Free Pistol

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Post by FredB »

ken4all wrote:wasn't it a mu55-2 ?

looking at the front sight, it certainly isn't a mu55-1

Please tell us more about the MU55-2. As far as I knew, only the MU55-1 was ever made. I have never seen a picture of, or a reference to, a later version.

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Post by jipe »

Makarov wrote:World record still belongs to TOZ35, 581 set up by Alex Melentiev in 1980.
Why Bill Demarest still use TOZ35?

The TOZ 35 is the most successful free pistol in history. For decades it has been the most common Free Pistol in ISSF and Olympic competition. First introduced in 1959 it was only available to Soviet block shooters. Later it became available around the world.
Free-Pistol Match-Up: We Say Buy The TOZ35M

Going head to head against the Pardini K50, the Russian-made .22 handgun gets our vote—but your choice may differ.
As already said, the statement that the world record belong to the TOZ is not true.

The other statement is also not true: even if the TOZ has been the most used free pistol, it is not the case anymore. The free pistol that most top shooters use is now by far the Morini CM84E (for remembrance, 60% of the shooters in the 2008 Beijing free pistol event used a Morini).

The comparison with the Pardini is useless since very few shooters use the Pardini, the only Pardini I ever saw is at the Pardini dealer shop.

Last point about the TOZ, almost all the TOZ used at high level are heavily modified and differ some much from a stock TOZ that their performance do not reflect the stock TOZ performances.

Another free pistol that is now slowily coming up is the MG5. This one might become a competitor for the CM84E.
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Post by TB »

jipe wrote:
Makarov wrote:World record still belongs to TOZ35, 581 set up by Alex Melentiev in 1980.
Why Bill Demarest still use TOZ35?

The TOZ 35 is the most successful free pistol in history. For decades it has been the most common Free Pistol in ISSF and Olympic competition. First introduced in 1959 it was only available to Soviet block shooters. Later it became available around the world.
Free-Pistol Match-Up: We Say Buy The TOZ35M

Going head to head against the Pardini K50, the Russian-made .22 handgun gets our vote—but your choice may differ.
As already said, the statement that the world record belong to the TOZ is not true.

The other statement is also not true: even if the TOZ has been the most used free pistol, it is not the case anymore. The free pistol that most top shooters use is now by far the Morini CM84E (for remembrance, 60% of the shooters in the 2008 Beijing free pistol event used a Morini).

The comparison with the Pardini is useless since very few shooters use the Pardini, the only Pardini I ever saw is at the Pardini dealer shop.

Last point about the TOZ, almost all the TOZ used at high level are heavily modified and differ some much from a stock TOZ that their performance do not reflect the stock TOZ performances.

Another free pistol that is now slowily coming up is the MG5. This one might become a competitor for the CM84E.
That artikel is from the early 90'ties (94 I think) so when it was written I guess it was true except for the world record thing.
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Post by TB »

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Post by Freepistol »

I've heard several times that the TOZ is most noted for lack of wide shots and not for a lot of tens. If one is going for a world record, the TOZ shouldn't be one's first choice. Is that true?
Forrest C.
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Post by Forrest C. »

So other than the fact that the TOZ's trigger is hard to reach, are there any advantages the Morini has over the TOZ? Balance, better sights, durability? If changing the grip is all I need to make the TOZ shoot as well as the Morini, I'm definately going to buy a TOZ. Also, are parts really a problem for people? I figured with so many of them floating around somebody had to have thought to stock up on what people will eventually need.
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