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Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:00 am
by Russ
Sparks wrote:
bebloomster wrote:What ??? You just lost me completely with that one.
He means that the best tool a shooter has to train with is his shooting diary.
It does not have to be a moleskine (and actually, the Leuchtturm 1917 is superior anyway ;) ). It doesn't have to be a notebook in the bound-book-of-blank-pages sense, mine was an A4 filofax for years. These days it doesn't even have to be paper - I keep my current diary mostly in a blog ( ). The important point is that you record what you do, what your setup is, and how changes work for you (positive or negative), and that you review it regularly.
100% True Statement

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:15 am
by Russ
Gerard wrote:I'm new here, and only about 3 months into 10metre air pistol (actually 8metre with scaled targets for now, as I lack a 10metre space at home and don't yet have other options), and suppose this is as good a place as any to introduce myself by posting thoughts...

My impression of Russ is of someone rather self-absorbed, even obsessed, with his skill as a shooter. That's well and good. I'm pretty good at what I do professionally, and some day might find time away from serving my clients to teach someone younger the elements of my trade as a violinmaker. For comparison, when I have posted in forums related to my profession, my contributions have always been purely informative. That is to say I see a question, think about it, then write something which may help to resolve the musician's problem if it seems my knowledge is sufficient. If the question has been insufficiently clear, I ask for more detail, then consider that and perhaps offer further advice. This seems to be the norm in public forums in many specialties. I have moderated a forum for Pocket PC/Windows Mobile users for about a decade now, and have answered thousands of questions there and in many related forums, as I am also very adept in the technical uses of these devices. I have never charged a penny for these services. I have contributed in these forums and elsewhere as I do with my own clients when they seek advice; freely and thoroughly, for the benefit of all. We are all enriched by such gifts of time and expertise. I expect no great credit, no thanks even. Education and understanding is my goal.

What Russ seems to be doing in this discussion bears no discernible relation to such gestures. I have carefully read this thread and all his comments, and can find not one trace of usable information within them. He has presented a condescending lecture, apparently with the primary aim of promoting exclusivity and elitism. And there's nothing wrong with being an elite competitor, of course! But why the heavy handed (and rather vague) lecturing?

Russ; you main concern seems to be that shooters should not waste money on expensive pistols with an eye towards improving their performance. Do you worry that these people will buy up all the nice pistols, leaving not enough for the 'real athletes?' Actually it works just the opposite: the bigger the user base for a given item, the likelier that item will continue to be produced. So no worries there, correct?

Next you seem gravely concerned that people are misguided, and for the most part not sufficiently dedicated to the highest calling of the sport, Olympic shooting. Is this intended as a slight against the nature of the Olympic Pistol forum itself, an attack suggesting that it is not pure enough? Perhaps you might consider starting and hosting your own, independent Olympic Pistol forum if this is the case, one where you as the host could quietly eliminate members who showed tendencies to talk too much about hardware...

I don't know you. I have not yet read many your threads and comments in others' threads here, but do not doubt your desire to communicate from the few I just looked at. The bit about buying 'Zepter' cookware sets to improve health has me rather confused... I should think that something a bit more substantial, such as promoting a healthy diet (vegetarianism anyone?) might prove more useful to would-be competitive athletes. But in any case, it seems to me that the already much-acknowledged self-promoting nature of this particular thread makes for but one rational possibility; shut it down. You are digging yourself a hole my friend. Statements about the 'kind of language' used in your state and other blatantly nonsensical and insulting diatribes serve no one's interests, especially not your own, as they make you seem ridiculous. Your shooting curriculum vitae (and yes, they have those in Michigan, and they call them that too) is admirable. I'd suggest that comporting yourself socially in a manner up to that same standard might serve you better, and by extension those you hope to instruct, whether for free in a forum or for a fee in your school.

This is good example of emotionally charged statement broadly used in many advertisement companies or marketing. If besides this avatar is real person and novice as an athlete…. I can explain few things…. If it is another creation to support sale process… I do not have to say too much. You guys good in what you are doing… no question about!

