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Free pistol simulation :

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:50 pm
by cdf
Is an AP firing at an AR target a reasonable aproximation ( leaving out wind , temprature , lighting fluctuations ) ?


Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:50 pm
by dflast
If you have enough room, shoot the 10m AP target at 50ft. Very near to an exact scaling of the FP target.


Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:10 pm
by Steve Swartz
. . . one large caveat: the perceived visual angular size of the target and sights will be much different . . . not sure what the purpose of the exercise would be . . .

Steve Swartz

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:31 pm
by deleted1
While I no longer participate in AP---because of choice---there is no other simulation of FP other than FP itself IMHO. And going a step further there is no better simulation than at 50 yards or metres. I personally use the 50' & 25 yards reduced targets indoors---with my preference going to 25 yards. The 50' target is a hell of a tough target (IMHO). When the weather warms up I will travel once a week to my clubs outdoor range and shoot on the 50 yard pistol range. Personally my scores at 50' and 50 yards are not identical, (mebbe they shouldn't be), but at 75 I am glad I still can find the target. What I do notice as a way of comparison, that FP has had definite good side effects on my shooting SP & CF, the patience that develops with trigger control in FP has a most definite carry over as well as the follow-through. I do not demean AP at all as I did compete for many years, it's just that I no longer wish to spend additional hours practising both venues.