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much time to see P44 in championships

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:53 am
by Nano
To the forum:

I do not explain myself so that the pistols of last generation, delay so much in being used in world competitions level.
All know that the pistol Steyr more used in the world-wide championships is the LP1 (CO2) and not the LP10 silver or gold.
Leonid Ekimov, the great Russian shooter of 19 years, uses the model P34 (10 years old) and not the new model P44. until by a marketing subject he has to use the last one, but surely there is a period of test.
¿We must wait 10 years to see p44 in world-wide championships?


Niet, Igor

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:04 am
by Stanislav
Niet, Igor, the P44 will enter int. competitions soon. Very soon. Some short delays due to personal adjustment of features and grips.
The P44 is a very good one, that is for sure.
Better than a custom tuned LP 10 or @?
Just as good, I would say, right from the shelves. No custom tuning needed.

Re: much time to see P44 in championships

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:32 am
by LukeP
Nano wrote:To the forum:

I do not explain myself so that the pistols of last generation, delay so much in being used in world competitions level.
All know that the pistol Steyr more used in the world-wide championships is the LP1 (CO2) and not the LP10 silver or gold.
Leonid Ekimov, the great Russian shooter of 19 years, uses the model P34 (10 years old) and not the new model P44. until by a marketing subject he has to use the last one, but surely there is a period of test.
¿We must wait 10 years to see p44 in world-wide championships?

I think that top shooters have a lot of confidence with their "instruments", so change ask to loose some time to adapt (also for a better pistol); many shooters declare this fact also on pilkguns interview.
I think that p44 have two competitors: it was presented after a very bad (as diffusion) pistol (p40), and it start its own life before an olympic event (2008), so i think that only few top shooter maybe can upgrade from p34 or similar, or low profile shooter will try it as an experiment.
IMHO, if for a lucky strike a fwb will win the olympic games, this event can add more attractions at this pistol, than every other promotion.

Rear sight blade fully adjustable...

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:30 am
by FWB owning
LukeP wrote:

..rear sight blade not resizable, for example...

The rear sight of my P44 is fully adjustable. AT the right hand side of the rear sight there is
1. the nob adjusting vindage, market R - L
2. the small slot screw, market + and -

Cost of spare parts? I have owned FWB APs in the past, and hardly needed any spares. Just an o-ring, or two, and a seal, I recon.

Have you ever handled a P44 LukeP? No? How come you are so sure about the adjustability of the rear blade. I find your comment incorrect, and dilletanitic.

I purachased the P44 for its very crisp tripper. FWB have hitherto not been reknown for crisp triggers of their APs. If this tripper stays that crisp for many thousands of shots, then it is kind of a breakthrough. Time will show.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:53 am
by Richard H
Congrates there's an insult I've never seen hurled on this forum, calling someone a "dilettante".

In the recent past I've never been a big fan of FWB (P34,P40), but the P44 is pretty nice, I suggest that anyone looking for a new pistol include it in their possible choices.

Re: Rear sight blade fully adjustable...

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:20 am
by LukeP
Sorry, i make an error and i don't explain me on english very well.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:35 pm
by Richard H
Luke are you talking about the depth of the rear sight notch, because the width is adjustable from about 2.5mm to 5mm.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:11 pm
by cdf
The FWB p44 is a very interesting gun , and looks very credible . To my uneducated finger the trigger felt on a par with the Morini , and superior to my LP10 ( bear in mind I have only inspected one example ). If I'd had large ammounts of spare cash , I would have been tempted .

All that said , if I had a functioning LP10 ( Which I do ) , I do not see a compelling reason to switch to the P44 .

The P44 seems to be a very credible pistol in the same class as the LP10 , but probably not demonstrably superior .

If I were buying a new or first AP I would give it serious consideration .

Feel free to take all this with a pinch of salt , as I am only a very low level competitor .


P44 superior? well, sertainly not inferior...

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:39 pm
by Europeo
The P44 versus the Lp10. I do not own an LP10, but I have fired one accasionallly.
The trigger pull of the P44 is better. As good as, or better than the Morini 162 mechs (which have set a standard).
The P44 does not suffer from the annoying "forward-slapping" of the trigger at discharge, which is often noticeable, and not easy to cure by the Morini 162.

