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Kruger Target Query

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:23 am
by Torn Fibre
Hi All

It's that time when my poor old brain needs a caffein boost, which I also know isn't good for a steady hold. Meanwhile can anyone please let me how the column in the top right of this type of target is used?

I presume it is for scoring purposes, maybe or something else?

Cheers Torn Fibre - not quite fully awake yet.

Thanks to Rob Stubbs for pointing me in the right direction for some decent paper which arrived today.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:55 am
by David Levene
Yes, it's for scoring although not as required by pure ISSF rules.

Kruger are assuming a maximum of 5 shots per target. Write the score for each one in a box then total them.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:55 pm
by Torn Fibre
Hi David L

Thanks for the answer to my puzzle as it never occurred to me it is for 5 shot scores – it seems so obvious now.

May I also take this opportunity by thanking you for the Cam177 contact Jim Mallows where at an Open Meeting I had the pleasure of talking to him and his good wife. I also had the pleasure of meeting our illustrious Mr Rob Stubbs who was competing in two disciplines. Chris Hector was also on the 10M rifle range but I had no idea of his fame until Rob highlighted the fact.

I am not counting scores yet, so will not be using the column, as I am still learning about all the other aspects of this fascinating demanding sport. At least I now have some decent target paper to punch away at as I try to reduce my groups.

Cheers TF

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:55 am
by RobStubbs
Don't forget you can show us how nice they look with some holes in as well ;-) Hope they are as you expected, and I guess having got 3000 of them they should keep you happy for a few years <g>


Target longevity

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:19 am
by Torn Fibre
Hi Rob

They are better than expected. As for longevity I reckon if I don't over do it and take it real easy, say 3 targets per week at 10 shots each should last about 20 years and 30,000 pellets ;-) he he.