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LP10 and LP@

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:13 am
by johnbraks
Hello, New Zealand calling.......
In terms of actual match shooting, are there any noticable differences between a Steyr LP10 and Anschutz LP@, for example: felt recoil, balance, trigger, noise. Do you regard them each as different when they are spoken about in isolation or should we regard any comment about either of them to apply to both.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 4:25 am
by Guest
Gidday John, from the sunny Hawkes Bay! I own and shoot an Anschutz LP@, and a colleague in the club has a Steyr LP10. Having shot both, I can help you a bit. Anschutz owns Steyr, so the LP@ is essentially a Steyr frame and mechanicals, with an Anschutz precision barrel. The internals, grips, sights etc are all Steyr, and both pistols share the same Cesare Morini grips. Thus, felt recoil (microscopic), trigger, and muzzle report will be the same (for the same barrel length). Balance may be a little different, as the Steyr has a shrouded barrel, with attachable weights, whereas the Anschutz has an accessory rail which attaches to the trigger guard, carrying two sliding weights. Both are exceptionally smooth to shoot, and capable of winning international competitions in the hand of a better shot than me!! Hope this helps.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:12 pm
by scragglepoint
Anonymous wrote:... Thus, felt recoil (microscopic), trigger, and muzzle report will be the same ... as the Steyr has a shrouded barrel, ....
so the muzzle shroud on the Steyr doesn't do anything to quiet it?
how loud are they? on a scale of 1 - 10 where 1 is a mouse fart and 10 is an eleephant fart. (sorry can't keep my warp humor in check.) seriously though , are they differnt in noise level?


What noise?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 8:56 pm
by Fabian
I own both, on your scale, a 1 (mouse) on noise for both. As to the ergonomics, they are both the same with the exception of the barrel and shroud. The LP@ being longer and in my opinion more difficult to shot...

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:28 am
by johnbraks
My perception is that the LP50 report is a little bit more muffled than the single shot LP@. I put this down to its shrouded ports. With regard to the mouse to elephant noise scale, it must be the little mouse noise that keeps giving me eights and nines. I guess if I had an elephant I wouldn't need a scuba bottle.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 3:04 am
by Guest
Other than the cosmetic differences, I'm not sure if all LP@'s have drilled barrels?
Also, both grips feel quite different in the hand.