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Tau-7 Filling Adapter

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:23 pm
by Mike Taylor
Anyone know of a commercially available adapter to allow filling of the Tau-7 pistol from a Brass Eagle CO2 bottle (the 9 oz size)?
The male thread on the Tau-7 appears to be 18mmX2.0 and the male thread on the Brass Eagle bottle appears to be 1/2-inch pipe thread (taper or straight, I can't tell). So I would need a female X female adapter - with internal projection to press open the valve on the bottle.
I've tried my Tau dealer, a local paintball supply store, and an industrial pneumatic supply house - to no avail.
Mike T.

Tau-7 Filling Adapter

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:03 pm
by OzzieM

Tau-7: is it safe to bulk fill from a larger bottle?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:06 pm
by wcordle
Mike -

Tim McMurray of Mac1 fame ( makes a bulk adapter for the Tau-7. Perhaps that could be used instead? I am trying to pursue something along those lines...

I have a new-to-me Tau-7 which has one of these Mac1 bulk-fill adapters. With a 3.5oz tank you can shoot what seems like forever, although one-handed is out of the question, at least for me.

As a result I have been using powerlets instead. However I would like to use the 3.5 oz tank to bulk fill the pistol instead of using the powerlets.

I have made one half-hearted attempt to turn the pistol upside down, fire a shot or two to cool things down, wait a bit, turn the tank off and then remove it. However I found that unscrewing the tank was difficult (had to use a wrench to get it started) and having worked with powerlets in the past that made me quite nervous. So I stopped.

In theory with the tank turned off, the bulk fill valve would still be open because the co2 in the grip be in a balanced state with the co2 between it and the closed valve of the tank. So if I unscrewed the tank far enough to vent the gas between the tank and the bulk adapter, the bulk adapter would close and trap the co2 in the grip, right?

Another concern is that of overfilling the grip reservoir. With our interest in using larger paintball tanks to bulk fill the pistol, is there a potential danger here? I thought that perhaps the Tau bulk bottle was sized so that an overfill of the pistol would be highly unlikely.

paintball to tau bulk bottle adapter

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:24 pm
by wcordle
Mike -

Its difficult to get help with the Tau's. Seems most folks are using SSPs or PCPs these days. Hopefully if we keep posting what we learn, it will be easier on others down the road. I really do enjoy shooting my Tau 7 and 200.

Since I last responded to this thread I picked up a used 200. It came with a paintball to Tau bulk bottle adapter from Mac-1. It works quite well. I use a 20oz bottle to fill the Tau bottle (chilled) and then use the Tau bottle to fill the pistol / rifle. You get multiple fills of Tau bottle from the 20 oz and can fill the guns multiple times from the Tau bottle. Very convenient.

Best of luck

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 7:02 am
by Mark Briggs
Mike - you're missing one of the basic principles of working on fine-quality shooting equipment. You don't need a new adapter, you just need a bigger wrench, and a MUCH bigger hammer! ;-)

(Sorry, I just couldn't resist an attempt at a little levity. I had been wondering about using the Brass Eagle bottles as well, making it easier to get a refill at Canadian Tire stores & paintball shops.)

Tau 7 fill adapter

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:08 pm
by Mike Taylor
I tried the Cooper-T web-site that OzzieM suggested. I think the 7100 Tau fill adapter is what I want
I sent an e-mail asking for confirmation of my selection. The e-mail bounced back, twice.
I sent a fax to the fax number listed on the web-site. The number is 'not in service".
I called the phone number listed on the web-site. The phone is "not in service".
I conclude that Cooper-T is no longer in business. Too bad, I think he had what I need!
I'll look into the "mac1" site.
I don't want to fill the Tau bottle, I want to fill the Tau pistol from a paintball bottle (Brass Eagle).
Mike T.

Here is why you cannot contact Cooper-T

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 6:32 pm
by Bill177