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:35 am
by Russ
Gerard wrote:I'm new here, and only about 3 months into 10metre air pistol (actually 8metre with scaled targets for now, as I lack a 10metre space at home and don't yet have other options), and suppose this is as good a place as any to introduce myself by posting thoughts...

My impression of Russ is of someone rather self-absorbed, even obsessed, with his skill as a shooter. That's well and good. I'm pretty good at what I do professionally, and some day might find time away from serving my clients to teach someone younger the elements of my trade as a violinmaker. For comparison, when I have posted in forums related to my profession, my contributions have always been purely informative. That is to say I see a question, think about it, then write something which may help to resolve the musician's problem if it seems my knowledge is sufficient. If the question has been insufficiently clear, I ask for more detail, then consider that and perhaps offer further advice. This seems to be the norm in public forums in many specialties. I have moderated a forum for Pocket PC/Windows Mobile users for about a decade now, and have answered thousands of questions there and in many related forums, as I am also very adept in the technical uses of these devices. I have never charged a penny for these services. I have contributed in these forums and elsewhere as I do with my own clients when they seek advice; freely and thoroughly, for the benefit of all. We are all enriched by such gifts of time and expertise. I expect no great credit, no thanks even. Education and understanding is my goal.

What Russ seems to be doing in this discussion bears no discernible relation to such gestures. I have carefully read this thread and all his comments, and can find not one trace of usable information within them. He has presented a condescending lecture, apparently with the primary aim of promoting exclusivity and elitism. And there's nothing wrong with being an elite competitor, of course! But why the heavy handed (and rather vague) lecturing?

Russ; you main concern seems to be that shooters should not waste money on expensive pistols with an eye towards improving their performance. Do you worry that these people will buy up all the nice pistols, leaving not enough for the 'real athletes?' Actually it works just the opposite: the bigger the user base for a given item, the likelier that item will continue to be produced. So no worries there, correct?

Next you seem gravely concerned that people are misguided, and for the most part not sufficiently dedicated to the highest calling of the sport, Olympic shooting. Is this intended as a slight against the nature of the Olympic Pistol forum itself, an attack suggesting that it is not pure enough? Perhaps you might consider starting and hosting your own, independent Olympic Pistol forum if this is the case, one where you as the host could quietly eliminate members who showed tendencies to talk too much about hardware...

I don't know you. I have not yet read many your threads and comments in others' threads here, but do not doubt your desire to communicate from the few I just looked at. The bit about buying 'Zepter' cookware sets to improve health has me rather confused... I should think that something a bit more substantial, such as promoting a healthy diet (vegetarianism anyone?) might prove more useful to would-be competitive athletes. But in any case, it seems to me that the already much-acknowledged self-promoting nature of this particular thread makes for but one rational possibility; shut it down. You are digging yourself a hole my friend. Statements about the 'kind of language' used in your state and other blatantly nonsensical and insulting diatribes serve no one's interests, especially not your own, as they make you seem ridiculous. Your shooting curriculum vitae (and yes, they have those in Michigan, and they call them that too) is admirable. I'd suggest that comporting yourself socially in a manner up to that same standard might serve you better, and by extension those you hope to instruct, whether for free in a forum or for a fee in your school.

Olympic style target shooting based on four major parts: Technical part, Fitness part, development of single shot development process & psychological part. All elements connected with each other. If an individual willing to concentrate more on single part of performance and diminish other or be not aware of their existence…most likely his or her performance will suffer do you like it or not.
What we see here on TT is highly elevated value of one single part as technical part, so unawareness and not enough attention of other side of performance will destroy all previous work and efforts… I can’t state it as development, because is nothing developing if individual not investing his or her sources equally to other parts of this structure. This is too simple not too understand for real coaches who are reading this stuff.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:23 am
by Russ
Gerard wrote:I'm new here, and only about 3 months into 10metre air pistol (actually 8metre with scaled targets for now, as I lack a 10metre space at home and don't yet have other options), and suppose this is as good a place as any to introduce myself by posting thoughts...

