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Photographic evidence: the elusive "Cone of Protection

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 11:30 pm
by Luftrick
Look if you dare ... first reported on this board by Bubba AKA Dan Hankins back in March of 2004. As he described it: “The ‘cone of protection’ on the Edelmann 10 m pistol targets often keeps the pellet from hitting a deep 10, by deflecting the pellet as it approaches the 10 ring. Not every Edelmann target has this cone of protection, but I have seen 10 shots form a circle in the 9 ring, as if the cone was deflecting them from the 10.”

Well, I finally had it manifest on my basement range. Spooky! Thank goodness it dissipated as soon as I switched to dry-fire mode on the pistol.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 12:38 am
by Luis Medina
This could very easily be another one of those mysterious Crop Circle Formations.

Did you notice any lights or energy spheres floating around?

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:26 am
by David Levene
I once saw something very similar on a 25m precision target. The cone of protection had obviously been calibrated for .22LR but the shooter was firing .38 S&W. The increased calibre was just enough to overcome the power of the cone as the ten shot result was 100, but every shot needed gauging.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 9:34 am
by deleted1
Ah yes !!! The "Cone of Protection" syndrome. I know it well---many's the time I have witnessed similar manifestations of this wicked little Poltergeist. I used to say " shoot all the way around the ten and let it fall out"---"now score the target---I dare you." My FP match the other night was of similar ilk---shoot around the black on the six ring and let the black fall to the range floor. Bob R. in Plattsburgh NY b-r-r-r-r-r

Wrong day to post

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 9:42 am
by Bob LeDoux
This is more appropriate for an April 1st. post.

cone of protection

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:21 am
by rogerv
This phenomenon is widely known to proctologists also.

Cone of Protection

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:52 am
by Dan Hankins
Thank you for providing the photograph. Solid proof of the existance of the Cone of Protection on some Edleman targets.

We should aknowledge that Edleman is not the only target that the Cone Of Protection effects. In fact the COP may affect the POI on any target in random sequence, and may be a condition that occurs in nature. Sililar to the infamous Gravity Well that causes perfectly sober men and women to fall for no apparent reason. Most often seen in public places that serve alcholic beverages. but not limited to those places by any notion. The very strong pull of gravity in the way of the gravity well will also deflect pellets in flight.

To Mr. Ledoux, with all due respect, this subject would certainly be appropriate for April Fools day, if it was not proven, now, that there is a COP, and that it does appear to be randomly distributed around the United States, and not just at the Southern Test Facility in southwest Missouri.

It's real, it can happen any where at any time. Deal with it!

Bubba AKA Dan Hankins
Shooting paper targets well is not a matter of life and death. It's just a little more important.

C O P's (are robbers!)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:28 pm
by CraigE
Bubba (respectfully, of course),

We all witness this strange phenomenon. Sometimes it appears for only one shot....the important one, or sometimes it gets very nasty and engorges itself on passing lead to encompass more black. Have been working on countermeasures for the gravity wells, but I seem to have fallen off the wagon. April 1st? Nope....mid winter 'tween match observations. Besides, we all do this for fun.......don't we?

NE Sidereal Anomaly Study Center

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:11 pm
by Walter
This "Cone of protection" is an actual scientific fact that is caused by meteorological phenomena similar to the hygrometric nanoreceptors on the beak of a plastic drinking bird. The black absorbs heat and the white reflects it. Simple. Also, when shooting from North to South, or vice versa, the coriolis effect can transform these benign wavelengths into an aversive magnetic cyclone.
When these phemomena manifest themselves, the only known way of reversing the effects is to electrically induce the right angular gyrus while in a theta brainwave state, bilaterally reducing the effect of the substantia nigra within your stance, making sure all the time that the dissociative reverse corona is not manifest at the same time in the medulla gray bits.

It's so simple

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 11:27 pm
by CraigE
Thanks for the explanation Walter....and the continuing education credits. Now back to practice. CraigE

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 6:45 am
by Hairy Clipper
While the "cone of protection" can certainly baffle one at the most inopportune times, after years of study on this very topic I have found that 1 1/4 ounces of #9 lead shot from my 12 gauge double choked full & full eliminates the "cone of protection"!


Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:33 pm
by Luftrick
A Breakthrough!?

After close inspection, I realized that I had inadvertently used a target from my "old stock" of Edelmann's; note in the picture it is printed with a U.I.T approval seal! I switched to the newer I.S.S.F approved targets and it seemed to do the trick. My first shot on target was a 10.9! The next shot merely enlarged the hole in the center of the target by a fraction of a millimeter! And the same with the third. Six perfect 100 targets later I was in shock. It was like I couldn't shoot a nine if I wanted to. It was incredible! Then I actually tried to shoot a nine and couldn't. Panicked, I tried to shoot into the white of the target, but much to my dismay, another 10.9! Horrified, I realized that I had created an inversion of the cone and now I was doomed to shoot only perfect shots, no matter what my shot preparation consisted of ...

Then I woke up.

Oh well, back to my dry-firing and daydreaming. Happy Sunday all, GO PATRIOTS!


Shattering the cone

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 4:58 am
by warpmaster1
A simple remedy for the cone of protection, hit return on your target controller - or wind it back towards you (manual ranges). Now with the target 10 cms from the muzzle as opposed to 10 m take careful aim ...


Pellet deflecting meta-forces

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:58 am
by tseuG
Luft-Patrick, targets like the one in your photo also appear here in Europe. The malign forces are active here too, on a given day.

My new Matchguns MG 1, with its higher pellet velocity, seems to have enough pellet inertia to partlly oversome the "Crop Sircle Formation Effect" of Louis Medina. The 9.9s go 10.0s sometimes.

On a bad day, when the pellets simply refuse to go near center, the approach of "Hairy Clipper" is tempthing.


your friend