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New Anti-Doping Rules

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 4:23 pm
by David Levene
It seems that the ISSF have issued new anti-doping rules.

Unfortunately, at the moment, the file on the ISSF and ISSF-News sites seems to be corrupted.

I have advised the ISSF so hopefully the fault will be rectified soon.

Watch this space.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:48 am
by David Levene
It looks like they have corrected the file of the new anti-doping rules.

I haven't gone though them looking for changes yet but remember, compliance is the responsibility of each individual competitor.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:29 am
by Torn Fibre
On a less serious and more enjoyable note I'll drink to that - Horlicks or Ovaltine ... hic ;<)

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:30 pm
by Richard H
You will be happy to learn that Beta-Blockers have been removed from the banned subsatnce list for Chess players.

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:45 pm
by El Capitan
I fail to see why anti-doping rules are necessary.

Can anyone point me to anything that has a proven performance-enhancing effect on shooters?

Thank God the US NRA does not go along with this international stupidity.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:40 pm
by RobStubbs
El Capitan wrote:I fail to see why anti-doping rules are necessary.

Can anyone point me to anything that has a proven performance-enhancing effect on shooters?

Thank God the US NRA does not go along with this international stupidity.
Nothing stupid about it. Look up 'beta blockers and shooting'. There's articles about it in some of the older medical / sports science journals. As for anti-doping rules, you don't have to enter competitions but if you do enter those that enforce the rules then you abide by them or risk the consequences.


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:40 am
by JulianY
I had a surprise package in the post the other day form the ISSF the anti doping update! I guess this is because they have my name on record and buying the hard copy. Nice service is all I can say.

Are there any oviouse traps ie common medicines, perhaps over the counter, that should be avoided ? or is all "the banned stuff" perscription?


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:38 am
by _Axel_
El Capitan wrote:I fail to see why anti-doping rules are necessary.

Can anyone point me to anything that has a proven performance-enhancing effect on shooters?

Thank God the US NRA does not go along with this international stupidity.
Ritalin and Concerta is used to enhance concentration in ADD/Asperger patients.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:54 am
by David Levene
JulianY wrote:Are there any oviouse traps ie common medicines, perhaps over the counter, that should be avoided ? or is all "the banned stuff" perscription?
Far from it. Even a great many cold treatments have banned ingredients.

I am sure there are other such sites worldwide but you might like to look at UK Sport's Drugs Information Database.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:20 am
by JulianY
What about common foods? I know for example there has been this stink where someone had eaten poppy seed and failed a drugs test for heroin!

Unfortunately this is not an urban legend


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:41 am
by _Axel_
JulianY wrote:What about common foods? I know for example there has been this stink where someone had eaten poppy seed and failed a drugs test for heroin!

Unfortunately this is not an urban legend

Hempseed oil (the best imho), fish oil, linseed oil or other food containing omega3.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:46 am
by JulianY
_Axel_ wrote:
Hempseed oil (the best imho), fish oil, linseed oil or other food containing omega3.
Is Omega3 banned ?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:23 am
by David Levene
JulianY wrote:
_Axel_ wrote:
Hempseed oil (the best imho), fish oil, linseed oil or other food containing omega3.
Is Omega3 banned ?
I certainly can't see any reference to it in the 2006 Prohibited List.

Does it go under a generic description?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:43 am
by Richard H
None of those are banned, they could give false positives on some forms of testing.

As for Ritlin being Performance enhancing amazingly enough you can get a TUE for it.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:36 am
by TWP
_Axel_ wrote:
El Capitan wrote:I fail to see why anti-doping rules are necessary.

Can anyone point me to anything that has a proven performance-enhancing effect on shooters?

Thank God the US NRA does not go along with this international stupidity.
Ritalin and Concerta is used to enhance concentration in ADD/Asperger patients.
Both of them are stimulants.

While they help increase the concentration of those with ADD they would have the same effect as drinking about 10 cups of coffee on a person without ADD.

Not really the effect a shooter needs.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:39 am
by _Axel_
Its very individual how one reacts, some get ill, some get benefits.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:46 am
by deleted1
What happened to a shot of brandy as a good "group tightener?" With all the rules that come from the IOC re: doping we still have people who always "push the envelope", do you think that we have gotten away from the original Olympic Spirit? Ever since the era of the Cold War and the Eastern Bloc "athletes" we have been overwhelmed with this "need to win regardless of cost"-----Political Olympics. The need to develop the "cheating edge" is what is emphasized and has overwhelmed the basic concept of competition. While I enjoy International Shooting, my disdain for the Olympics has been fortified by the drugs and outright cheating that seems to pervade the Olympics and the events that lead up to this expensive spectacle. When the Russians gave us the likes of Tamara Press, it was the beginning of the whole mess---and look where it has taken us today.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:15 pm
by RobStubbs
Unfortunately all nations have drugs cheats, including yours and mine. That is precisely why there are such strict anti-doping rules and why punishments can be so severe. It is however a sad state of affairs but with the exorbitant sums of money sports stars can earn (perhaps not in shooting) one can see the how the lure of $ signs surpases personal integrity.


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:53 pm
by Richard H
Bob Riegl wrote:What happened to a shot of brandy as a good "group tightener?" With all the rules that come from the IOC re: doping we still have people who always "push the envelope", do you think that we have gotten away from the original Olympic Spirit? Ever since the era of the Cold War and the Eastern Bloc "athletes" we have been overwhelmed with this "need to win regardless of cost"-----Political Olympics. The need to develop the "cheating edge" is what is emphasized and has overwhelmed the basic concept of competition. While I enjoy International Shooting, my disdain for the Olympics has been fortified by the drugs and outright cheating that seems to pervade the Olympics and the events that lead up to this expensive spectacle. When the Russians gave us the likes of Tamara Press, it was the beginning of the whole mess---and look where it has taken us today.
Look into the history of both the ancient Olympics and Modern Olympics and there has always been cheating. For as long as human kind when ever there is something at stake there has been cheating. I don't condone it but to think and characterize cheating as something new to the modern world is wrong.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:40 pm