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A new book for shooters!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:04 am
by pilkguns
Hot off the presses, just delivered this week. MENTAL TRAINING IN SHOOTING.

This is a real asset to any shooters library. Written by Anne Grethe Jeppeseen, a Norway Olympic coach and former top shooter and who also happens to be the wife of Harald Steenvag, one of the world’s top rifle shooters for many many years.

The book is true to its title, giving clear and concise ideas and instruction in the mental arena. It takes general ideas from mental success in business and other sports and applies them specifically to the sport of shooting. Ideas and concepts are quoted from numerous sources including some of the American giants in the field like Bill Pullum and Lanny Basshum.

The graphic design of this book is pleasing to the eye with significant ideas enlarged, and the details written in paragraph form. Practical ideas from weekly exercises to match preparations are given. It is an easy to read book and the translation from Norwegian to English overall very good with only a few awkward sentences here and there. It would make a very valuable companion to the Way of the Rifle.

We are pleased to be the first in the United States to offer this fine book, and will offer an introductory price of $40 until August 15th. Orders placed after that will be $45 each.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:41 am
by PaulT
Sounds interesting, do you ship to UK or is the an ISBN please?


Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 3:42 pm
by Cuervo79
I would be interested if you shipped it internationaly (Guatemala) and (I am not quite sure) if you accept payment via credit card.



Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:32 pm
by RifleNicky
how do i order? i went to the website but it is not under the books there.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 3:47 am
by RobStubbs
Cuervo79 wrote:I would be interested if you shipped it internationaly (Guatemala) and (I am not quite sure) if you accept payment via credit card.


I have just ordered a couple of copies to be shipped internationally (UK). Just phone their number listed and payment is fine by credit card. It is not yet listed because as the lady who answered told me, Scott is either bringing the books back now from Germany or they are being shipped. They are therefore too new to have made it onto the list of books advertised.


Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:56 am
by pilk@Frankfurt airport
I have the books with me now, and the they will be in Tennessee tonight I hope..... as long as the luggage gods are smiling....

Also I have another book hot of the press, Air Rifle shooting. from the same folks who wrote The Way of the Rifle. Details and prices on that when get home about 10 hours from now

Mental Shooting

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:37 am
by coach4824
Sorry you are such experts but you are not. The main problem you are having is the EGOcenteric mental conditions that is causing your problems! One of these days you will learn but not untill Basam goes crazy again as noted in past Internet communications as written by his hand. Bassam openly admits he is mentally unbalanced! Tell you the truth I was very supprised to read this open admission that Lanny admitted to.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:14 pm
by Guest
Hi Chet!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:17 pm
by Sparks


Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:07 pm
by Colin
PaulT wrote:Sounds interesting, do you ship to UK or is the an ISBN please?

all ready available in the uk ... l?cPath=35

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:57 pm
by peterz
What's the edition date on the Air Rifle Shooting? And did MEC or MEC/Visier come out with a new pistol or air pistol book?

Re: Colin

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:51 pm
by David Levene
Colin wrote:
PaulT wrote:Sounds interesting, do you ship to UK or is the an ISBN please?

all ready available in the uk
But it probably wasn't in August 2006 when PaulT posted his comment.

I think coach 4824 must have been hibernating for the past 4½ years.

Re: Colin

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:26 am
by RobStubbs
David Levene wrote: But it probably wasn't in August 2006 when PaulT posted his comment.

I think coach 4824 must have been hibernating for the past 4½ years.
Exactly David - if I remember correctly I got a few copies shipped at the time for shooting friends before any UK dealers started stocking them.
