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Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:04 pm
by pilkguns
I am in Germany and have not been on TT till now. I have tried to remove most of the recent Chet posts. sorry for the interruption to our schedulted programming

David Levene, would you please contact me. on this board or my regular e-mail preferred.

Free speech...

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 4:11 pm
by Chet Skinner
Sorry but I must rely upon the goo old US Laws her and tell you that I enjoy the right of free speech which David does not in the UK. I have not don't any thing wrong or violated any laws and so there in no reason for my post to be eliminated. You may not like me but I have a legal right to post as alldo on this list.

Oh yes while I am at it, stop all the slander iiuopus post that you have put on this board about me. I have not pleagerised any ones work. There are staute of limintations that allows the use of specific writings or other privlaged information.

The only negative thing I ever said about you is I will not allow you to work on any of my rifles or pistols and that includes your assistants. However your negative post clearly give other incorrect information about my work and my personal reputation.

Chet Skinner, Coach.


Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 4:27 pm
by RobStubbs
Which part of the phrase 'you are banned' did you not understand ? You are spoiling the whole board for everyone else. Up to now you are able to post as a guest, don't be suprised if in the future that changes, because it's quite possible for our hosts to only allow registered members.


Freedom of speech

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 5:11 pm
by Another mystery guest
Chet -

At the risk of sounding rude, you are really clueless.

"Freedom of speech" does not impose upon Scott Pilkington the obligation to host your meandering writings, just as it does not obligate a newspaper or other medium to print anything you write.

Write anything you want. Set up a bulletin board and be king of your own hill. "Freedom of speech" means no one will come and shut down YOUR bulletin board.

PS - are you on drugs?

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:16 pm
by Guest
the problem with this board is that any unregistered person can post.

If you want to stop people from posting, change it to registered only. Simple.


Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:10 pm
by Chet Skinner
I made a port but it is gone now as some one was reading as I was typing I guess.

Basically, I said I have been shooting from 1948 and have served on an MTU plus coached at two universities. Unlike many I stopped shooting to commence coaching so I have as much coaching time as many of the competitive shooters have competitive shooting. Also was a planner for CISM competitions.

I take the notice that all of you are experts and that leaves me with only one question and that is how are all of you experts going to fit on the Gold medal stand at tne next Olympics..?

Maybe I am not the problem....?

Chet Skinner, Coach

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:10 pm
by Guest
Lets just give you benefit of doubt and assume first what you say is correct and accurate. Now comes the question, if what you say is correct and true why arn't people listening to you? Could it be the way that you are explaining it? Or is it that what you say is of a too high level that people here cannot comprehend the depth of it?

If and only if you truly know what you are coaching about you should have been able to reduce it to a level that someone with experience or even beginners will be able to understand.

To paraphrase Richard Feynman with a twist, you do not understand it if you cannot simplify it to a basic level.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:19 pm
by TWP
Last I checked Target Talk was paid for by Pilk Guns.

Since they are paying for it they can moderate content as they see fit.

There is no free speech within private organizations.


I've never met you, but it's pretty obvious to me that the vast majority of the folks around here don't want you here.

Why don't you go someplace you are wanted. If you can't find any place that you are wanted you should take that as a hint and maybe change your approach to things.

Don't go away mad, just go away.

Your Rights

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:20 am
by Guest
If you want to exercise freedom of speech, go stand on a street corner and have at it, buy a newspaper, purchase a domain and create at site, but don't think that because you exist you have the right to impose upon one who allows you to enter their space. Our most gracious host is, after all, footing the bill for all of this! Want to exercise your right under the 1st? Then do so on your own dime.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 9:27 am
by 120mm
I know I'm sick, but I really, really enjoy reading "Chet-like" posts in this and other forums and the inevitable "smack-down" by more stable human beings that typically follows.

I often feel like taking a shower, afterwords....

ignore him

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:56 pm
by bereznov
Chet seems to really get off on all the attention he gets in this forum.

A simple solution. IGNORE HIM and he will go far away where he can be a noxious rectal stimulus and attention grabber that is flattered by others flaming him. NO responses to chet, means no chet.

Give a baby attention when it cries and that is exactly what it will do. Ignore its cries, give it no attention when it cries, and it will be a quite baby.

As of this time, I will NEVER respond to any posting by chet, or any reply to a chet posting. I hope everyone else will do the same.

ignore him

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:58 pm
by bereznov
Chet seems to really get off on all the attention he gets in this forum.

A simple solution. IGNORE HIM and he will go far away where he can be a noxious rectal stimulus and attention grabber that is flattered by others flaming him. NO responses to chet, means no chet.

Give a baby attention when it cries and that is exactly what it will do. Ignore its cries, give it no attention when it cries, and it will be a quite baby.

As of this time, I will NEVER respond to any posting by chet, or any reply to a chet posting. I hope everyone else will do the same.

Re: ignore him

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 12:06 am
by Richard H
bereznov wrote:Chet seems to really get off on all the attention he gets in this forum.

A simple solution. IGNORE HIM and he will go far away where he can be a noxious rectal stimulus and attention grabber that is flattered by others flaming him. NO responses to chet, means no chet.

Give a baby attention when it cries and that is exactly what it will do. Ignore its cries, give it no attention when it cries, and it will be a quite baby.

As of this time, I will NEVER respond to any posting by chet, or any reply to a chet posting. I hope everyone else will do the same.
Not so, Chet likes to hear himself. He requires no resposnes to encourage him. Right now he seem to be the only person posting to the UIT forum with no responses and he's like the Energizer bunny he keeps going and going and going.