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How many Adult Shooters do we have out there?

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:16 am
by Alex L
I am 77 on Saturday, and still competing in Pistol shooting, as is my 74 year old wife.

We compete in 8 or 9 Open competitions each year, and we don't always come last in our grades!

Last year we competed in the World Masters Games in Sydney, where we competed in our Age groups. I was the oldest male pistol shooter, and my wife was 2nd oldest lady. We both got medals, so we ar3e both quite competitive.

I shoot all 5 ISSF events, but I find in Rapid Fire my co-ordination is not good. I have trouble with an arthritic wrist. On a good day I can put in a good score. to prove my point, I put in a 49/50 in the 4 second run of Rapid Fire at the World Masters!

In Centre Fire, I finished with a 48/50 in the Rapid fire section, also at the World Masters.

There are quite a few shooters in my club who are well over 60 and still competing, however the over 70s are giving up, and I am one of the few stupids who is still fronting up to compete, agains guys who are 30 - 40 years younger than me!!!

While I can hold a gun, see the sights, squeeze the trigger, and still enjoy it, I will continue. A.L. in sunny Melbourne.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:39 am
by Luftskytter-
Only 60, and still improving:
organized AP training once or twice a week since a couple of years ago, informal competitions, plus play around with airguns at home, tuning, tweaking, modifying and some shooting. Occasional powderdriven handgun shooting at the club range.

Shooting career started with archery about 30 years ago, basics have a lot in common. Don't consider "stationary" slowfire shooting strenuous excercise: old people need something else and more dynamic to keep fit.

I am a Weekend warrior doing white water kayaking, and occasional Telemark skiing in the winter. Ought to get out some more.....

How many adult shooters do we have

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:10 am
by Tanktrek

Your responses so far are great, I am glad to see so many older active shooters.
How many of you actively shoot 3-position SB Rifle or AR competively, at your local club level?

My distractors feel that they do not want to shoot at these events because there are too many kids shooting. Junior matches are just that, junior matches but when the match is open to all comers, why not shoot.

What is your opinions on this?


Re: How many adult shooters do we have

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:19 am
by Misny
Tanktrek wrote:Guys

Your responses so far are great, I am glad to see so many older active shooters.
How many of you actively shoot 3-position SB Rifle or AR competively, at your local club level?

My distractors feel that they do not want to shoot at these events because there are too many kids shooting. Junior matches are just that, junior matches but when the match is open to all comers, why not shoot.

What is your opinions on this?

The more the merrier, but those old guys (I represent that remark) had better put on their suit of armor to protect those egos. Most of the younger shooters that compete regularly are highly motivated and will probably put it to them. If the juniors are well-behaved, the older shooters might find that it is interesting to talk to the juniors. There isn't much generation gap, when the subject is shooting. All this being said, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

How many adult shooters do we have

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:01 pm
by Tanktrek

Your opinion is correct concerning the junior out shooting the older shooters, but I have also seen the older shooters out shoot the junior on some rare ocasions.
The best thing to do with those egos is to leave them in your kit bag.


Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:17 pm
by steyrlp10
I'm a pistol shooter, so my responses are a bit off topic to the OP's first post. However, I've been shooting since 1982, but does that qualify me as old if I don't have gray strands in my long locks?

I enjoy seeing juniors -- or any new competitors - at my local matches. I have no problems with anyone outscoring me. If they shot a better game that day, they deserve to win.

Maybe because I'm a girl and don't have a big ego (ha-ha)

It just means I have to practice more. Like many of you, I shoot .177, .22, .38, and .45.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:11 am
by 40ish
I picked up shooting a year ago, and would like to say that it is not too late to start if you are willing to give it a try. Since that time I have managed to achieve an issf classification of EX. I believe that mental outlook plays a huge role in performance once you figure out the fundamentals. I regularly shoot alongside a mix of juniors and seniors.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:19 am
by 40ish
40ish wrote:I picked up shooting a year ago, and would like to say that it is not too late to start if you are willing to give it a try. Since that time I have managed to achieve an issf classification of EX. I believe that mental outlook plays a huge role in performance once you figure out the fundamentals. I regularly shoot alongside a mix of juniors and seniors.
Forgot to include my discipline is 10m air rifle.

Re: How many adult shooters do we have

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:42 am
by Misny
Tanktrek wrote:Misny

Your opinion is correct concerning the junior out shooting the older shooters, but I have also seen the older shooters out shoot the junior on some rare ocasions.
The best thing to do with those egos is to leave them in your kit bag.

You are so right. When I first started shooting competitively, a few decades ago, it became quite apparent that I would loose many more matches than I won. I didn't like it, but there was only one person to blame for the less than stellar performances. Folks with inflated egos usually don't last long in competitive shooting.