My impression of Russ is of someone rather self-absorbed, even obsessed, with his skill as a shooter. That's well and good. I'm pretty good at what I do professionally, and some day might find time away from serving my clients to teach someone younger the elements of my trade as a violinmaker. For comparison, when I have posted in forums related to my profession, my contributions have always been purely informative. That is to say I see a question, think about it, then write something which may help to resolve the musician's problem if it seems my knowledge is sufficient. If the question has been insufficiently clear, I ask for more detail, then consider that and perhaps offer further advice. This seems to be the norm in public forums in many specialties. I have moderated a forum for Pocket PC/Windows Mobile users for about a decade now, and have answered thousands of questions there and in many related forums, as I am also very adept in the technical uses of these devices. I have never charged a penny for these services. I have contributed in these forums and elsewhere as I do with my own clients when they seek advice; freely and thoroughly, for the benefit of all. We are all enriched by such gifts of time and expertise. I expect no great credit, no thanks even. Education and understanding is my goal.

What Russ seems to be doing in this discussion bears no discernible relation to such gestures. I have carefully read this thread and all his comments, and can find not one trace of usable information within them. He has presented a condescending lecture, apparently with the primary aim of promoting exclusivity and elitism. And there's nothing wrong with being an elite competitor, of course! But why the heavy handed (and rather vague) lecturing?

Russ; you main concern seems to be that shooters should not waste money on expensive pistols with an eye towards improving their performance. Do you worry that these people will buy up all the nice pistols, leaving not enough for the 'real athletes?' Actually it works just the opposite: the bigger the user base for a given item, the likelier that item will continue to be produced. So no worries there, correct?

Next you seem gravely concerned that people are misguided, and for the most part not sufficiently dedicated to the highest calling of the sport, Olympic shooting. Is this intended as a slight against the nature of the Olympic Pistol forum itself, an attack suggesting that it is not pure enough? Perhaps you might consider starting and hosting your own, independent Olympic Pistol forum if this is the case, one where you as the host could quietly eliminate members who showed tendencies to talk too much about hardware...

I don't know you. I have not yet read many your threads and comments in others' threads here, but do not doubt your desire to communicate from the few I just looked at. The bit about buying 'Zepter' cookware sets to improve health has me rather confused... I should think that something a bit more substantial, such as promoting a healthy diet (vegetarianism anyone?) might prove more useful to would-be competitive athletes. But in any case, it seems to me that the already much-acknowledged self-promoting nature of this particular thread makes for but one rational possibility; shut it down. You are digging yourself a hole my friend. Statements about the 'kind of language' used in your state and other blatantly nonsensical and insulting diatribes serve no one's interests, especially not your own, as they make you seem ridiculous. Your shooting curriculum vitae (and yes, they have those in Michigan, and they call them that too) is admirable. I'd suggest that comporting yourself socially in a manner up to that same standard might serve you better, and by extension those you hope to instruct, whether for free in a forum or for a fee in your school.
The development of single shot development process takes from my time about 8 hours, to explain in simple words complexity of this process. I do not have too a large amount of sources to provide too much attention to any individual who just bought NICE Olympic style pistol you can agree with this part, also I’m not single source of qualified help, do your homework my friend.
How to help struggling athletes because he or she asking something?
It is another issue….. most likely problem lays at different part of awareness of this particular individual. Attempt to help or cure this issue with limited source of knowledge most likely will create more problems….
But if this is done for advertisement reason…. I do not interested to be part of it. I see some people expressing some smart words with zero value…. Why are they doing so…. I have no clue!
So be aware of free advices or free cheese my friend.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:45 am
by Russ
Gerard wrote:I'm new here, and only about 3 months into 10metre air pistol (actually 8metre with scaled targets for now, as I lack a 10metre space at home and don't yet have other options), and suppose this is as good a place as any to introduce myself by posting thoughts...

