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The Kenmore Gang

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:59 pm
by kiko
I attended their first Sunday of the month FP match and it was just a blast. Thank you Larry for organizing the shooting so neatly and thank you Nicole for allowing me to shoot your Pardini semi auto. My son shot my Brownig Buckmark and managed to hold his temper and to shoot
" one shot at a time", I think he is learning to control his temper and character by getting along with people shooting "diferent" firearms disciplines.

At 50 ft I practiced a bit here in my hometown at 3 1/4 " black targets, the B 11 2 1/2 " black took me by surprise.

I wanted to see how good or bad my out of the box Browning 22 is capable of holding in the FP arena, but the Pardini experience was great.

Next time I'll be more prepared, my son saids he will gladly just watch me, I think his arm get tired as I forced him to shoot single arm.

scores any?

thanks everybody.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:23 pm
by Nicole Hamilton
Glad you enjoyed it. Larry still hasn't posted the scores, but I did look through the score sheets before I left. I won't embarrass anyone (including me!) by saying what the scores were except to say that anyone who thinks it's easier to shoot a FP match at 50' than at 25 or 50 yards has no idea what they're talking about! Our top score was way below what most of us shoot routinely on our 25 yard outdoor range.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:15 pm
by kiko
Is that true? that 2 1/4" black looked to me like trying to shoot a "fly" on the wall. Holding, breathing and technique remain the same though.

The controlled weather, lights, chair and coffe made the experience superb, oh, and the fact that I used only my binoculars was a general plus.

I am a 50 ft convert. I just made some 4 11/16 black targets to practice some SP shooting. Now I can feel better shooting my Daisy at 6.5 meters.

Travel light anyone? K

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:16 am
by bubba_zenetti
DOH! I missed it again. I was going to shoot my GSP in that.