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Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:20 pm
by Chris

I only know what you have put on your web site and what I have read in your posts on TT. I know you have a different perspective to offer someone here in the US. I would give you the benefit of the doubt and would be willing to hear what you have to say.

I am seeking to understand what you can see from some targets. I am not questioning your methods. I want to lean something here and if you have some knowledge and are willing share then we can all benefit from it.
If you will know what I know, you will score as I can.
If you can’t score as I do, I can probably figure out in 15 minutes why you can’t.
To make sure that I’m correct, I will double check it with your targets.
From these comments I get the feeling like you do not trust me to score my targets correctly.

BTW my last USAS Nationals in 2002 I was 5th in air (565, 576, 94.9) and 5th in free (547, 523, 87.8)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:46 pm
by Gerard
My interpretation of Russ' comments is that he's suggesting if your scores are not a match for his, he can explain to you what is necessary for you to achieve his level of proficiency based upon examining your targets and record of performance. It can be difficult to interpret his comments at times, as they often seem contradictory, such as the way he has often stated that he is not here to offer help, and yet at times he offers help... and the way he has often stated that he "no longer advertises' on TT but every second or third post he makes continues to be an advertisement for his services. But this must be the 'Russian way' we are invited to embrace.

I have no doubt that Russ has something to offer. It just seems a bit of a waste that he does not offer it freely here. As so many in other businesses are learning, offering your skills for free on the Internet usually, almost always in fact, brings enhanced business opportunities, not a reduction in paid business flow. Russ is choosing, so far, to follow the RIAA/MPAA model where the consumer (in this case shooters) are viewed as being a threat to the business model, in direct contrast to every independent study of the actual effects of free music/movie distribution. And of course recording industy and movie industry profits increase every year, and of course the lawyers make more every year for their absurd and hostile efforts in prosecuting individual consumers.

I often contribute information regarding musical instrument setup and maintenance in forums, as this is my field of expertise and novices or even advanced professional musicians are not often well schooled in this aspect of their trade. I offer the best information and advice I am able, freely, whether it's across the workbench or online. This has brought me a lot of paid business. Interesting, isn't it? I am having a hard time keeping up with demand for my services, and in the first few months of 2012 I have had to turn away several thousand dollars worth of work as there simply isn't time to fit it in.

Now to be fair to Russ he is not suggesting he will charge for his services should someone send in targets etc., he's apparently offering that consultation for free. It just seems a bit of a waste not to share this kind of thing publicly. All would benefit, including Russ' consulting business, as such actions would speak very positively about his nature as a coach/consultant and as a person.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:26 pm
by Russ
I need your goal statement.
I have to see your current 9 AP targets with 5 shots each.
Also, I must know that you are capable to accept and do what I know is important to be done in order for your future progress. If you are not ready to accept my rules, you can try fishing for wisdom and do what you have done before.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:36 pm
by Russ
Dear Gerard,
If you are capable to talk about the subject, it will not make you credible to perform a respectful score.
Someone who is reading your long publications will be affected by your current inaccuracy (not in English grammar).
You will learn some day, what is wrong and what is correct. I did.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:47 pm
by Gerard
Next time I go to my club - this Wednesday I think - I'll shoot 9 targets with 5 shots each, photographing them as they are completed using the time stamp function in my camera so as to be clear (though Russ has not been in his stated requirements for his assessment) that they are not 'hand picked' targets but rather targets shot in succession. Of course there is still trust involved with this method... as time settings can be faked etc. But trust is necessary in Internet communications, in my opinion. Of course Russ has not invited me in particular to submit my goals, 9 targets, etc., but I'll give it a try anyway and see what he has to say, if anything, via PM. Sounds like it could offer interesting feedback.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:23 pm
by Russ
Gerard, I will talk with you after your National.
When you will switch toward the listening mode or reading mode, you will be ready for conversations. ;)

You Joined: 09 Mar 2011 and made 207 posts.
Your National coach made only 76 posts, Joined: 02 Dec 2006.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:29 pm
by Gerard
... which may have to wait for next year, as this summer is booking up rather solidly with work. But I will try to put in the extra hours ahead of time to allow for the trip to Alberta in August, without inconveniencing my clients.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:32 pm
by Russ
Well, it is OK for me.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:06 pm
by Greg Derr
Making scientific evaluations of a shooters technic from looking at 45 shots on nine targets is like reading tea leaves.

