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Re: Air Pistol Weight

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 3:49 pm
by Rover
Forgive me if this has been posted before.

A gent with a bad case of tennis elbow heard of a new machine at the local pharmacy: it could give a complete physical exam by only a urine sample.

The fella was skeptical and a bit of practical joker so he gave a urine sample in a jar. He also added urine from his wife, son, daughter, and dog. He also added some of his semen and some motor oil.

He went to the machine and deposited the urine. After a longer than expected wait, the machine printed out the results:

your dog has ringworm--get him to a vet.
your wife is drinking heavily, she needs detox.
your daughter is pregnant even thought she is on the pill.
your son has moved from pot to crack
your car is due for a tune up
if you don't stop jerking off your tennis elbow is never going to heal.