either with the Sandy Ford Range (or anyone else for that matter) I would be more than happy to volunteer my time.

The best thing we can do to honor Jim is to carry on and pass on his stories and his love of the sport. I miss him so much, but I'm glad his health issues are finally over. I'm also glad to see the outpouring of condolences from everyone, including those that did not know him.

Jim Kinkade

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:32 am
by SFSC President
For Jim
Anyone that who wants to help keep the shooting going down range at Sandy Ford , with (Matches call Tina 815-939-4854 ) she is for now taking over that infromation for Match Director, and big thanks to her .Anyone else who want to help can call the indoor range 815-673-1880 and leave message for SFSC President or ask for me at service on Saturday .
Jim is coaching from above now ,as we all knew he would.

SFSC President


Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:59 am
by Anna - one of his kids

As one of Jim's "kids", I learned a lot from him. He was always willing to talk with you about shooting or life in general. I am forever grateful that he was such a large part of my life. I wish I could've given him one perfect score but know that he was happy anyway because that's just the kind of guy Jim was. He would get a sparkle in his eyes and smile at you when you were so proud of yourself. He was always willing to tell you great job or help you improve when you didn't do as well as you'd like.

He was an amazing man that I don't know realized how much of a positive impact he had on so many people. I think I'm a better person just for knowing him and believe that others are better people just for having crossed his path. I am so thankful that they lit the Olympic torch for him. He had a passion for the shooting sport and for kids - his legacy will live on.

I am grateful that his health problems are over and that I will see him in the future. The memories we have of him will be forever cherished - he was an amazing man and will live through each and every one of us.

My condolences to all of you.

Lost Coach

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:12 pm
by CMP St Jr Director IL
[i]Thank you ALLfor the many, many e-mails full of kind words and warm memories of Coach Jim Kinkade of Sandy Ford Jr. Shooters in IL.[/i] His memorial service on Saturday was a tribute that anyone would have been proud of as nearly 200 people attended the visitation and most stayed for the service and luncheon. Road conditions were bad as it snowed all day, but that did not keep some from traveling as much as 4 hrs to attend. The number of young people in attendance, with their coaches and parents is a testiment to the quality of man that Jim was. I just hope that the mansion that God provided for Jim in Heaven has a full state-of-the art range in the basement and he is shooting again.
The Olympic flame lit in his honor was finally extinguished that day----but it will be forever burning in our hearts as we think of Jim.

Big foot print

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:38 pm
by steve knutson
I was Jims room mate at the OTC and had a great week with Jim. We sat around and had a long talk before heading out for class that morning and will for ever remember that!

They say that we all leave a foot print in life and that some fade and some are so deep that they are there for many years. Jim had ONE BIG FOOT!

Thanks Jim