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3P Sporter Air rifles

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:52 pm
by cmj
Got this from CMP, list all the currently legal rifles for Sporter Class

"The National Three-Position Air Rifle Council has approved the following Air
Rifle for Sporter Class air rifle competitions:
Daisy M853/753/953/853CM(pneumatic)
Daisy M888/887 (CO2)
Crosman M2000 (CO2)
Diasy XSV40 (Compressed air)
Air Arms T200 (Compressed air) that has a non-adjustable cheekpiece and

Please note that the Air Arms S200 or T200 rifles with adjustable
cheek-pieces or vertically adjustable butt-plates are not approved sporter
air rifles.

The new rule books are in the process of being printed and should be
available soon. If you have any more questions please feel free to contact

Fred Martin

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:40 pm
by jhmartin
Fred ... I know you're just passing on info:
Please note that the Air Arms S200 or T200 rifles with adjustable
cheek-pieces or vertically adjustable butt-plates are not approved sporter
air rifles.
And the XSV-40 that is essentially the same, but having an adjustable cheekpiece AND a vertically adjustable butt-plate is approved????

This is getting funny.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:32 pm
by cmj
Yes is getting funny, I had heard that after a certain serial number the XS40 was no longer legal, but the email I recieved does not say that, guess need to wait for the rule book to see whats what. Price on those AA S/T200 still pretty high compared to the 888.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:52 pm
by jhmartin
Well, to give credit to Air Arms .... maybe the only way they could keep the price under $500 or so was to have a solid stock & fixed buttplate.
I don't really know.

I do know CMP wants to keep the price low for sporters, while NRA seems to take the "look & feel" approach. (i.e. NRA allowed the Air Arms MPR Sporter in the Team Air Gun Nationals in the sporter category)
Both have their benefits, but both also have drawbacks ....

They got into the situation by allowing the XSV-40 in the first place, and now they are stuck with these odd decisions.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:33 pm
by cmj
The 400 MPR is way over the $500 limit, is NRA going to allow it at all sporter matches? It is far better than the 888. Looking at the front page of the rule book looks like NRA not part of the Air Rifle Councils and can do what they want. Going to be a can of worms

MPR Sporters are on the line at NRA events

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:14 am
by jhmartin
In a presentation titled "Air Gun Programs" at the NRA National JR Air Gun Team Championship in July this year, page 22 of the presentation, titled "New Equipment - Sporter", the following new --->>>NRA<<<--- approved rifles are listed:

1) Air Arms MPR Sporter (there was one team firing them)
2) Air Arms S200 (shows the non-adj cheekpiece & butt-stock)
3) Daisy 953 (I think this has a black composite stock)
4) Daisy 887

Anyone who just skipped to this part of the thread ... WARNING ... the 3-P Air Rifle Council has NOT approved the MPR Sporter)

So yes, a can of worms is opened. Just so you know that this is not contemplated, but actually in effect, I've included a portion of a photo that happens to show the MPR sporter on the line. These juniors were right next to the team I was coaching. Imagine my suprise to see these at a national championship .... back in the first part of July!

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:35 pm
by bobhead
This may only add to the confusion but the article in CMP's newsletter emailed today includes the following:

The Avanti XSV-40 air rifles that were sold by Daisy until 2005 continue to be grandfathered as legal sporters, but the new rules also place one additional limitation on what can be done with XSV-40 rifles that have vertically-adjustable butt-plates. Starting this year, those butt-plates must remain fixed in the center or neutral position during all sporter class events.

That seems odd given that the current rules specifically allow a vertically adjustable butt plate as long as the setting remains the same for all three positions (4.2.4). I've even heard it suggested that on a 853/753/888 it would be permissible to unscrew the butt plate and reattach it in a lower position as long as it remained there throughout the match.

I'm new to this (first year coaching) so I'm totally confused now.

I guess we'll have to wait to see what the new rules say in toto before we know what is now legal or illegal.


Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:46 am
by jhmartin
I have always gone by Rule 4.2.6 in regard of the buttplate.
4.2.6 Other Prohibited Modifications
Any alteration or modification of the external or internal dimensions or factory-manufactured parts of approved Sporter air rifles, or the substitution of factory-manufactured parts from other air rifles, not specifically authorized by these rules is prohibited. Except for the butt of the stock (see Rule 4.2.4), adhesive sprays or other non-slip material may not be used on the rifle or competitor’s clothing.
To me this always meant that the buttplate of, say an 888, could not be moved down. I viewed that as an alteration. You can extend it with the supplied spacers, but physically moving it to another spot was prohibited.

What drives me nuts is that I don't think they thought this thru totally, as the Crosman Challenger has the same type of buttplate vertical adjustment, and they say nothing about this.

It's ll a shame to me as the one real virtue that I saw in the XSV-40 was for my smaller shooters ... 8,9 & 10 year olds mostly, that we could move that buttplate and get a decent fit for them ... ALL my older kids shot it with the buttplate full down.

Ask & ye shall receive

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:20 am
by jhmartin
Sent the question on the Crosman to Gary Anderson:
his reply:
Subject: RE: XSV-40 buttplate


Thanks for the question. Yes, this requirement also applies to the Crosman
2000 butt-plate.


3-P Sporter Air Rifles

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:46 am
by Johnv
Shooters & Friends –
To clarify any misunderstandings about the NRA’s Air Rifle Programs –
· NRA does not have an approved list of Sporter Air Rifles. Any air rifle that does not exceed the restrictive conditions as listed in Rule 3.2 can be used in NRA sanctioned tournaments unless the match program specifies alternative types of equipment. The NRA will be happy to provide a rule book upon request.

· The NRA does not have plans to place a maximum price or value on a sporter air rifle. Air rifles are manufactured in the USA and overseas and prices change regularly due to market conditions & the value of the US dollar.

· The NRA’s Air Gun Committee is always open to any suggestions concerning the rules and changes that may be needed. The committee is made up of NRA Board of Director members, Representatives of numerous air gun shooting organizations and clubs, and experts with vast knowledge of air guns. Contact can be made thru the secretary of the air gun committee at: NRA, Attn: Secretary of the NRA’s Air Gun Committee, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030. The committee will be meeting on October 1, 2006 at NRA headquarters and any NRA member is welcome to attend.

FYI – Winning Sporter Team at the NRA Air Gun Championship used the following rifles: Daisy 753, Daisy Valiant XS-40, & Daisy 888.
It is unfortunate that some Sporter Air Rifles are allowed in NRA sanctioned competition and not approved for competition in CMP tournaments. Coaches should always pay close attention to equipment being purchased so as to get the most out of their equipment in their shooting education program.

approved air rifle

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:19 am
by smitty 28
Does anyone know if the Tech force 79 is approved . It is a reverse engineered crosman that was discontinued in 1970.

Postal Invitation

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:44 pm
Montbello Senior High School JROTC Marksmanship Team extends an invitation to you to compete in our 1st Annual Air Rifle Postal Match dedicated to a former Cadet who died in Kuwait while mobilized in support of OPERATION IRAQI

Each program or club may enter as many teams as they want in either the Sporter or Precision Category. Cost per team is only $20.00. Make all checks payable to Montbello Senior High School JROTC.

For more information such as registration and match rules, use the link below. ... stal+Match

Email if you plan on competing.


Herbert Maison
Army Instructor
Montbello High School
Denver CO 80239