My impression of Russ is of someone rather self-absorbed, even obsessed, with his skill as a shooter. That's well and good. I'm pretty good at what I do professionally, and some day might find time away from serving my clients to teach someone younger the elements of my trade as a violinmaker. For comparison, when I have posted in forums related to my profession, my contributions have always been purely informative. That is to say I see a question, think about it, then write something which may help to resolve the musician's problem if it seems my knowledge is sufficient. If the question has been insufficiently clear, I ask for more detail, then consider that and perhaps offer further advice. This seems to be the norm in public forums in many specialties. I have moderated a forum for Pocket PC/Windows Mobile users for about a decade now, and have answered thousands of questions there and in many related forums, as I am also very adept in the technical uses of these devices. I have never charged a penny for these services. I have contributed in these forums and elsewhere as I do with my own clients when they seek advice; freely and thoroughly, for the benefit of all. We are all enriched by such gifts of time and expertise. I expect no great credit, no thanks even. Education and understanding is my goal.

What Russ seems to be doing in this discussion bears no discernible relation to such gestures. I have carefully read this thread and all his comments, and can find not one trace of usable information within them. He has presented a condescending lecture, apparently with the primary aim of promoting exclusivity and elitism. And there's nothing wrong with being an elite competitor, of course! But why the heavy handed (and rather vague) lecturing?

Russ; you main concern seems to be that shooters should not waste money on expensive pistols with an eye towards improving their performance. Do you worry that these people will buy up all the nice pistols, leaving not enough for the 'real athletes?' Actually it works just the opposite: the bigger the user base for a given item, the likelier that item will continue to be produced. So no worries there, correct?

Next you seem gravely concerned that people are misguided, and for the most part not sufficiently dedicated to the highest calling of the sport, Olympic shooting. Is this intended as a slight against the nature of the Olympic Pistol forum itself, an attack suggesting that it is not pure enough? Perhaps you might consider starting and hosting your own, independent Olympic Pistol forum if this is the case, one where you as the host could quietly eliminate members who showed tendencies to talk too much about hardware...

I don't know you. I have not yet read many your threads and comments in others' threads here, but do not doubt your desire to communicate from the few I just looked at. The bit about buying 'Zepter' cookware sets to improve health has me rather confused... I should think that something a bit more substantial, such as promoting a healthy diet (vegetarianism anyone?) might prove more useful to would-be competitive athletes. But in any case, it seems to me that the already much-acknowledged self-promoting nature of this particular thread makes for but one rational possibility; shut it down. You are digging yourself a hole my friend. Statements about the 'kind of language' used in your state and other blatantly nonsensical and insulting diatribes serve no one's interests, especially not your own, as they make you seem ridiculous. Your shooting curriculum vitae (and yes, they have those in Michigan, and they call them that too) is admirable. I'd suggest that comporting yourself socially in a manner up to that same standard might serve you better, and by extension those you hope to instruct, whether for free in a forum or for a fee in your school.
After all may be I’m not such terrible person.
Are you part of Individuals who are willing to expose my services as not very attractive or not valuable enough for real athletes who have real needs but not only wishes?
Difference is in real needs will produce actions to excel in performance.
Wishes wil onlyl produce act of consuming more stuff with zero efforts, it is good for sales process with next NICE Olympic style pistol but not really helping with elevation of score development.:(

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:51 am
by Sparks

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:29 am
by David Levene
No, not just you.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:55 am
by Russ
What is of sudden attention of rifle shooter to participate in pistol forum? Just coincident I may assume, and probably first post.

I’m not Chet. Who is this gentlemen by the way?

For last 8 or 10 years on TT I did not make any attempt to provide any words of wisdom to rifle athletes, because I’m not an expert on this field. May I ask you what particular interest do you have on this subject?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:09 am
by Sparks
Russ wrote:What is of sudden attention of rifle shooter to participate in pistol forum? Just coincident I may assume, and probably first post.
Nope.I shoot both.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:23 am
by David Levene
Russ wrote:
I’m not Chet. Who is this gentlemen by the way?
The 4th post on this thread might give you an insight.

Your knowledge might (or might not) be better than Chet's, but there are certainly similarities in the attitude you take to those who question or disagree with you.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:35 am
by Russ
David Levene wrote:
Russ wrote:
I’m not Chet. Who is this gentlemen by the way?
The 4th post on this thread might give you an insight.

