RIKA 3.8

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RIKA 3.8

Post by R.M. »

I have a new ( to me) laptop (XP), and installed the latest RIKA software (3.8). Figured I might as well install it on the old one(98) too.
I couldn't get the 98 machine to open the 3.8, but the XP machine did. Is this the case, or do I have a setting that needs changed?

Ed Hall

Post by Ed Hall »

I've run several versions up through 3.8Nancy on Win95 and Win98 systems including a laptop. The only trouble I've ever had was needing to configure the serial port for a machine with two. Otherwise everything has been fine. What type of trouble specifically are you experiencing? Is it coming up to the title or is it just not doing anything?

Take Care,
Ed Hall
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Post by R.M. »

I'm getting the main page to open, but when I click on any of the buttons to open anything else, all I get is a "Ping", then the only way out is the "3 finger solution"

Ed Hall

Post by Ed Hall »

Wow, nothing I've seen with any of my versions. As mentioned the only trouble I've encountered only manifested itself as a failure to find the receiver due to port selection. I wonder if it's related to port addressing. I'll try to play around with some things later today and see if I can make mine fail.

When you choose to break out do you get the "Close Program" window and if so, are you able to recover by "Ending" the Rika process, or are you forced to fully reboot? Also, if you get the window, does it say that Rika isn't responding?

It's kind of tough to troubleshoot long distance, but I hope I can help, and I especially hope you can get this working.

I'll get back with you later.

Take Care,
Ed Hall
Ed Hall


Post by Ed Hall »

Well, I tried disabling my ports and that didn't have any effect on running the program other than it not being able to find the controller. I played around a bit, but I really can't get mine to hang up as you describe. Perhaps d/l the file again and reinstall?

If we have to, I suppose we could start getting into details, like memory installed, video mem and such, but I'm not sure what we might get from that.

Sorry I wasn't more helpful.

Just for info, I've installed earlier and the 3.8Nancy version under Win95 twice and Win98 four or more times to include a couple laptops. I also installed it on a more recent laptop, possibly Win2000. The only trouble was as I mentioned earlier, getting the ports set in a couple cases.

Take Care,
Ed Hall
F. Paul in Denver

Post by F. Paul in Denver »


Let me suggest that you both confirm you are each running the same version of Windows 98. SE or otherwise??

F. Paul
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Old and new software not compatible

Post by Warren »

It sounds to me like (and I'm assuming a bunch here) that you have loaded the new 3.80 version on top of an older version of the software on your Windows 98 machine.

If so, that will cause all manner of problems. You have to delete the old version first OR load it to a separate folder. The new version has a different target database, and they are NOT compatible, thanks to it having wacky targets (NRA) loaded that do not have equidistant spacing between scoring rings, and they end at the 5 ring.

Try ditching the old version, then reload the 3.80. There is really no reason we have evere heard of why the software should not happily work on about any Windows, from 3.11 to the latest XP. The issues described for ports is more to do with contacting the Rika unit, not a software issue as such.

Hope this helps
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Post by R.M. »

Great minds think alike. I just finished re-installing it, and it works as it should. Who knows what I screwed up the first time.

Thanks Guys
Ed Hall

Post by Ed Hall »

Great to hear it's working, R.M.

And thanks to Warren for bringing up the target database issue. I had forgotten about that trouble. I'll try to keep it somewhere in memory from now on... Now, what was that I was going to remember? (smile)

Just an extra note in case you're interested, I have a Trigger Training exercise using the Rika at:

http://www.starreloaders.com/edhall/rik ... rwork.html

Take Care,
Ed Hall
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Post by Chris »

The latest version I have is the 3.61.

What are the main changes from 3.61 to 3.8?

Where can I get 3.8?
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Location: On top of a mountain west of Golden Colorado

Post by R.M. »

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