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hearing protection

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 8:35 am
by dam8
What type of ear protection do you use? I've used muffs, and plugs, don't know wich I think is better

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 8:42 am
by Bill Poole
the custom molded plugs seem to be best

then put the muffs on over that

this might be overkill for air and smallbore rifle or shotgun but helps for firearm pistol and centerfire rifle. Although for some rifle and shotgun shooters the muffs just get in the way.

many people recommend double protection, it further cuts down on distraction and provides more protection, kinda like my brother puts on sunscreen first then a long sleeved shirt before heading out for a day in his boat.

ear protection is even recommended for air gun shooting, both for protection and distraction control.


Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 6:11 pm
by Cartwheel
Another point - If you are practicing at your range the guy next to you may be firing his 44 Mag. Use as much protection as you can regardless of what you plan to be firing because the guy next to you may be firing a much louder handgun.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 11:25 pm
by utemarksman
I use muffs with the highest NRR number that I can find. Becaue my ears produce a lot of wax I don't use plugs. I've had too many ear infections caused by blocking the flow.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 1:53 am
by Steve Swartz
Plugs and noise cancelling hardshells, even for Air Pistol at home.

First for the safety impications.

Also for the "block out distracting noises" implications.

The hardshells only come off when it's so hot the hard shells become uncomfortable.

Steve Swartz

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 8:01 pm
by dam8
what about noise canceling form fitting piugs?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 11:16 pm
by Fred Mannis
dam8 wrote:what about noise canceling form fitting piugs?
They are very expensive and do nothing to reduce distracting background noise, chatter, etc. They are not noise cancelling, but simply cut off the electronics when a shot is fired. May not work with air guns.

Like many others I wear custom fitted plugs and ear muffs for pistol and rifle; just the earplugs for air guns and shot gun.


Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:41 am
by jh
There are two conduction paths to the ear (three if your mouth is open..).
- Down the ear canal
- Straight through the skull

Using plugs OR muffs will not stop both, plugs AND muffs will.
Personally I am too lazy, I use the best muffs I can find. The quality of available muffs does seem to have declined over the years.

BTW a friend of mine passed out while having fitted earplugs injected, not sure why. It did mean a one year driving ban from his doctor too.

Re: Muffs

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:10 am
by Fred Mannis
jh wrote: BTW a friend of mine passed out while having fitted earplugs injected, not sure why. It did mean a one year driving ban from his doctor too.
Good point.
I had mine fitted by E.A.R. Inc in Boulder and they are careful in their training and licensing of others. But I have seen plugs being fitted at matches (typically Sporting Clays) in a very sloppy and possibly unsafe manner. I would recommend looking at the credentials and references of anyone offering to make you a pair of custom fitted ear plugs.


Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:36 am
by deleted1
I found that ear plugs were itchy and distracting and didn't cancel noise worth a damn. Besides I had them made by that "dipitty dizz bag" at Camp Perry---she screwed the first one up and had to dig out the crap---crying all the way about her rotten husband. The second set she made are OK but I don't like them. The E.A.R. crew never got back to me about a local fitter---so I gave the idea up.