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Prone rifle

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:12 pm
by new bee
Hello, I just participated in my first ever 50 meter prone match and was challenged like you would not believe it.
I am a pistol shooter 50 meter.

My question is. I scored a 527. A few called fliers in the 7 and some 8 and some 9.
My strings varied from 92 to 81.

One of the guys that shot there 570+ offer some good advice and help me with rifle setup.

I just wanted to know how good is this score compared to the medium.

50m scores

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:57 pm
by metermatch
??? what is medium?? It is an OK score for your first try. Your scores will go up rapidly. Assuming you are not an 8 year old kid. In that case, I would say it is great!

You will probably notice a few things that will make a big difference in your scores. The scores will go up rapidly for a period of time.

There are far too many variables to predict how you will advance. Practice once a month, or shoot 4 times a week??? How good are the other club shooters? Are they 570 shooters, or are you lucky like me, learning from national level shooters, world champions and olympic team members?

Compared to others??? After a year or so, assuming you are an average college kid or adult, and a decent Anchutz or equilivant type rifle and good ammo, a 570 would be a pretty low score. Above 580 and you are getting somewhere. If you are good, above 590. You need 595+ average to make national team.



Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:46 pm
by new bee

Thanks for the advise. I know I have a long road ahead and lots to learn.
I am an average adult shooter and have not practiced prone rifle before. I just went yesterday to try the shooting jacket and ammo.

I Was really sore and uncomfortable most of the time in the prone position. I will most likely try to get a good book as coaching and facilities are limited where I live.

But I look forward to learning a lot and improving. I really liked it and went to my special place a few times during the match!

I guess I am looking for the spiritual side of the performance more.



Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:49 pm
by new bee
Ohh by the way,

By medium I meant if you considered my score high enough to keep practicing or low enough to give it up and stay with my pistol.

Anyways, I think that I was just looking for some encouragement and goals and I believe your e-mail hit the spot!


50m rifle

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:55 pm
by metermatch
I definately would not base my decision to pursue rifle shooting based on one try! Try it a few times, you may like it.

I think you were looking for some feedback, that may give you some idea that you are a "natural" at 50m rifle, and so should then pursue it. Well, I don't know what a natural is, and a natural is useless if he does not have any interest in what he is a natural at!

If you like it, do it, and your scores will come up.


Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:06 pm
by Guest
Herein the UK National Class ratings for smallbore rifle.

Small-bore Rifle
A – 97 and over
B – 96 and under 97
C – 94.5 and under 96
D – 93 and under 94.5
E – 90 and under 93
F – under 90

527 for a first try was pretty good and works out as an 87. If you want to get better - practice practice practice. Sooner or later it will hurt less and scores will climb!



Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:43 am
by Jim B
My very first prone match was in 2002, and I shot a 502. My second match was a 483. These were with a Marlin 2000L which was a little small for me I guess. Once I switched to the Winchester 52E and practiced, practiced, practiced, I managed to shoot a 562.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that a 520 for your first time at this game is pretty good. Like "T" said, "If you want to get better - practice practice practice. Sooner or later it will hurt less and scores will climb!"

For the record, I have not shot since May 2004. Two toddlers running around the house will do that. If I tried to shoot a match now, I think I'd be lucky to keep in in the black!
