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USA Shooting website

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:28 pm
by Ted
I noticed the website finally got a change. Is it just me or is it incomplete? It is pretty dismal if what is there now is the finished product.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:24 pm
by Bill177
At this point I'd have to agree - there is nearly zero content. Perhaps they are just getting started with it.

Can't even get logged in

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:04 am
by RangeMom
I've tried the process several times over the past two days and can't get logged in to the membership section. Filled in the member number, requested the password, waited the few minutes as directed, retreived the password sent to my e-mail, followed the link on the e-mail with the password, entered the member number, entered the birthdate, entered the password that was sent and got an error message " Invalid password - use the password sent to you by e-mail"! when i went to the trouble shooting site, same as the online support form site, the problem is not discussed. I clicked on the link at the bottom of the page for "contact us" and got an invalid address link. And oh by the way, my security software says the USAS new website provider's manufacturer's software security certificate has expired.

Are there any other frustrated members out there trying to get on the site? I just wanted to get applications for Spring Selection Match and USAS Nationals. I called competitions division to ask to have the forms faxed or mailed to me since I could'nt get on the site and was told sorry, you will have to register online. this is unacceptable service to the membership.

Not a happy camper,

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:57 am
by JulianY
I see their SSL Certificate Expired in December mmm...


USA Shooting

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:32 am
USA Shooting downloads are available on the U.S. Olympic Committee Press Box Website. Click on shooting under summer sports.

Re: USA Shooting

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:52 am
by Fred Mannis
USAMU wrote:USA Shooting downloads are available on the U.S. Olympic Committee Press Box Website. Click on shooting under summer sports.
Tried your suggestion. Couldn't find the Summer Sports entry. Tried clicking on Shooting, which led me back to the non-functional USAS web site.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:39 am
by Richard H
Fred go to that web site and click on "news" on the left side , then on that page at the bottom there is a drop down box that says "summer sports" choose shooting and then there is a blurb about USA shootings web site not working and all the downloads are at the bottom.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:45 am
by Fred Mannis
Richard H wrote:Fred go to that web site and click on "news" on the left side , then on that page at the bottom there is a drop down box that says "summer sports" choose shooting and then there is a blurb about USA shootings web site not working and all the downloads are at the bottom.
Thanks Richard. Found it. It contains a download of an overview calendar schedule, no detail.
I just got a response from Kimberly Hardin at USAS. She says the site should be up and woking later today. Info on and applications for the Nationals must be handled through the web site.

Applications for Matches and Camps

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:40 pm
by RangeMom
Thanks Fred,

I made it to the downloads through the USOC press box site. The applications for entry to the Spring Selection Match and for USAS Nationals are not available there.

I was pleased to see the Applications available there for the 2007 National Advanced Junior Shooting Camps. As the instigator of the additional Rifle Camp in Hawaii this summer, please allow me to encourage all you aspiring junior shooters to apply for these camps.


USA site

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:51 pm
by Shooter
I also linked to some of the info through the USOC site, and found some info on a huge shooting event in Argentina in March. This event has a full schedule of shooting events for just about everyone, but it is open only to people over 30 years old, which I certainly fit. I would dearly have loved to take this one in, not having been to S. America before, and I only wish I had known about it early on. USAS and others were notified in Nov. of 2006 about the match/event. How come I never saw anything on their web site or in the publications about it? I do wish they would spread the word about such events so that those of us who are not ever going to make the US team could have the chance to shoot outside the country. Too bad I have to miss it, but that's life.
Don in Oregon

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:04 pm
by deleted1
USAS has apparently been in a turmoil for a while now, stories abound about it being either failing or about to fail. Kind of put yourself in the midst of the grande putsch with the house cleaning that went on in "Pistol Shooter's Heaven", and deservedly so. We had a bunch of shooters we were supporting who hadn't produced quotas, medals or anything to really brag about. I am also aware the same scythe is about to decimate "rifle shooters heaven". Things ain't looking good for our non-uniformed international shooters. While our AMU's are coming up with some credible talent and performers. Where we (USAS, NRA) will continue to fall way short is the lack of bringing these programs to the youngsters < 13 yrs. of age. USAS has picked up a real pistol "assistant coach" advisor in the form of a former Soviet pistol coach/competitor to help Lubov discover the difference between an air rifle and a free pistol. With this new "advisor" we just may see some future for the USA non-uniformed in international pistol. Colorado is in an uproar because the only shooting sport that has been making winning headlines are the shotgunners. Because the american shotgun program is not hamstrung by the local laws and ordinances as are pistol shooters and rifle shooters to some point. Pistol doesn't look as glamorous as do the smallbore shooters with their fancy leather suits, jackets and space boots---these accoutrements are much more enticing and noticeable by the youngster than a baseball cap and a pistol. It ain't the shooting it's the uniform that attracts more smallbore shooters to the shooting line. I know this from my experiences on the collegiate level coaching, the shooters with the plain old 10-X jackets look at the incoming team in their fancy leathers and they become ingrained with hopless feelings, just based on that alone. We could talk for years about this, but talk is cheap and is the crutch of the crippled mind, let's campaign for the right way to do this. Notice in Europe et al, bicycle races are a big deal, motorcycle races draw millions, automobile races give NASCAR a run for it's money in attendance, Soccer is the only National professional pastime in most a Europe and surroundings, a pistol match or a schuetzenfest, rifle competition draws crowds folks. The USA is so loaded with junior tennis, lacrosse, soccer, baseball, football etc, programs---with all the fancy accoutrements---and people who have been bulldozed into being anti-gun to near hysteria---how are you going to get kids "interested" in our sport. Bullseye is waning and Cowboy Action IDPA and IPSC are the "in" events and where is international FP, AP & SP----you gotta look with a strong magifier to find these events---guys & gals WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE????

