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Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 8:57 am
by RobStubbs
Even a bad loading block should cure that ;)

Don't most people lay out their 40 (or 60) shots ? If I shoot an odd number of shots in sighters I remove the odd ones to the back of the block so I have rows of 10.


Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:52 pm
by Donald McIntosh
There are plenty of people who don't use a block at all. The ammo comes in good containers, and is kept clean, so the attraction of pushing every round into a wooden or plastic hole with who-knows-what in them has never really appealed!

Cross Fire

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 4:42 pm
by deleted1
Allright guys don't act as if this never happened to anyone else---it has happened to me both ways and I am sure a lot of you guys/gals out there in Disney Land have had this happen as well---as Emmons said "stuff happens"---regardless whether its the Olympics or the Annual Grinders Switch 600. We all look for the target number when we lift the pistol or rifle to shoot---it's my first chore to find my target----nontheless I put two 9's into my fellow competitors target in the Free Pistol trials for the Empire State Games----that can hurt losing 20 points----I was flabbergasted---that this could happen to ME!!!!! I have also been cross fired at Camp Perry as well as local matches---yeah you get ticked off---but once again stuff happens. Yes Major Mike did shoot 41 shots in the kneeling, and once again two of the most experienced shooters goofed in a manner you would not expect from shooters at that level---once again---IT HAPPENS----let it go. In hind sight it would have been nice to a see a Gold in addition to Silver in Free Rifle, given the shortage of American shooting medals. Something more annoying is that we did not even have a RF team as no one made the quota---that's of a greater concern to me. Once the shot leaves the gun----it's all over for that shot----go on to the next one as if it never happened.

Camp Perry

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:42 am
by JohnK
You weren't the guy I cross fired on during the .22 phase of the preliminary matches at Perry in '90 I hope!