Shooters, you should be thinking more about what you did to execute a center shot and trying to focus on positive results. We all have shots we are not happy with- really. But the more you focus on the process you excecuted to secure a center shot the more likely you are to repeat that process.

Lanny Bassham had a great line in his book. After shooting a 399 in kneeling position of smallbore rifle, someone asked him" Lanny, what happened in that nine?" Lanny responded" Don't you want to know what happened during the 39 tens?" In other words think positive.

I know it is hard but keep at it.

One tip for practice, never shoot even numbers on a target and if you can shoot over twenty. You get better data for correction from a larger sampling of performance.

One other point. A number of years ago when the NRA ran the USST they held an annual " Masters Camp" which allowed shooters to come to the OTC and stay and eat for free. They got a 12 hour day of shooting instruction from at least two elite shooters and the benefits of the OTC sports psychology staff and the eye health staff.

The cost of getting to the OTC was all thet was required. Maybe today there would be a mininal cost, but if enough of you were to ask USAS they may start the program again. I attended two and found the variety of coaches and viewpoints great.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:15 pm
by Russ
It is alvays pleasure to have a real scientist in our group.

"shooting instruction from at least two elite shooters and the benefits of the OTC sports psychology staff and the eye health staff."

Are you trying to say that Mr. Gerard will be not qualified to teach us here on TT? :(

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:26 pm
by Gerard
Russ wrote:Gerard, I will talk with you after your National.
When you will swich to the listening mode or reading mode, you can be really ready for convbersation. ;)

You Joined: 09 Mar 2011 and made 207 posts.
Your National caoach made only 76 posts, Joined: 02 Dec 2006.
And you joined 19 Jul 2005 and have made what, almost 700 posts as of today. Your point being? That free advertising is more valuable than open discussion?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:44 pm
by Greg Derr
Posting is like training , Quality over Quantity.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:45 pm
by Russ
Unfortunately, 50% of my posts are unpleasant conversations with you, Gerard.

"free advertising "
I see it as an opportunity to help someone who value their own time.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:59 pm
by Greg Derr
Russ, please keep on topic. No need for personal attacks here.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:17 pm
by Russ
No problem, I’m OK with that.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:20 pm
by Russ
My question for Greg Derr.
"shooting instruction from at least two elite shooters and the benefits of the OTC sports psychology staff and the eye health staff."

Why do those elite shooters, sport psychology staff and eye health professionals cannot start help people on TT?
"The cost of getting to the OTC was all thet was required. "
It will save the cost to travel!
There will be NO COST! How about that? :)

"USA Shooting" made 13 posts and it looks to me they have the time and sources to help fellow members. I did only three. Please do not blame me for free advertisement. :(
TargetTalk Forum Index -> Shooters Lounge

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:38 pm
by Russ
Are you having problems answering this simple question, Greg?
I can help you too. ;)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:04 pm
by Greg Derr
Well let's see the OTC provided a bed and food, travel to and from the airport. The USAS provided coaches targets and ranges plus gun storage. Did you offer to provide that when you solicited shooters join you on the beach in Mexico. Most likely not. The level of professional training and support at the OTC is hardly something that one individual can compete with as a consultant. The group was about 20 shooters male and female. Maybe you should raise funds and sponsor a few shooters?

I also believe the AMU will send instructors to local clubs provided they pick up the costs of travel and lodging. Since the AMU is a government funded unit they do not charge for coaching.

Th elite shooters at the OTC also volunteered their time. Not bad if you ask me, proven winners with insite and knowledge spreading that knowledge freely.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:15 pm
by Russ
I do not need a shooting range to help someone who is capable to score 540 and to move up 20 points. If you cannot understand it, I do not need to tell you how I do it.
I have to see initial targets. I need to see this person; I have to talk with him. Access to a shooting range is secondary. I will provide a shooting range in Michigan; it is not a problem at all.
Oakland County Sportsmen's Club pistol shooting range

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:22 pm
by Russ
I am working with students outside the USA and they are making the progress I stated. Moreover, I offered to all my international students my unlimited time until they will reach the goal of 570.
My goal is to see my students at National Finals, but it takes time. I will deliver my promise as I did in 2007!