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Where to shoot AP in S. Cali

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:04 pm
by ado
Where can i shoot AP in S. Cal or there is a AP match schedule S.cali. thanks

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:27 am
by Bill Poole
olympic range at Prado, I think it will be a week from tomorrow, search our old posts on the subject at the beginning of november... or wait a few hours the guys who run it will be responding to you


Prado Air Pistol

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 8:15 am
by paw080
Hi Ado, I was shooting in an FT match several weeks ago,and wandered
over to the 10 meter building because there were some cars parked in front
of the doorway. I talked with a person there. He said they shoot AP every
first sunday of the month; they were the (Bear??) Mountain club. They
invited me to shoot with them. I might have to skip next week's match,
but I'd like to try February's meeting...By the way, I suck at 10 meter
AP and I'll use my ancient RWS 6M or a Gamo Compact or a Marksman
2004. Also shame on me, I live in Corona, about 12 miles from the 10 Meter
venue. maybe I 'll see you there sometime soon. Some of us FT guys are
also looking to try our 10 match air rifles in the future.

Tony G

Matches at Prado in Chino

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 9:26 pm
by kbc
I got this from Greg Knutzen - one of ther persons who is coordinating the matches at Prado.
We will be shooting the first Sunday of each month except September and January. The air pistol matches will start at 9am.



AP in Phoenix club

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:27 pm
by Joe66
I remember reading somewhere in this forum that you are shooting 10-meter AR in the Phoenix club in Anaheim. Don’t they shoot 10-meter AP also?

Yes, both AR and AP

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:50 am
by guest123
I think the Phoenix club in Anaheim has an indoor 10-meter range. They should be able to shoot both 10-meter AR and AP.