The rear sight blade lot of the P44 is adjustable for width, as is the blade of the LP10.
The rear sight assy of the P44 can be moved rearward or forward. That goes for the LP 10 too, I think?
The rear sight assy (and front sight assy) of the P44 can be tilted, to compensate for a "scew wrist". I am not quite sure, but the LP 10 does not have this feature? Correct me if I am wrong).
The P44, less balance weights, is leighter than the LP 10, which is an advantage for some shooters.

Re: Niet, Igor

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:52 pm
by Nano
Stanislav wrote:Niet, Igor, the P44 will enter int. competitions soon. Very soon. Some short delays due to personal adjustment of features and grips.
The P44 is a very good one, that is for sure.
Better than a custom tuned LP 10 or @?
Just as good, I would say, right from the shelves. No custom tuning needed.
Are you a shooter? from wich country? If possible, please explain more your post about "custom tuned" in LP10, for that, you have to change some parts or only make a fine adjust in the stock trigger?


Re: P44 superior? well, sertainly not inferior...

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:08 pm
by Richard H
Europeo wrote:The rear sight assy (and front sight assy) of the P44 can be tilted, to compensate for a "scew wrist". I am not quite sure, but the LP 10 does not have this feature? Correct me if I am wrong).
The LP10 can adjust for cant by adjusting the entire pistol, the P44 can adjust just the sights for cant. Different system to tackle a similar problem.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:40 am
by Guest
Nano wrote: Are you a shooter?
If possible, please explain more your post about "custom tuned" in LP10, for that, you have to change some parts or only make a fine adjust in the stock trigger?
Am I a shooter? Are you kidding me? You can probably figure that out yourself, just as yo figured out the rear sight slot of the P44 was not "resizeable". (How bad does it get?).

LP10 often have some, or "a little" creep of their triggers. For some of the notional teams, the factory handpick espesially good specimens (accuracy), and hone the sears, if nesessary, to get a crisper let-off, and stable let-off weight. It takes some experience to do this right and well.
Some teams have "gunsmith-support" available to tune and adjust guns, whenever needed.
The parts used are stock parts, as far as I know.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:07 am
by JulianY
There is not much on an LP10 trigger that cant be adjusted. In Europe, and i am sure the same is true in the US, Steyer through there reps provide fantastic service. My trigger from the factory was far from ideal, But it only took Harry Preston (Steyer UK) 5 min on the phone to explain to me what I had to do. and the results are amazing. It feel completely different, whilst i have never handled a P44 I find it hard to imagine a nicer trigger that of the adjusted LP10 when properly adjusted. Defiantly not the same as the factory setup, dont even think of comparing.

Steyr seem to setup for "average" and expect you to make adjustments for you needs. Whilst all the details are not in the manual, the reps have the know how and they seem to expect top shooters to know their reps.

On the subject of word cup shooter, I get the impression that it is the ladies that adopt new weapons before the men.


Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:56 pm
by slavochk
JulianY wrote:... But it only took Harry Preston (Steyer UK) 5 min on the phone to explain to me what I had to do. and the results are amazing. It feel completely different...
What's the secret?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 3:42 am
by JulianY
slavochk wrote:
What's the secret?
Training and Experience. - Both Scott and Harry have vast amount of both. Both of the gents have handled as set up countless pistols for some of the world best shots.

If you want a gun like the top pros, don't expect to get it out of the box . - they don't expect to and nor should you. Take any two new guns p44 or LP10 or even Gamo Compact and they will feel different. Manufacturers set the up on a "best compromise" basis so the average shooter should get good results. To compound the problem what one person feel in a trigger is different to someone else even for the same trigger. If your requirements are greater than this then it will need adjustments.

If you think about it, no one in their right mind would expect to buy Porsche and expect it to be in race condition out of the factory. Nor would you expect to find instructions for tuning the engine timing in the handbook! Like wise you would not expect you corner garage to be able to do it properly.

What harry did was talk to me. First about what i felt, then about how the various way the it could be setup. and then finally which screws to turn and how much. I cant remember the exact sequence, but it would be kind off meaningless , because you would probable not want my set up and would be starting from a different point.

The magic, if any was that Harry was able to listen, advise and then guide me through the process.

Is the P44 better than the LP10? Trigger for Trigger? My guess NO they are probably as good as each other just different. it's too subjective. you could have one of each set up perfectly and then be able to make the decision which is best for you, but thats all.

Lastly consider what is realy best for you. Do you wan a trigger that feelsl great , and is forgiving of you faults? or do you want a trigger that is unforgiving and forces you to use correct technique?