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Pardini SP New rear sight width

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 7:41 am
by wai
Is the Pardini SP New rear sight width adjustable ?

If it is, can anyone let me know how to do it ?

I would assume the two "allen-head" screws on the face of the rear sight would be the one to use to adjust the rear sight width ?

Thank you.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 8:50 am
by Mark Briggs
Hi There Wai,

The new Pardini pistols all seem to use the same rear sight from what I've seen so far. My SP1 came with an adjustable-width rear sight notch. To find the adjustment screw, turn the pistol so its LEFT side faces you (ie so the ejection port faces away from you). Look at the side of the rear sight blade itself, and near the bottom edge you'll see there's a hole. This hole is where the sight width adjustment screw is located.

The two other screws you've mentioned actually affix the rear sight blade to main sight body. Don't take these screws out or your sight blade will fall off! ;-)

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 3:54 pm
by dnovo
I have a SP New (mechanical trigger) and believe that the width is adjustable. Unfortunately, I am in transit so can't check until I get home this weekend. The factory site references do show it as adjustable. You may want to go to the website and check. Dave

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 5:19 pm
by Nicole Hamilton
True, I just checked.

The SP New has an adjustable rear sight allowing the aperature width to be changed using the little hex wrench they supply with the gun. The adjustment screw is recessed into the left side of the sight. Clockwise increases the width.

This is a change from the original SP, which used a fixed width aperature blade for the rear sight but came with two of them, so you could choose whether you wanted narrow or wide.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 5:54 pm
by dnovo
Ah, good to know that when I get home and think about adjusting mine (which I really didn't plan on doing as it is set the way I like it now.) Apropous of nothing in particular, I have found that the Pardini line has a lot of nice touches like that, on my SP, my GPE Schumann and my K-22. I always got excellent service from the late Don Nygord and my dealings with the new distributor (Larry's Guns in Maine) has been excellent as well. Hopefully now that there is a US source of parts and service, we will see more of the Pardini product showing up at competition and on ranges here. Dave

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 6:12 pm
by Nicole Hamilton
I just wish Larry would give a little more attention to is keeping stuff in stock. Don was always pretty good about having a selection of guns and grips in all sizes. Whatever you wanted, he could get it to you in a few days. Larry seems to wait until somebody with a given size hand shows up wanting to buy before he thinks about ordering a grip in that size. As the sole US distributor for Pardini, it doesn't seem like it would asking too much for him to keep some spare inventory. Also, Don was the expert on Pardini: He knew everything there was to know about them. I think Larry is still learning the products.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:10 am
by dnovo
My experience with Larry has been more positive than yours, apparently. I agree that the late Don Nygord was one of a kind, a great human being and a superbly astute shooter and gun importer. It was a genuine pleasure to deal with him.

Yes, Larry is just getting his feet wet with Pardini, but from my conversations with him, I can say that he too is a very sharp pistolsmith, that he is dedicated to making a go of Pardini here in the US, and is in personal contact with Pardini to get everything up and running. My discussions with him on the purchase of my K-22 and my SP New, which I bought from him new, and my GPE Schumann, which was used and which he went through and checked out thoroughly and replaced battery, etc, was very satisfying. He seems to be very well versed in the workings of the Pardini line.

As for spares, he assures me that he is working on building an inventory and seems to have the needed 'normally needed' parts (firing pins, springs, etc) on hand. I understand the issue on grip sizes and ordering one at a time may be a rather difficult process given the transit issues.

Again, given my discussions with him, I feel that the situation you mentioned should only be a minor speed bump along the way. I respectfully suggest that Pardini makes a superior product and is a company very interested in supporting its owners. I would buy one without hesitation, given the issues I have seen with parts and support from other cojmpanies in the same field. Dave