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Aperture Change during Comp? - SPORTER

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:07 pm
by jhmartin
I've checked the rules and it seems that it is OK for a competitor to change out their front apertures during a match.

Had this come up a few weeks ago at a match and I could not find any reason not to.

He was changing sizes between each position.

front insert change

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 6:09 am
by Albert B
Just because I am curious:
Is it allowed to have a variable front insert in sporter rifles? That would make things much easyer.

(The Netherlands)

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 6:48 am
by jhmartin
Nope .... adjustablle apertures are not legal
4.2.6 Other Prohibited Modifications
Any alteration or modification of the external or internal dimensions or factory-manufactured parts of approved Sporter air rifles, or the substitution of factory-manufactured parts from other air rifles, not specifically authorized by these rules is prohibited. Except for the butt of the stock (see Rule 4.2.4), adhesive sprays or other non-slip material may not be used on the rifle or competitor’s clothing.

Re: Aperture Change during Comp? - SPORTER

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:10 am
by Jay V
jhmartin wrote:I've checked the rules and it seems that it is OK for a competitor to change out their front apertures during a match.

Had this come up a few weeks ago at a match and I could not find any reason not to.

He was changing sizes between each position.
NRA or 3P Council rules?

I'm not sure what it's listed under in the book, but I'm pretty sure a competitor is NOT allowed to change aperatures during competition in sporter.

I don't have the rule books right here, but I'll look.

If you want to be sure, give the NRA and CMP Competitions Dept a call.

Jay V

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 1:29 pm
by jhmartin
My initial thought was that it is not legal to change them out, but it is not written in the 3-P Council Blue Book rules, so we let them go ahead.

Here's all the NRA Book says:
3.7.1 Sights
(a) Metallic - Only sights manufactured specifically for sporter air rifles shall be used. Any non-adjustable insert may be used in the sporter air rifle front sight.
I'll post a question to the CMP forum, but with Deb gone it's in then many month timeframe to get a response from them.

Whoops .... spoke too soon .... Christie Sewell is answering the rules questions now over there