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Economical Electronic Target For izh46

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:27 am
by Bob Pickup
Is there a reasonably priced electronic targeting system for a IZH46 pistol using pc or laser etc

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:39 am
by David Levene
I am not sure about "reasonably priced" but do you mean an electronic target or an electronic trainer.

From your mention of a laser then I presume you mean the latter.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:02 pm
by Guest
Scatt is a very good system to use, which I will recommend! It is cheap compaired to electronic targets such as Sius, Megalink etc. My guess is that for the most people it will show, wow is my hold that good, but darn is my trigger control and follow trough that bad...!!!

Scatt is a good trainer and electronic target system and shows how extremely important the trigger control is, and for 99,99 procents of us shooters we should improve our trigger control!!! Regular practice will make our stamina and muscle control improve and therefore it makes our hold good, but the most important factor for consistent good hits and scores is trigger control!

Lot´s of high quality practice will probably make you as good as with the best electronioc target or electronic trainer. For the price of a Scatt you get approximately 100 000 air pellets...

Sight alignment+trigger control+follow trough = a good hit :-)

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:19 am
by David Levene
Anonymous wrote:Scatt is a very good system to use, which I will recommend! It is cheap compaired to electronic targets such as Sius, Megalink etc.
Yes it is a very good system, but it is NOT an electronic target, it is an electronic trainer. It does a totally different job.

Anonymous wrote:Scatt is a good trainer and electronic target system
See above.

If you want an electronic trainer then Scatt, Rika, Noptel, etc are the devices you want.

If you want an electronic target then go for Sius, Meyton, Megalink, Haering,etc.

An electronic trainer works on where the gun is pointing and can calculate where a theoritical pellet will hit. An electronic target tells you where a real pellet has hit. The theoretical and real pellets can occasionally be in exactlly the same place on the target, but extremely rarely.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 10:52 am
by Bob Pickup
An electronic trainer works on where the gun is pointing and can calculate where a theoritical pellet will hit. An electronic target tells you where a real pellet has hit. The theoretical and real pellets can occasionally be in exactlly the same place on the target, but extremely rarely[/i].

Hi David and Guest
It seems I am talking about a trainer so that I can shoot in safety without upsetting anyone as I have found it impossible to find a club.
The first was too far (I only do it for fun) and didn't really have any members with pistols, although they were prepared to put up a target at 10mtrs especially for me while they all stood and waited with their rifles) I felt awkward to say the least when Rambo who had been pumping off shot after shot had to pause while they showed me the 10mtr target. I couldn't get in the car fast enough.
The second club refused to open the door as I hadn't made an appointment and spoke to me through an intercom, they closed down a few weeks later due to firearms irregularities it said in the paper.
The third I discovered had closed down, although when it was open it was one of the best I was told.
My two gun shops know absolutely nothing about target pistols but they could probably sell me a lamp with untold power and give me info on shooting bunnies.
My new neighbour has now got a cat which sits in our garden and a small toddler so shooting in the garden will at best get the neighbours head over the fence and at worst armed police and a night at the station.
I hope you see where I am coming from

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 11:25 am
by David Levene
Bob Pickup wrote:It seems I am talking about a trainer
If that's the case then you need to think about where you are going to strap the sensor.

That is easy on most PCP guns, you just strap it to the cylinder. I don't know if that would be possible in the IZH46 without the pump mechanism getting in the way. As you only need to dry fire is it possible to do that on the IZH without using the pump handle.

As an alternative, at least with the Scatt, it might be possible to mount the sensor on the side of the barrel without the bracket fouling. The software can certainly handle it but I'm not sure about physical space.

I am sure that someone on here will have tried fitting a Scatt to the IZH46, a gun that is not popular in the UK.

The UK importer for Scatt is Diverse Trading. If you are interested then he advertises in several target magazines or PM me your email and I will get him to contact you.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 11:38 am
by Richard H
The IZH can easily be used with either the Rika or Scatt system. There are other systems out there but hose are really the two most popular and probably the least expensive.


1. Do you have 10 meters plus where you can set it up?
Not a problem if not the Rika can really be shot at any distance and can print out reduced targets. If you go with Scatt it can be shot at any distance from 4 to 12 m.

2. Do you have a laptop or a computer where you plan to shoot?

The new scatt is all USB so you'd need a system that has USB support.
Rika uses a serial port, if your computer is newer and does not have a serial port you'll need to get s serial to usb adapter?

