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Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 12:48 pm
by Reinhamre

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 2:48 am
by Reinhamre
Results 2020-09-02:

Ragnar Skanåker Swe 86 544 p
Weith Andersson Swe 73 534 p
Mats Johannesson Swe 57 526 p
Jim Rusch Usa 67 524 p
Kent Reinhamre Swe 75 521 p
Michelangelo Giustiniano Aus 67 517 p

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 7:15 am
by JKR
Wow! Great shooting Ragnar!

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 1:17 am
by Reinhamre
Result 2020-09-09

Ragnar Skanåker Swe 86 535p
Kent Reinhamre Swe 75 529p
Michael Giustisiano Aus 67 527p

A link to Ragnar Skanåker match:

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 7:39 am
by JKR
My Free Pistol day was rained out. Looks like others were as well. See you next week.

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 11:50 am
by Reinhamre
Result 2020-09-16

Ragnar Skanåker SWE 86 535
Jim Rusch USA 67 533
Weith Andersson SWE 73 526
Kent Reinhamre SWE 75 524

Two more weeks?

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 7:41 pm
by S Prouse
Mer vill du skjuta? Jag kan lägga till dem
Anymore wanting to shoot ? I can add them
Allan Brown från Kanada skjuter sina rundor på Scatt och sparar filerna
Allan Brown from Canada is shooting his rounds on Scatt and saving the files

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 7:49 pm
by S Prouse
klicka på poängdiagrammet för att zooma in, bra på stationär dator

click on the score chart to zoom in, good on desktop computer

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 4:32 am
by Reinhamre
Sounds fun, who is collecting results and fill in the score? Inner 10? Is this necessary?

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 5:37 pm
by S Prouse
Updated entry list
Uppdaterad postlista

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 5:44 pm
by S Prouse
Hello Kent,
the "inner 10" can be used as a second way of scoring, becuase if 2 shooters both score 535, then the shooter with most "inner 10" gets the higher points.

Kent, what pistol do you use, is it Steyr ? Look at the box which has the gun make, we also need the type of gun from the original shooters. Also, what target will you be using, is it electronic, paper or Scatt ? Again, this information is needed from original shooters.

Who might be able to do the scoring ? I work long days just now as building a new shop on my shooting range. I think we need 2 people scoring. All shooters will have to send the results by email or message. I can help but if someone wants to collect the photos of paper targets and score them, then they can ?

Please let me know what you think.
S Prouse

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:25 pm
by S Prouse
Hello Kent,
I am new to this forum, I do not know how to find the correct page for the competition. I have to keep using the link on Facebook to arrive at the right page. What do I write to find the correct page ?

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 9:47 pm
by Tangohammerli
Sign me up for the air pistol..
Jim Fabanich 55yrs

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:14 am
by S Prouse
Ok Jim.

This morning 3 more shooters want to join in. We will need scorers who can receive targets with 6 shots on each or 10 targets total. Maybe a different format.
Some people are saying TargetScan could be used, Alex Bird from Romania wants to use this.

It is likely that many people will want to join. Who can help with the scoring, please come forward ?

I have to work through the days and my time is restricted.

Okej Jim.

I morse vill ytterligare 3 skyttar delta. Vi behöver målskyttar som kan ta emot mål med 6 skott på vardera eller totalt 10 mål. Kanske ett annat format.
Vissa säger att TargetScan kan användas, Alex Bird från Rumänien vill använda detta.

Det är troligt att många människor vill gå med. Vem kan hjälpa till med poängsättningen, kom gärna framåt?

Jag måste arbeta genom dagarna och min tid är begränsad.

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:27 am

I like to get in the airpistol match.

Anders Strömberg 51 years Steyr Lp 10 Evo E and I have Sius target at work.

Regards Anders

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:06 pm
by S Prouse
Uppdaterad postlista. Ange vilken typ av luftpistol du använder, vilka mål du kan skjuta på.
Alla pappersmål bör vara 5 skott på varje mål. TargetScan-appen ska användas för att göra pappersmål, den får decimaler och inre tiotals. Vänligen ladda ner, här är länken; - ... scan&hl=sv

Updated entry list. Please provide the type of air pistol you use, what targets you can shoot on.
All paper targets should be 5 shots on each target. The TargetScan App should be used to score paper targets, it scores decimals and inner tens. Please download, here is the link ;- ... scan&hl=en

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:10 pm
by S Prouse
List with each competitors type of target they use and the type of air pistol being used.
Lista med varje konkurrent typ av mål de använder och vilken typ av luftpistol som används
Uzskaitiet katram konkurentam mērķa veidu, kuru viņi lieto, un izmantojamā gaisa pistoles veidu
Enumerați cu fiecare concurent tipul de țintă pe care îl folosesc și tipul de pistol cu aer folosit
Перелічіть разом із типом цілі, яку вони використовують, та типом пневматичного пістолета, що використовується

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 4:39 pm
by Guncoachza
Please enter me for the postal match, details as follows:
Shaun Kennedy
South Africa
+27 82 654 9917

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 6:09 pm
by S Prouse
Ok Shaun, you are in.

Do you have TargetScan App ? It is used on paper targets and scores decimal and inner 10's ?

Re: Skanåker postal match

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 3:02 am
by Mirko

I like to get in the airpistol match.

Miroslav RUTTKAY 40years Steyr Lp 10,Papier target,country Slovakia 🇸🇰

Bests Miro