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How to modify the grip to lower the point of impact ?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:43 am
by wai

I was shooting a SP New and found the gun shooting too high, with the usual sub six hold, all the shots are going off the top of the target paper !

Adjusting the rear sight did not help much, the rear sight element is already bottom out on the grip.

Can the grip itself be modify to lower the point of impact ?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 8:30 am
by JulianY
Point of impact is a relationship between the sights and the barrel, grip is largely irelavent.

Are you sure that you are turning the sight the right way, not sure about Pardini but i assume they follow the European convention , that is if the round is going High, you "Tell the sights the round is going high" by turning you turn towards the 'H' !

SP Users correct me hear please.

If the grip has bee set at too steep an angle I guess it could get in the way but I would be surprised.

Unfortunately I have no been able to fins the instructions for you.


Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 10:45 am
by Slo cat

I have had this happen to me too, once on a Pardini HP and once on my Steyr LP-10 when I installed a Nill grip. To explain the situation a bit more, the normal travel of the rear sight downward is inhibited by hitting the wood of the rear grip. Sometimes the wooden grip is not relieved enough to allow full travel of the rear sight, or the grip's rake is adjusted so that the rear of the grip is raised up and again interferes with rear sight travel. I think one sees this situation more often when installing an aftermarket grip than with a factory grip.

To determine if this is the case with your gun, remove the grip slowly, watching the travel of the rear sight downward. As you remove the grip, if you can see the rear sight move downward, then you have grip interference with sight travel. Or if you see the rear sight touching the grip, you probably have this situation too.

The fix is simple, just remove an appropriate amount of wood where the rear sight is touching the grip.

This is not an issue on most pistols, unless the shooter likes a deep sub-six hold.

In cases where the rear sight is bottomed out and not touching the grip, then installing a taller front sight is the way to correct the problem. I had to do this on my Hämmerli 208s.

Best Regards,
Slo cat

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 10:58 am
by Fred
Actually what is described here sounds much more extreme than a slight amount of interference between rear sight and grip. Using a sub-6 hold, no gun's rear sight adjustment should come anywhere near the bottom of travel. More often it would be near the top of travel. The deeper the sub-6 hold, the higher the rear sight would need to be.

IIRC, the earliest SP News were supplied with unusually short front sights. I seem to remember someone complaining on TT about the difficulty and time involved in getting a proper height replacement sight. It sounds like Wai's SP New might have that problem.


Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:36 pm
by deleted1
Fred you are quite correct that this was a problem with the "new"breed of SP's. The Pardini grips would be tough to adjust for rake as the bolt which joins the grip to the body has no room for adjustment once it's in place. The problem should be addressed to see if your sight picture is correct, ( no insult intended) ; then bench the gun ( be aware that the bolt release button, on the bottom of the shroud, should not rest on anything during firing or a trip to to the manufacturer or importer will follow). If the same sight problem persists then contact manufacturer of importer for the fix.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 7:36 am
by wai
after talking with some of guys around here, the agreement is to file down the grip a bit to give more clearance for the rear sight.

Fred is correct about the short Front Sight, one of the SP New in the club has a very short Front Sight and it means center hold was not possible on that gun.

It seems like Pardini may have some QC issue as the grip on this SP New appears to have a bulge under the rear sight !!