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:52 pm
by Grey D
Come on USA Shooting....How can you call this a new and improved web site? It is just a re-badging of the old website which was a disaster. Why are you trying to reinvent the wheel? There are plenty of other web sites out there to copy. This new website is an insult to your membership and I echo the previous comments that the website delivers unsatisfactory service to your membership. It also doesn't improve your ability to communicate with the public or media in any fashion.

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:53 am
by Guest
What a shame that USAS has initiated their 'new' website without a posting on the home page that the website is either still under construction or is actually the 'new and improved' version.

I sure hope it is not the 'new and improved' version!

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:09 am
by Fred Mannis
I just tried to log in to the new membership site - no success. Says it doesn't recognize my birthday and won't send me a password, but does recognize my membership info. Perhaps they should have done more beta testing

Sticking with the web site subject

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:56 am
USAS is taking on a major project to combine the web site with the membership and match results databases etc. This is not really new technology, been done many times. Customers of my company can tap into their account information and see a truck load of product ten minutes after we ship the product. Of course, we have an extensive IT staff to create and maintain these systems and infrastructure.

The key mistake USAS is making is the same one patternof mistake. Lack of communication. Why not send some emails via Quickshots, allow us to schedule matches (we are told to wait for the new web site, Wait my ass, there will be fewer matches), etc.

Mr. Riegl stated:
USAS has apparently been in a turmoil for a while now, stories abound about it being either failing or about to fail.
Is this something new or just the continuing saga?

Secret societies

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:24 pm
by Bill177
USAS members only web pages and information will, as other organizations have experienced, drive both potential and current members away.

I have web mastered both kinds of web sites and recommend against anything but an open site. Open is very important, especially when looking at something with a small audience. And, let's face it, target shooters are a small audience.

Those dedicated to the art will join and pay their dues. The tire kickers will just pass through. But, if the site is not easy to navigate (and you have to have your secret decoder ring) ................. well, I am sure you get the idea by now.

New Website

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:32 pm
by Fred Mannis
To those of you who are tempted to log on to the new website, don't bother - at least not for another week. They are still working out the bugs. People I talked to tried to be helpful, but they obviously have no experience it what is involved in bringing up a new interactive website. The only testing apparently was by the administrators, not by the outside members.

I have spent three hours online trying to follow their directions, talking to adminstrators, following directions, talking to administrators,..... Got very close to registering, but got kicked off again at the very end. Sigh :-(

Some tips to those who want to try:
-call 1 719 866 4670 and make sure they have your birthday and email
-when entering your member #, do not enter the leading zero(s)


Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:23 pm
by Fred Mannis
Finally was able to get logged in. Helluva process, but it looks like a nice site easy to get around.

Re: Secret societies

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 8:56 pm
by Grey D
Bill177 wrote:USAS members only web pages and information will, as other organizations have experienced, drive both potential and current members away.

I have web mastered both kinds of web sites and recommend against anything but an open site. Open is very important.

Bill, I completely agree. I find it ridiculous that USA Shooting is trying to build a closed site. Whats the point? USA Shooting suffers from a lack of communication and exposure and having a website that forces people to register for unique content is not going to solve any problems.

Lets face it, in today's world an organization's website is its primary method of communication and interaction with the public. It is an organization's public face. A great website can be a huge asset to an organization and bad ones leave an awful impression.

I hope USA Shooting can eventually enter the 21st century and doesn't squander resources on a poorly thought out website. Our sport needs USA Shooting to be a top notch organization and a world class website will help show the world that USA Shooting is serious.

Can this disaster get any worse?

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:01 pm
by Guest
They might as well start from scratch.