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Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 7:57 am
by robinhoods
Well for all concerned-Amanda from Larrys guns-said they will be sending my gun back to me with the unused 2012 cylinder plus another new cylinder and they will only charge me $14 to send it back to me and $50 for the use of the cylinder I did use. I did use the cylinder and that is fair for sure.
Sounded great to me and I accepted that in a heartbeat.
I released the chargeback from Discovercard

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 8:29 am
by v76
scerir wrote:
David Levene wrote:We have been over this so many times.

It is not the manufacturers' decision to put a 10 year limit on the cylinders, it is European law.
Unfortunately. Yes. ... ipment.pdf ... dex_en.htm
I stand corrected, will have to reread the 10 pages+ thread from 2009!

larrys out-check dates on cylinders

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 10:08 am
by robinhoods
I feel sorry for you-you need therapy.
I know you won't believe me because you have it all figured out I guess. Hate to bust your balloon but I l did exactly that many times over before I went to discover card. Everybody jumps in with their own version of what should have been done. I guess it makes them feel better thinking they can say the same thing as everybody else but in different words.
Ho-Hum I am tied of this.
Guess I'll have to wait for it in the mail.
I ended up with exactly what I wanted from the first reply to them.
My thanks to them for coming through and doing the right thing.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:36 am
by v76
Gerard wrote:You make an excellent point V76. My only quibble is that it seems an inefficient and potentially cruel way of going about affecting such a change with the manufacturers/associations involved, putting the brunt of the burden, at least initially, upon the retailers. The rule change is hardly their fault. ...
I thought about that solution and I'm sure the mfgs. would love to pass on the liability to retailers. But on the flipside, as a consumer, I'm not sure I'd like to have a 15 yo cylinder stamped 2014! Funny how a diving tank is much cheaper, will be subjected to a much more hostile environment and can be requalified almost indefinitely. Anyway, as said before, the subject has been debated ad vitam aeternam on all forums and I'm sure the regulars would likely prefer to go back to pellet sizing debates! We'll still end up paying the bill in the end anyway.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 1:56 pm
by Rover
I thought robinhoods was on vacation....

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 2:05 pm
by David Levene
Rover wrote:I thought robinhoods was on vacation....
I thought vacation was a time for relaxing.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 2:14 pm
by Gerard
You guys just hush now. You're just jealous because robinhoods not only knows how to throw his weight around with Amanda, but has WAY more high end PCP air pistols than you. Well, at least more than Rover.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:37 pm
by william
I think robinhoods IS Rover, and the sole object of this exercise was to demonstrate the potential hazards (including elevated blood pressure and tendency to overstatement) lurking in the purchase of a PCP pistol. Gawd! If this is what awaits, the only sane response is to find a K58.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:50 pm
by C. Perkins
Hey Rover, I bet Robinhoods does not own a "Farkle" like I do :)

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 8:04 am
by Misny
There must be something in the water that makes transplanted Arizonians so testy.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 1:46 pm
by Rover
Hey, C, I bet he will soon now that you put a bee in his bonnet.

Misny, maybe it's from living next to California.

You guys may remember that Robinhoods HAD a K58 and traded it for a FWB65 which he promptly got rid of in his endless quest for joy.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 2:36 pm
by Gerard
Rover wrote: You guys may remember that Robinhoods HAD a K58 and traded it for a FWB65 which he promptly got rid of in his endless quest for joy.
I didn't notice that he'd had a K58. Well then, that seals it; robinhoods is a very silly man.

New/used gun?

