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mechanical engineer wanted

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:20 pm
by pilkguns
anybody on here looking for a job with the above credentials? and willing to relocate to SE TN?
call or e-mail if so.

Everyone wants a mechanical engineer

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:20 am
by James Hurr
What do you want from your mechanical engineer?
Just curious, I'm happy where I am.



Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:25 pm
by Mike McDaniel
If I didn't have 25 years in with the Federal Government, I'd send my resume.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:12 pm
by Wee Hooker
Geez, same boat as Mike on this one. If you could wait 9 yrs, 9 months and 11 days, this ME would LOVE to come work for you as my retirement "beer money" job :-)

Mech. Engineer

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:16 pm
by Mr. Famous
Hey Boss. I'm a bit of an engineer but I don't have any of them credentials. Whenever ye get a large work force and need to feed em some good grub holler at me. I have a knack for cookin up some good grub. As you know my specialty is road kilt armadillo livers. They are pretty much gutted when I git um so I don't haf to spend much time here. I warsh um reel good , dunk um in egg, roll um in flowr and chunk um in hot hawk lard. When they float to the top there done. I have a new treat for youall when you come down fer the Natinals at Benning. I now serve home made biscuts made with wild sows milk. You get this from the female hawg while she has little pigs and is givin milk. I got real good at camelflogin myself and posin as a little mud covered piglet. I sometimes git stomped on a lot when a feedin frenzy erups but that fresh milk is well worth it. So when and if you deside you need a cook for yer work crew keep me in mind.
Mr. Famous

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:58 pm
by pilkguns
well iffins you could navirogate that ole pickemuptruckthingy you drive up outta them Jawja bottoms you would be welkum to to cook vittles for us'ns anytime. that is, iffins you don't try to feed us none of that there salamander insides liken you did last yer. Sides, Norbert wantzta no when you gonna bring him some more of that pig milk to Germany.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:43 pm
by dlinden
You might want to consider an interview with that last responder before hiring him. If his engineering is anything like his cooking, your business might be in trouble. Just trying to help.

Dennis, not too far from Columbus, Ga

Re: mechanical engineer wanted

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:59 pm
by smoking357
pilkguns wrote:anybody on here looking for a job with the above credentials? and willing to relocate to SE TN?
call or e-mail if so.
Are you designing the world's greatest brake pads? That scary stretch from you to Chattanooga can cook a set.

You go into brake pad design, and you've got a test track at your front door.

Either design that or ear popper reducer.