Morini FP Sight Adjustment

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Morini FP Sight Adjustment

Post by DLindenbaum »

Does anyone know what is the expected distance change per click at 50M for the Morini Free Pistol? No information is provided anywhere I can find. Thanks. Dennis Lindenbaum
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Post by Benjamin »

For any gun, you can move the sight adjustment a whole bunch of clicks, like 20 or 100 or whatever it takes, moving the point of impact all the way from one side of the target to the other. Then measure the distance between your groups and divide by the number of clicks you did.

I like to calibrate my guns in clicks per scoring ring, although the number always seems to be about 3. Then if it's shooting in the 8 ring, twice that many (typical 6 clicks) will move it to the middle.
Mark Briggs
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Post by Mark Briggs »

Hmmm, I couldn't believe Morini didn't put this info in their manual, but I checked mine and sure enough, it's not there! But it is included in the CM162 airgun manual. I strongly suspect the adjustments are identical as the sights themselves appear to be very, very similar.

Air Pistol Point of Impact Changes "per click" at 10m:
3mm in elevation
1.5mm in windage

If the same graduations are used on the CM84E, at 50m this would translate to:
15mm per click in elevation
7.5mm per click in windage

From experience these values seem about right; I've always figured the 10-ring at 50m is 3-4 clicks high and 6 or 7 clicks wide.

One important point to note with the Morini rear sight - this can be a real "gotcha" if you're not careful. It is normal to assume that opening or closing the width of the rear sight notch will not cause a shift in the point of impact. This is the case over a good portion of the adjustment range of the rear sight. But if you're close to the windage stop you'll find that as you adjust rear sight notch width only one side of the sight moves. This has the effect of introducing an unitentional windage adjustment. So, beware when you're adjusting your sights!

Happy Shooting!
David M
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Post by David M »

Hi Mark
Just remember tht the free pistol is variable for sight radius much more than the air pistol. (Some of us even have short barrels.)

Shoot the pistol as it is set up, turn the rear sight 2 full turns left, shoot a group.
Then turn 4 full turns right, shoot a group, turn back 2 turns ( back to start).
Do the same for up/down.
Measure group movement and divide by the number of clicks.

As a guide you need twice the number of windage clicks to move the same as elevation.

Morini FP Sight Adjustment

Post by DLindenbaum »

Thanks for the assistance. Did a little quick research and found the following adjustment specs:

Steyr FP 6mm
Toz FP 10mm
Hammerli FP 10mm per click at 50m
Mark Briggs
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Post by Mark Briggs »

As always, David, your point is indeed an important one. I was looking at it from my personal point of view where my FP sight radius hasn't changed in quite some time. But changing the sight radius would indeed have an impact. Will have to keep that one in mind!
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Post by Gwhite »

I've been making up a table of sight adjustments for different pistols for the team I help coach. The one mystery pistol remains the Morini CM84. Fortunately, I have one, and an accurate dial indicator to do the measurements. There's a bit of conversion involved because my indicator reads in thousandths of an inch ("mils"), but here's what I came up with:

Elevation: Clockwise down. 5 clicks = 15 mils @ 37 cm sight radius
=3.81E-2 cm @ 37 cm sight radius = 5.15 cm @ 50 meters
10.3 mm = 1 click

Windage: Clockwise right. 10 clicks = 16.4 mils @ 37 cm sight radius
=4.1656E-2 cm @ 37 cm sight radius = 5.63 cm @ 50 meters
5.63 mm = 1 click

Because I got tired of cleaning it, my compensator has been moved back until the front of the compensator is flush with muzzle. The shorter sight radius amplifies the adjustments a bit over the factory configuration. There is also a bit of variation from click to click.

Bottom line: For "normal" sight radii, I would use 1 click = 10 mm for elevation & 5 mm for windage. That should be plenty close enough.

By the way, the information in the "TenP" files on the Morini CM162EI air pistol sights does not match the manual. Morini says it's:

Elevation: 1 click = 1.5 mm
Windage: 1 click = 1 mm

The TenP files claim:

1 click = 3mm @ 10m in elevation.
1 click = 1.5mm @ 10m in windage.

Not sure who is right, but I'm betting on Morini...
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