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Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:27 am
by Brian Lafferty
COBelties wrote:
DLS wrote:
So while it would be nice to think this somehow endorses shooting, it does not. Nor more than the photo with the garden club endorses gardening. I have a picture of me with President Nixon, our group were Boy Scouts who's fathers were in the Marine Corps and it was part of a Washington DC tour. We were with the President all of 90 seconds ... and this jives with others I've known who have been through the same type of thing.

So it's cool for the athletes, it makes good PR, but there is really nothing else that can be discerned from this type of event.
Thank you, everyone needs to quit falling all over themselves about this. It was a NCAA Champion recognition event for all sports, Rifle was not singled out except for the awkward joke at the beginning of the address about Secret Service not knowing whether or not the rifle team had been cleared. Point in case this was a PR event not a milestone in history. The President has no idea of the sport promptly displayed by his bad joke. This IS NOT an endorsement by the President of shooting sports.

Congrats to WVU, congrats to them again this year. They deserve all the lime light they can get. This photo should be about their accomplishments and how proud we are if them as a community.
All publicity is good publicity especially when there is, like here, no negative attached to it. The important point is that shooting was recognized as an NCAA sport at a photo op at the White House. I don't really care who the Prez is, the point is that the Prez is in the photo. I have already used this photo with one school administrator to point out that college scholarships are available for shooting sports.

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:43 pm
by FrankD
So sad. We have no such fine picture showing our shooters together with our 'Mutti'.

And you all know, we have also fine shooters.

But to be serious, the picture is fine, but there is one problem. It doesn't show the shooters in shooting clothing and with theirs rifles or pistols. I'm afraid that not so many people outside our fine but small shooting world know them. This is true for most people here in Germany and i'm sure this is also true for most people in the US. So it is more inside PR and maybe a little for your university sport, but not for our beloved sport at all.

But hey, it is much better then nothing. Next time you have only to carry your Mr. President on the range. And we also work on that with our 'Mutti'. ;-)

Regards from Germany


Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:33 am
by Brian Lafferty
FrankD wrote:So sad. We have no such fine picture showing our shooters together with our 'Mutti'.

And you all know, we have also fine shooters.

But to be serious, the picture is fine, but there is one problem. It doesn't show the shooters in shooting clothing and with theirs rifles or pistols. I'm afraid that not so many people outside our fine but small shooting world know them. This is true for most people here in Germany and i'm sure this is also true for most people in the US. So it is more inside PR and maybe a little for your university sport, but not for our beloved sport at all.

But hey, it is much better then nothing. Next time you have only to carry your Mr. President on the range. And we also work on that with our 'Mutti'. ;-)

Regards from Germany

I suspect this may be due to NCAA regulations for appearances. Too bad there was no shooting logo or as USAShooting logo on the jackets.