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GAMO Compact

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 8:55 am
by Leonidas
Anyone have a parts blow up on this pistol? Anyone replace a seal?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 6:26 pm
by Alex_c
If it's the pistol I think it is, don't get it.

There's a pistol made by Daisy, side-cocker with a sort of "target" grip, not the fastest velocity but you can learn to shoot accurately with that and it's utterly reliable. I'd get one of those.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 8:17 am
by jarviser
The Gamo Compact I know is a single shot precompressed like the FAS where the barrel pivots at the front.

The seal is a hard O-ring and is easily replaced by inscrewing the alloy plug that the piston rod goes through, and taking out the pivot at the front end. It needs to be the right ring, not a rubber one.

(EDIT - I believe some early ones had more standard cup washer as in the diagram. When I got spares they supplied both types)

A little silicone grease on the piston will usually help, even with a worn ring. WD40 will kill it. Expect about 1 - 2 years max from a seal.

Also the symptoms of pressure loss can be at the valve which is also failry easy to remove once the trigger mech is removed from under the clear window. Also loss of pressure in firing can be due to the barrel being too far forward in the frame (adjustable)

Diagram here ... at=Compact

Right click on the image and copy/paste into something like Word so you can blow it up and print it.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 8:37 am
by jarviser
I also have a few pics here

but I haven't written it up yet and I need to take a few more pics.

At our club we use ours for the under-16's as it's a light pistol. The trigger first stage needs to be opened up and if you have the trigger apart, smooth off the sear faces. They are rough, but MILD STEEL in ours, so a nail file will do!

Getting the clear cover back needs the pivot pins to be poked back into place with an electricians screwdriver and takes a few trials.