Your knowledge might (or might not) be better than Chet's, but there are certainly similarities in the attitude you take to those who question or disagree with you.
So far no one accuses me in plagiarism, my score performance may support my point of view and point of existence of my service?
Your knowledge might (or might not) be better than Chet's, but there are certainly similarities in the attitude you take to those who question or disagree with you.
This bold statement is positioning you as an expert who can judge any one on this forum. We have earlier with you some discussions, but in general I do not have big disagreements with you. May I assume that “Your knowledge might (or might not) be questionable as mine as well”?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:58 am
by Russ
Sparks wrote:
Russ wrote:What is of sudden attention of rifle shooter to participate in pistol forum? Just coincident I may assume, and probably first post.
Nope.I shoot both.
Why you not concentrating in one of particular subject and became more efficient. Time is one of your valuable sources?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:13 am
by Sparks
Russ wrote:
Sparks wrote:
Russ wrote:What is of sudden attention of rifle shooter to participate in pistol forum? Just coincident I may assume, and probably first post.
Nope.I shoot both.
Why you not concentrating in one of particular subject and became more efficient. Time is one of your valuable sources?
I am.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:14 am
by Sparks
Russ wrote:This bold statement is positioning you as an expert who can judge any one on this forum.
He pretty much is.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:38 am
by Russ
Sparks wrote:
Russ wrote:This bold statement is positioning you as an expert who can judge any one on this forum.
He pretty much is.
I assume that “Your knowledge might (or might not) be questionable as mine as well”?
You have to quote complete sentence!
What I’m asking is just for equal rights to bring my point of view without creating any label as Chet and such. Do not make it any presumption before you can investigate it by yourself. Why do you need any opinion… use your thinking process first

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:55 am
by Sparks
Russ wrote: What I’m asking is just for equal rights to bring my point of view without creating any label as Chet and such.
You had that.
Then you started posting.
All labels incurred after that point are your responsibility.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:05 pm
by Russ
Sparks wrote:
Russ wrote: What I’m asking is just for equal rights to bring my point of view without creating any label as Chet and such.
You had that.
Then you started posting.
All labels incurred after that point are your responsibility.
OK. Point is taken.
Seems to me you are honest gentlemen and do not have any intension misdirect public attention of critical points of successful performance in ISSF shooting.
My best wishes.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:05 pm
by David Levene
Russ wrote:
David Levene wrote: The 4th post on this thread might give you an insight.

Your knowledge might (or might not) be better than Chet's, but there are certainly similarities in the attitude you take to those who question or disagree with you.
So far no one accuses me in plagiarism, my score performance may support my point of view and point of existence of my service?
Indeed they haven't. I was thinking more about the last part of that sentance ".....and his generally offensive manner in which he conducts himself with those who notice all those various "discrepancies"."

Once again you are trying to link your undoubted shooting abilities with your coaching abilities. Few, if any, of the fine coaches I have met during my shooting career have been top shooters (although one does not preclude the other). What sets them apart from "also-ran" coaches is their ability to impart knowledge and confidence without resorting to preaching.
Russ wrote:
Your knowledge might (or might not) be better than Chet's, but there are certainly similarities in the attitude you take to those who question or disagree with you.
This bold statement is positioning you as an expert who can judge any one on this forum. We have earlier with you some discussions, but in general I do not have big disagreements with you. May I assume that “Your knowledge might (or might not) be questionable as mine as well”?
I fail to see how my statement, which simply states that your knowledge might or might not be better than somebody else's, is inferring any form of judgement whatsoever. You might have noticed that I very rarely get involve in coaching discussions. I know, or think I know, what worked best for me. I do appreciate however that not everyone is the same and my techniques might not work for others.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:21 pm
by Russ
I agree with you about my offensive expressions…. There are some reasons behind,
Since you became guru on this forum can you point any other discrepancy in theory then only my way to express myself?
I do not have any problems to behave nicely with them who behaved nice in the first place.
Do you need any examples?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:30 pm
by David Levene
Russ wrote:Since you became guru on this forum...
??? Is this a salaried position?

Russ wrote:......can you point any other discrepancy in theory then only my way to express myself?
From what I have read I can remember little (if anything) that I would question. I will admit however that the style deters me from reading everything too carefully.

As I believe I have previously indicated though, I consider good coaching to be much more than just being knowledgeable.