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 8:37 am
by jps2486
Every gun that I ever bought at a legitimate dealer was considered used once you filled out the paperwork and paid your money, even if you never took it out of the store or the box. What are you guys thinking? Dealers are in business to provide a service and make money. How would they ever know if you took just a few shots to try it out? Or, worst case scenario, how would they know if you shot somebody with it?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:58 pm
by oldcaster
Gerard wrote:So you requested a special cylinder, one not included normally with the manufacturer's kit... and then you publicly attack the shop before resolving the issue when this specially requested black cylinder comes to you with the wrong date on it? You threw sand in the gears with your special request. Amanda fulfilled your request, but failed to note the old date on the cylinder. You initiate your complaint... then slay Larry's character as a shop with a thread entitled "Larrys out-slippery". Wow. I mean weird grammar/punctuation aside, what the hell dude? Take a yoga course or something, learn to calm down. As you suggested, life is too short. I would recommend you request the moderators delete that thread, as it stands as an embarrassment to all concerned.
I don't get it. The man got what he thought was not right because what he bought that was supposed to be new, wasn't, and asked to send it back and apparently didn't get satisfaction.

He has every right to complain even if he only felt that he got cheated and then everyone has the right to decide if they feel the same way and then buy or not buy from Larry's.

Pilkguns actually has the position that they wouldn't do what Larry's did. Makes me think that Pilkguns should get the business when possible.

The people that posted that they bought something and had no problem are the silliest. Of course you aren't complaining because you didn't get cheated. He did.

Those of you that got personal are the lowest. Why can't you deal like adults or perhaps is it because you aren't.

Those that did write to the OP and not post because you were afraid of bullies, you need to now write in and let your feelings be known. Sitting back and letting bullies say what they want without rebuttal is not right either.

What does grammar or punctuation have to do with a point at all and the word Dude plus the one right before it. Give me a break.

I would recommend that the moderators delete what you and the other self appointed bullies wrote and leave the rest so people can decide for themselves based on the merits of the company.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:42 am
by william
I don't get it. The man got what he thought was not right because what he bought that was supposed to be new, wasn't, and asked to send it back and apparently didn't get satisfaction.
Apparently you don't get it. The opposite of new isn't old, which is what Larry is accused of selling. The opposite of new is used, and there hasn't been any evidence that the Kite in question was used.

Everybody has the right to feel cheated. Then a reality check is in order to determine whether the initial emotional reaction is justified. I think when cooler heads prevail (as most seem to have) "cheated" is more than a little too strong.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:52 pm
by conradin
oldcaster wrote: Those that did write to the OP and not post because you were afraid of bullies, you need to now write in and let your feelings be known. Sitting back and letting bullies say what they want without rebuttal is not right either.
Traditional Internet etiquette is that silence either means there are readers who did not read the thread, or agreed with the OP. This means there are unknown amount of supporters for Robinhoods. Internet etiquette also refers that if you have an opinion against the OP, then you post.
The silence idea is to reduce the amount of trolls. Hence "don't feed the trolls". You just did.

Re: New/used gun?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:55 pm
by conradin
jps2486 wrote:Every gun that I ever bought at a legitimate dealer was considered used once you filled out the paperwork and paid your money, even if you never took it out of the store or the box. What are you guys thinking? Dealers are in business to provide a service and make money. How would they ever know if you took just a few shots to try it out? Or, worst case scenario, how would they know if you shot somebody with it?
I agree but I think in this case perhaps the dealer can check the pistol to see if there is any lead deposit from the pellets to determine if the buyer has shot it. Of course for street guns it is another matter because of various criminal laws. Air pistol is not a firearm.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:43 am
by David Levene
conradin wrote: Traditional Internet etiquette is that silence either means there are readers who did not read the thread, or agreed with the OP.
Only to those who need to think that more people agree with them.

I would suggest that the largest group not answering a post simply can't be bothered.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:03 pm
by dronning
David Levene wrote:
conradin wrote: Traditional Internet etiquette is that silence either means there are readers who did not read the thread, or agreed with the OP.
Only to those who need to think that more people agree with them.

I would suggest that the largest group not answering a post simply can't be bothered.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:17 pm
by rmca
dronning wrote:
David Levene wrote:
conradin wrote: Traditional Internet etiquette is that silence either means there are readers who did not read the thread, or agreed with the OP.
Only to those who need to think that more people agree with them.

I would suggest that the largest group not answering a post simply can't be bothered.