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Poll: Should USAS Use the 3X Instead of National Champ....?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:08 pm
by CA Bullseye
While surfing the big waves of WWW I saw the following posted on the USAS site:


Should USAS use the 3X Air Match instead of National Champ. to select air rifle and pistol teams?

· Yes! Choose the air squads at the 3X Air Match!
· No. Air teams should be selected at Nationals.
· Depends. (Make comments on the poll to explain)

I noticed that there were only 11 votes cast. I have my opinion and voted, are you going to let my vote speak for you too?

CA Bullseye

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:42 pm
by Fred Mannis
Thanks for the heads up. Just voted. I rarely go there anymore; hopefully the new site will be more user friendly.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:36 pm
by JulianY
Help us international folk out hear. I for one have no iea of the the issue or what it is about.


Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:59 pm
by Bill Poole
International Folks!

for an explaination:

3X Air (pronounced "three-times-air") is a 3-day air gun match, all 4 events, at Olympic Training Center in Colorado, about 60 shooters in each event (except women's AP, help, send us more ladies!) This year and last it was the first weekend in december.

national Championships are almost all international events (all 5 men's and both women's pistol, all air and 50m rifle, but no RT anymore, 300m and shotgun national championships are held as a different event) held in June, recently in Fort Benning Georgia, usually about a 6 or 8 day long event, hundreds of shooters, but not everyone shoots everthing, so probably fewer shooters in the air events than at 3X

in recent years, members of the US national team have been selected at the Nationals. It sounds like the issue is to propose selecting for Air at 3X and for firearm events at nationals. This would allow a shooter to concentrate exclusively on one event prior to the tryouts (air in the fall, 50m or 25m in the spring)

I think the input from all'a ya'll foreigners would be very welcome here on this forum, you may have opinions we had not considered, but I don't think you all should "vote" on the web site poll since its a US question.

However, attention international shooters! most of our events are open to visitors, we had some Czechs, a buncha canadians and a norwegian at 3X last week. I'd LOVE to see more of you show up for our events!!!!

shoot good


Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:03 pm
by JulianY
chears bill

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:41 pm
by pgfaini
Fred Mannis wrote:Thanks for the heads up. Just voted. I rarely go there anymore; hopefully the new site will be more user friendly.
Don't think so Fred, I've been trying to access their on line shopping site, and I get the message: "Sorry, you are not authorized to use the browser bar". Called USAS and they say they're able to get on, it must be my computer, so I then called my son in another town. He tried, and got the same message. Christmas time is the wrong time for their sales site to be down, they no longer print a catalog. I must have a dozen discount coupons here with nowhere to use them. Just thought I'd treat myself to one of those neat aluminum pistol boxes, if they still have them.

Shopping at USA Shooting

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 6:51 pm
by LadyJayne
Fred Mannis wrote:Just thought I'd treat myself to one of those neat aluminum pistol boxes, if they still have them.
Here is a link that may help. If you can not locate what you want, I would suggest the USAS merchandise manager. She can be reached on the general USAS phone line.

Storm Cases ... y_Code=SMC

Also, the new USA Shooting web site will be launched in January 2007, so we will see if the site has significant improvements.