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Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:18 pm
by Sparks
Jason wrote:Please post a review once you get your jacket
Will do!
my old MtM Stenvaag has never fit well (very tight in the armpits and upper arm) but I've never bothered to send it back to Anschutz for adjustments.
Never had that problem with mine - my main problem was that eight years is just past their design lifetime really.

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:53 pm
by jhmartin
A few comments after handling quite a few of the HiTex jackets & pants during equipment control at the Winter Airgun match last week:

1) The material is heavy compared to "regular" material ... I had commented to a competitor that her pants were almost twice the weight of regular pants. Would not want to travel very far in this stuff.
2) The thickness of the material was very, very consistent from item to item, but it was pretty close to the max ... If I recall most single thicknesses were measuring 2.38mm-2.43mm (max allowed is 2.5). As a comparison, most of the Champions Choice/Gehmann stuff was around 1.98 to 2.24
3) Stiffness was fine, but you did have to maybe wait a few seconds while the material "gave" in the fixture.

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:38 pm
by LaForge
Hey Sparks,

this discussion is very interesting. I'm very much interested in KUSTERMANN's clothes (Subratex, Comfort or Fusion in particular).

Did you get your clothes in the meantime? How are they? How does it feel wearing them and do you have any complaints or did you boost up your shooting skills already??? ;)

Best regards from Germany!
