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Looking for precision smallbore and air rifles for college.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 11:25 pm
by 10.9paperpuncher
I am currently looking for a smallbore and an air rifle to buy for when I go to college. Right now I borrow guns from my coach. Does anyone have any suggestions, what to get or what not to get, or anything of that sort? I have been looking mainly at FWBs and Anschuetzs. I would really appreciate the help.


air & small bore

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:08 pm
by n1heu

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:57 pm
by 10.9paperpuncher
thanks for the link

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:08 am
by TWP
The Anschutz 8002 would probably be alright at the college level. Plenty of College shooters have used the older 2002CA with very good effect.

But I don't think very many college shooters are using 1903's. They are on the Anschutz 64 action. Most competitive shooters prefer the 54 action or the square 20xx action.

If you are looking for a used small bore rifle I'd call Mac Tilton at He gets in lots of used target rifles from overseas and is a great guy to deal with. I bought my daughters rifle through him. He doesn't list stuff on his web site so give him a call and see what he has. He's an old target shooter and will get you a good rifle.

Another source of used target rifles is Thad Scott although by looking at his web site it looks like he has mostly older 54's and 14 series guns. I've never dealt with him though.

Finally you may want to wait and see what rifles the school has you will be going to. I believe many of them have team rifles and I know that some of our shooters who have gone to college on shooting scholarships are using team guns instead of their own. As part of your contact with the college coaches ask them about rifle availability.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 8:02 pm
by Padawan
I have just started shooting in college (Go State!) and it really doesn't matter what rifle you have. Most Schools have team rifles, and some of my teammates are using old pump guns and they are going to competitons and shooting just fine.

Another part of the decision is budget, can you afford a really good rifle? If so get one, you should always get the best rifle you can afford, you don't want it to hold you up. What did you shoot in high school? Whatever it is, you might want to stick with the brand you are comfortable with, I did.

If you are looking for a rifle that can take you to the top, go for one of the nice new ones, I would recommend the Anschutz 9003 or the FWB 700. Hold any rifle you are considering and see which one you like the feel of the best.

Hope this helps,


Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 8:28 pm
by seemehaha
echoing those above me, ask and see what your coach may have in stock. then keep an eye out here and at other sites for a good used one if that's still what you want to do.

for air gun i would go with an anschutz 2002. i owned a fwb, shot the p70's and then bought a 2002. i prefer anschutz, so i'm not trying to say everything else is bad. once the 9003's came out i stupidly sold my 2002 and bought a 9003 and have hated it ever since. my coach keeps telling me that we're still trying to get it adjusted right (a year and a half after buying it) but i'm frusterated with it. 2002s are pretty cheap now so it seems like a win-win to me.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:48 am
by mikeschroeder

Don't know where the original poster is from, but Thad Scott is from Mississippi and in the past has sold at the Tulsa Gun Show which is this month in Oklahoma.

Wichita KS