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shooting glasses

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:30 pm
by bereznov
I am unfortunately now at that stage of life where I need to start using shooting glasses. My question is what are the preferred types?

I like the info on the Champion Super Olympic and the MEC shooting systems. I do not really like the Vargas. They do not seem quiet in the Cahmpion Super or MEC class. At present I seem to favor the Champion Super Olympic.

Any and all opinions welcome !

Vargas ain't so bad

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 6:50 am
by CraigE
Two items: I have used Vargas (from our host) for a year --a very satisfactory experience. Adjustability and fit are fine....for me. YMMV. In terms of quality, all parts seem adequately made and work fine.

Second item: Our host knows the marketplace and demonstrates dedication to supplying quality equipment. That being said, if the Vargas were not up to Pilkington standards, they would not be among the items for sale. There are other good brands out there for sure. Just wanted to affirm that I am happy with my purchase of the Vargas.


Shooting Glasses

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:06 am
by Ernie Rodriguez
Knobloch glasses are another good brand.They have many accessories and are in the middle of the price range.Ernie

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:43 am
by cdf
I had both Knoblocs and Vargas , both were good . I passed the Knoblocs on to a new shooter , to help get him started . The most important thing is to find a good shooting litertate eye doc.


Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 8:42 am
by RobStubbs
Buy what suits your requirements. They are all much of a muchness if they are comfortable and can be adjusted to suit your shooting style. Champion, Knobloch, Varga and Gehmans are all good.


Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 10:24 pm
by coffeyhj
I am new to all this and so far love my Vh argas glasses (and enjoy working with the fine people hosting our site!)

I walked over to the local drug store one day with a pen that was a little shorter than my pistol. Tried out a series of reading glasses and found the perfect lens (1.0'). Doubt they knew or cared why was using there readers this way, but it was cheaper than a trip to the DR's.

If the 1.0 do not work I have a question

Anyone know a shooting smart optomitrist or opthamoligist in the Baltimore area?