I think the a new Scatt is around 1000 Euro. The senor onthe new Scatt is smaller an maybe better to use with the IZH (as some already think it is a little nose heavy).

Good luck but both system will work for you.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 12:12 pm
by rrpc
Can I just make a quick observation that you may not have to use a trainer if you can set up some sort of range inside your house with an electronic target and a pc/laptop.

You don't need 10m, as a good few of the target systems incorporate scaling in their scoring so that you could scale a 10m target to 8m or 7m or whatever.

It may not be feasible in your case, but don't give up on live firing just because you don't have 10m available.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:11 pm
by Bob Pickup
Can I just make a quick observation that you may not have to use a trainer if you can set up some sort of range inside your house with an electronic target and a pc/laptop.
What system are you referring to, this sounds less expensive than $1000 for Scatt

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:18 pm
by David Levene
Bob Pickup wrote:
Can I just make a quick observation that you may not have to use a trainer if you can set up some sort of range inside your house with an electronic target and a pc/laptop.
What system are you referring to, this sounds less expensive than $1000 for Scatt
I'd be interested as well. I've never heard of an electronic target that incorporates scaling. An electronic trainer , yes. An electronic target, no (but I could be wrong).

Bob, can we get this straight, do you want to live fire or dry fire.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:27 pm
by Bob Pickup
Hi David
I want dry fire but I'm unsure what type of system RRPC was talking about

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:41 pm
by David Levene
Bob Pickup wrote:I want dry fire but I'm unsure what type of system RRPC was talking about
You want an electronic trainer such as Scatt, Rika or Noptel.

An electronic target, apart from being much more expensive, will be no good to you at all as it measures the position of an actual shot.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:26 pm
by Richard H
David Levene wrote:
Bob Pickup wrote:
Can I just make a quick observation that you may not have to use a trainer if you can set up some sort of range inside your house with an electronic target and a pc/laptop.
What system are you referring to, this sounds less expensive than $1000 for Scatt
I'd be interested as well. I've never heard of an electronic target that incorporates scaling. An electronic trainer , yes. An electronic target, no (but I could be wrong).

Bob, can we get this straight, do you want to live fire or dry fire.
Dave I believe all the Electronic Targets can also be scaled down too, This requires programing and is not as easy as it is on a Rika or Scatt, but it can be done.

I too have yet to see an Electronic Targets system that is cheaper than a trainer.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:25 am
by rrpc
Sorry for the delay in replying. The Megalink targets we use can be scaled very easily. The scaling is built in to the software. If you are not using their monitors, you can use a PC/Laptop and buy a target head for about €1250.

On our monitors, you just state what target distance you are using (10m) and what the actual distance is (say 8m). The target is automatically scaled. The only other thing you need to do then is to scale the target mask itself. As they are paper, and can be cut from an ordinary target, it's a piece of cake.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:36 am
by David Levene
rrpc wrote:The Megalink targets we use can be scaled very easily. The scaling is built in to the software. If you are not using their monitors, you can use a PC/Laptop and buy a target head for about €1250.
The more I hear about Megalink the more impressed I get. That price is pretty good too.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:43 am
by rrpc
David Levene wrote:
rrpc wrote:The Megalink targets we use can be scaled very easily. The scaling is built in to the software. If you are not using their monitors, you can use a PC/Laptop and buy a target head for about €1250.
The more I hear about Megalink the more impressed I get. That price is pretty good too.
Slight health warning on that price is that it's a couple of years old. I know a few people who bought the target heads and added their own laptop to use as a training system.

Sometime, if you're interested you could pop over here and have a look at them David if you don't have anywhere to check them out locally. University College Dublin are also thinking of buying 14 for their air rifle range, and the total cost to them is looking like €45000 including VAT. (that includes implementation of the NSRA 20 yard target on it.)

There are some very nice features to the system. From our point of view, any member with or without IT experience can come on the range set up a target and shoot in about five minutes. It's as easy to use as that.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:47 am
by rrpc
Removing Health warning :D

Just checked the Megalink site: and it appears that the air rifle/pistol target for PC is €1200 ex works Norway.

This comes complete with all the software/hardware to run on a PC.

There are other options such as a stand and pellet trap as well as the option to get the same target for .22 as well which is €1450 ex works.

The link for these prices is on the main page. Follow the link for 'PC based target'.