Shot Release:AP vs FP

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Shot Release:AP vs FP

Post by dlinden »

Would those more experienced than myself (that would be anybody) please describe any similarities/differences in how you approach firing the shot in Air vs Free Pistol. I don't mean the mechanical differences between the two guns. I am interested in thoughts about the shot process itself that may need to be taken differently including sighting, hold, initiation of trigger pressure, follow-through, etc. For example, the concept of "keeping the trigger moving" may be a little more problematic with the FP.

Dennis Lindenbaum
Marietta, Ga.

Post by dhurt »

From my personal experience, there is very little difference between Air and Free pistol in execution of the shot. All mind games are going through your head with both. The free pistol trigger is, of course, lots lighter, but a two ounce trigger needs the same respect as a 500 gram trigger, ie a light trigger is no miracle maker. There is different feel to the trigger, as you mentioned, you don't get much movement with the free pistol trigger before it goes bang, but the basics seem the same to me. Both are really fun to shoot, but despite the free pistols light trigger and wrap around grip, it is suprisingly easy to "yip" a bad shot. Concentration is still key. Happy shooting,Dwaine
Steve Swartz

Post by Steve Swartz »

Why wouldn't you "keep the trigger moving" with a FP?

Steve Swartz
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