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When do consistent 10s show up?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:11 am
by mrnetguy
Used to shoot .22 rimfire leagues. Got High Male Score. NRA Sanctioned.
Dated a dancer, never date a dancer, they will clean you out good.
Called the cops and got me arrested.
Didn’t do a thing.
Should have fought it, didn’t’.
Can’t own a firearm now.
CAN own an air rifle!
But this Air Rifle Stuff? OK, to see the 10 will require the use of this high powered microscope…
The entire bull is half the size of our old 10 zone…
Just acquired a Daisy-Crosman MBAM-XX0. Bought a few hundred AR-5/10 targets. It’s just a matter of time when those groups start to close up. Downloaded buglers dream, the Olympic Theme song, because it’s just a matter of time before shooting on the olympic team! Every web site in existance is visited time and again and again and every experts words are read again and again. Tin after tin of various manufacturers and weights of .177 pellets are consumed at a fantastic rate. It’s just a matter of time when those groups start to close up. A second airgun is acquired after taking apart the first one. The uh, uh, spring shot across the room and into the twilight zone never to be seen again. Just… checking… the … internals. Blam, blam, blam… shooters diary… Blam, blam, blam… Scratch, scratch scratch… this diary stuff is really supposed to work? It’s just a matter of time when those groups start to close up. It’s 90% mental, it’s 90% mental, it’s 90% mental, THE “HECK“ IT IS! It’s 90% overcoming the grief over not hitting the black. How do they hit 10’s anyway? What do you have to do, hire an olympic coach that says, “here eat these pills, all the top shooters do” that’s how you find out how they do it? Do you ever hear these guys talk about single hole groups and think; A. they had it in a vise B. they had some of those olympic coach pills, or C. they are lying? OK, it’s the gun, these guns suck, gotta sell the jeep, sell the kids, and get that nice Feinwerkanschutzsteyrwaltherbau, then it’s just a matter of time when those groups start to close up. I’ll…I’ll live under a bridge, just the gun an’ me... maybe… not. Stopped putting up a fresh target everytime, missing is such a waste. Now there are these big black areas surrounded by lots of small holes. Weird. Waiting on the new Feinwerkanschutzsteyrwaltherbau… maybe…

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:54 am
by TWP
Well if my daughter is any indication,

It takes about 3 years and 20,000 rounds of ammo. (Air and Small bore). Her biggest improvement has been in the last year and that's at least 5,400 pellets and about 2,500 rounds of small bore ammo.

But if you are shooting a lot of practice without a good coach you may just be reinforcing bad habits.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:37 am
by VAshooter

Your post really describes the frustration that occures when someone tries to teach themselves to shoot. Don't get me wrong, everyone teaches themselves to shoot, but you need the guidence of more experienced shooters or coaches to point you in the right direction.

Shooting is not a natural sport. The things you need to do to shoot well are completely different from the instinctive habit patterns which developed as you grew up and which work for every other thing you do.

You need someone who can teach you what is important and how to train. Just shooting pellets when you are making mistakes will re-enforce those bad habits and make learning to shoot more difficult.

Good luck and with a little help, Shoot well.

Doug in Virginia

Thank you everyone!

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:18 am
by mrnetguy
Interesting, the replies came from Massachusetts and Virginia. Always wanted to go to MIT. Have a friend at the Berkely Conservatory of Music there. My girlfriend upon reading the post suggested we try to find another spring at the hardware store. We found one and it works wonderfully! Hit all black with it and finally earned my Pro-Marksman medal.
What is interesting is after my post there was this O'Connor guy in the forum. Looking up his profile showed the most amazing interests. Math, hard sciences, cryptography, physics, and Richard Feynman! He is also very well versed on electronic target systems. Interesting to the point it would require another topic! Thank you everyone for your help. Things are looking up. Thanks again!

Thank YOU!

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:54 am
by FredB
So all it takes to start hitting consistent 10s is the right spring? If I'd only known this years ago. Unfortunately I shoot pistol and you shoot rifle so I don't imagine your spring would work for me. Sigh...


Re: When do consistent 10s show up?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:16 pm
by cqbarms
Generally right before you's like that movie the X Ring...after shooting a great score you get a phone call, and you die the next week.

Singin' the Blues!

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:25 pm
by Roly
Geeze Netguy, sounds like..

I got them dancer datin'
copper hatin'
innocence statin'
X-ring meditatin' blues...

Anyway, I can't help you with your problem, but you have an interesting way of telling it.

Focus on the front sight plus polish the sear and hammer

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:12 am
by mrnetguy
I've shot since the age of 12 when I took best of class. Always, ALWAYS won the top shooting honor in every competition, handgun or rifle. VAShooter is right, a good coach helps alot and I've been lucky enough to have had the pleasure of two great coaches. Anyone know of a good Air Rifle coach in South Central Kansas? Do they have to be Air specific? I'm well versed at: 1. Stance 2. Grip 3. Target aquisition and sight alignment (FRONT SIGHT, FRONT SIGHT, FOCUS ON THE FRONT SIGHT! <---- CHANT LIKE A MANTRA) 4. T R I G G E R C O N T R O L! (Most important in my humble opinion)
Even gone as far as polishing the sear and hammer mating surfaces on the airgun. This makes the trigger smoooooooooooth and crisp. The angels descend and dance on your sear! The action becomes a smooth as a baby's butt. Did I mention how smooth the trigger pull becomes? It's smooth! TWP's reply had me rushing to the calculator and calculting costs. It's really not that bad cost wise, a few dollars per day. Every child should be so lucky to have a parent like that!
ROLY, I don't hate cops, it's the lawyers. Mine was eventually disbarred. But you need to cut a shootin' album! The X-Ring Meditatin' blues. You are a musician or should be. This is a GREAT FORUM, you people have good senses of humor. There is some really great advise here too. Thanks again for your time.

1X10^-44 and your Website.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 5:15 pm
by Roly
Hey Netguy, I've been working on this time frame (1X10^-44) for several years and might have a breakthrough. Of course a supposition had to be made here and there but that's not new to science. Made a few calculations on the mass dispersion of the universe based on recent data, converted it to binary code and played it back as a sound track speeded up by a factor of a million or so. Not ready to publish yet, but watch for it in Scientific American in the near future. Turns out one can clearly hear a voice saying "Let there be light".
Wichita area eh? I used to date a girl from Viola, an island of grain elevators in a sea of wheat. We used to park at the end of a 'secret' runway in the middle of nowhere and watch non-existant Blackbirds do touch and goes. Everyone knew about them except the Air Force.
Not once were we ever skedaddled by security or anyone else. Things might be a little different now.

Aircraft industry in Wichita

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 8:25 am
by mrnetguy
The military has all kinds of aircraft here with black on black lettering. Wichita has Cessna, Beech, Lear and Boeing, it's a MAJOR aircraft town. Used to be ringed with missle silos but now they keep the nukes over at the air base. Used to have the B1 bomber here but now it's just refuelers.
Thinking of acquiring a used lathe and mill to make an air rifle. Now if I could just figure out how Steyr designed the zero recoil system...

Re: Aircraft industry in Wichita

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 8:48 am
by Jose Rossy
mrnetguy wrote:The military has all kinds of aircraft here with black on black lettering. Wichita has Cessna, Beech, Lear and Boeing,..
Beech and Lear don't exist except as brands. It's Raytheon Aircraft and Bombardier Aerospace.

Boeing Commercial Airplane Group's Wichita Division has been sold. I forget to whom. Got good friends there.

I am glad to be out of that industry. Too dysfunctional.