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Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:50 pm
by Reinhamre
There are very few results available in Sport Pistol on the SCATT site.
It is hard to judge a result in relation to others.
I have uploaded one file today and noticed that I seem to spend more time on every shot then everyone else. I do not enter the target from above. If I start from above and lover the gun I can shoot in 1, 5 sec. according to SCATT. The result will be bad though.
Also, it looks as my SCATT gives a lot of % in 10a0, have I a wrong setting anywhere?

Anyone here with a file to upload so that I can have a "model" to compare with? Any input is welcome.


Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:59 pm
by Mike S-J

I agree it would be useful to have examples of great shooters and their scatt traces, at least in the context of an analysis by an expert's eye to point out the differences and what they mean.

My coach has a Scatt, which he lends to his students. He keeps all the data on the controlling computer, so its easy to see how, and what, others do. But its not so useful (at least for a newbie like me) - seeing the traces of his best shooters is demoralising, but I accept that if you are a good shooter there may be some mileage to seeing others' traces.

It seems to me the real value of the tool is its completely objective quantification of YOUR shot process, rather thna as a comparative tool.

Good luck with your search.



Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:21 pm
by David Levene
Reinhamre wrote:Also, it looks as my SCATT gives a lot of % in 10a0, have I a wrong setting anywhere?
Kent, your settings look fine to me. The 10a0 percentage looks correct when you look at the very low "snatch factor" distances you are achieving in the last column.

I remember telling you a couple of years ago that your Scatt files showed a very good trigger release. I am pleased to see that, according to this latest file, your release has certainly not got any worse.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:53 pm
by Reinhamre
I was worried when I got 293 three times today and 14 of the last 15 was 100% on 10a0.
I have a feeling that I would be better off if I let go a half second earlier or maybe get a stronger arm. Last winter I could hardly lift the pistol due to a tennis elbow. This is a better start.
Another question though. Can this SCATT-work do the same as dry fire at a white wall? My guess would be no as there is this black spot to relate to.
SCATT training is "the same" as training on the range. Yes?

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:58 am
by Fred Mannis
Reinhamre wrote: Another question though. Can this SCATT-work do the same as dry fire at a white wall? My guess would be no as there is this black spot to relate to.
Not familiar with the SCATT, but I can shoot my RIKA against a blank card and use the trace for analysis.

Don't know about your SCATT traces, but I am envious of the results you showed with your new P44. Someday I hope to be able to shoot mine as well as you shoot yours :-). It is a very nice pistol, but I am trying to figure out how to get weight mounted closer to the muzzle so I can achieve the same inertia effect, but with less weight.
