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Desert Midwinter Matches Report

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 2:27 pm
by Slo cat
I just returned from the Desert Midwinter matches at Phoenix Rod & Gun Club. It was very enjoyable. There was free camping at the range. And the hospitality was awesome. Don Plante really knows how to run some great matches. Here are some of the highlights:

On Wednesday, all the ranges were open for practice. Cudos to Renold Schilke who ran the rapid fire range all day. Practice till you drop!

John Zurek won most of the matches. He got Free Pistol with a 554 (16 shooters), Center Fire Pistol with a 573 (17 shooting) and Air Pistol with a 577 (22 shooters). Tony Silva took Standard Pistol with a 558 (19 shooters) and Curt Lackey got Rapid Fire with a 537 (9 shooters).

Matt DeLong brought down his Univ. of Utah collegate shooters, about six or seven of them. Nicholas Zachman took fouth Free Pistol with a 511 and fifth in Air Pistol with a 551. These scores are very respectable and he will be in the running at the NRA Collegiate Nationals at Ft. Benning in March.

For the bullseye shooters, they then had a 900 service pistol match on Friday, a 2700 on Saturday and team matches on Sunday.

I got in more quality shooting here in four days of matches that I got in at the World Masters Games in eight days! You can bet that I will attend these matches in 2007.

Best Regards,
Slo cat

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:05 am
by Misny
Great report Slo cat! Those were some nice winning scores. Were all matches fired outdoor? What were the temperatures? Are there reasonably priced motels in the area?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:28 am
by Slo cat
All ranges were outdoor except for the 10 M. air gun range. The Rapid Fire range was at 25 meters, but the other outdoor distances were 50 and 25 yards, with the appropriate reduced targets. But the difference in shooting at the yards and meters targets is insignificant, to me anyway.

In the days before the matches, the temperatures were in the low 80's, but a cold snap arrived during the matches. You needed a coat when the first match began at 8:30 AM, but by 10:00, you were taking it off. Highs were in the 60's, I think.

I camped at the range and cannot speak to the cost of motels. Sorry.

Best Regards,
Slo cat

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:46 am
by Bill Poole
we shoot at this range several times a week and the other two big outdoor ranges take up more acreage but don't have as good precision pistol facilities, (the other ranges have better precision rifle facilities & more action events like IPSC & cowboy)

come visit any time

motels all over Phoenix, but I would probably pick one a little further away from the range due to the neighborhood and a bad experience a smallbore shooter had 5 or 10 so years ago... contact me when you are coming. is where this pistol match was held

shoot good!