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:31 am
by corning
I am 56, and, unfortunately, I no longer shoot as much as I would like. When I do have the opportunity to get out to shoot small-bore, I have been competing in the NRA (US) conventional prone, and metric prone matches. I also compete in high-power (fullbore), both mid-range, and long-range prone. When my time starts to free up, I will start trying to shoot 3 position, again. That will be tough, as I haven't shot anything but prone for the last 12 years or so.


Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:40 am
by Hemmers
I'm only 23, so don't fit into the age brackets in the OP, but at the club we have had a couple of older chaps start shooting smallbore rifle as something to do when they've retired. Also a few parents have taken it up when the kids have started shooting (it's usually the other way round, kids are introduced through the parent's shooting!), although if the kids lose interest or have to drop shooting to prioritise other activities it can be hard work hanging onto the parents.

We certanly have a good demographic within the club, although as others have said, you certainly won't retain all the juniors.
Kids do lots of stuff - multiple sports, learning an instrument, etc. When they get to 15-18 and exams start to bite, they have to prioritise. Sometimes shooting is the thing they stick with and carry on, sometimes it's one of the things they drop.

Having said that, although we have a decent demographic, there are not nearly enough people under the age of 30 (or enough ladies/girls). Lot of middle aged people and retired, but nowhere near enough 20-somethings.

I'm told that the air-night on Wednesdays has become a bit of a kids club with a lot of teenagers, which is good in and of itself, but they seem to be struggling to get any of them over to .22 (as there is a separate air range, I never actually come down on Wednesdays to shoot air, I come down on .22 nights and take myself off to do some air if I have time. On Wednesdays they turn the .22 range over to air as the dedicated air range is only 4 lanes, and the .22 range has 7downstairs for 3P, and 7 upstairs which are prone-only on account of the ceiling :D ).

If anything, our situation is the exact opposite of that suggested by the OP. Plenty of 30-80s, but we need to be careful about ensuring that the next generation is coming through.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:52 am
by yana
I'm 32, shooting air regularly, both matchguns and hobby guns (springers) all powers, all calibers. Purely recreational.

Older shooters

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:07 pm
by Mesa
Started shooting small bore at 59 cause my high powere ranged closed, I go out of my way to shoot with the youngsters, coach when asked. I take any oppertunity I can get to throw rounds down range, be it AP/AR small bore, pistol, or midrange, But favor the small bore for its technical challange.

Older Shooters

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:14 pm
by mjmarz
Our state champion (Minnesota) in both Free Pistol and Small Bore Prone is 71 years of age. He recently set a NRA national record in his age group as well. He is also absolutely competitive in 300 meter offhand and position shooting. As he is apt to say, " Don't play the Age card!!!"

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:04 pm
by ADC Trapper
Yes ; I'M 57 and Target shooting is My number one hobby. I shoot ARA rimfire benchrest matches monthly. And have competed In the National Black powder matches thru the N.M.L.R.A. in Friendship Indiana. And shot at the Grand in Trapshooting. I enjoy useing Air Guns almost daily In My bacement ten meter range. Thru all the practice I shoot better at 57 than I have at anytime in My life. I love it and work at it for enjoyment and self satisfaction.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:38 pm
by Mike M.
I'm 47. Shoot AP and training for black powder pistol (N-SSA and MLAIC).

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:55 pm
by pcctex
60 years old. I shoot 10M air rifle...Feinwerkbau 602...and 10M air pistol...Morini 162EI in my family room on a regular basis strictly for enjoyment. Very relaxing and stress relieving. I shoot bullseye, mini-silhouettes (paper), even benchrest; whatever I'm in the mood for. I have lots of rifles and pistols; I shoot my air guns more than all the others combined.

Thank you,


Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:26 am
by Peakconti
45 and shooting up here in Champlain NY, started in 10th grade with my H.S. then gave up the sport a few years after graduation from ST Johns (where I also shot) took up the sport again 3 years ago. Now I shoot with our local club and coach my son and daughter. Recently won a few medals at this years empire games. Still do not shoot as like I did back in college but at least I can afford the equipment I need.

NMAR shooter

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:15 am
by Steve N
I'm 49, and started shooting 10M National Match Air Rifle a couple of years ago. I'm fortunate that I'm fairly close to Camp Perry and can compete in their monthly matches. A new indoor range is opening up within 10 minutes of me in the next couple of months, and I hope to be able to shoot rimfire sporter matches there.

I can't see myself ever shooting high-power, or other center-fire rifle disciplines. I just can't justify the cost of $.75 per shot, or more, for competitive ammo. I also have limited access to ranges, and limited time to shoot. I can shoot AR in my basement. It gets me shooting and I have fun.

If you haven't tried it, shoot an NMAR match sometime. CMP has the rules on-line, and local matches can be sanctioned by the CMP.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:05 pm
by supraphonic
I am 57 years old , I have just taken up shooting air pistol, I was lucky enough to purchase an as new Feinwerkbau 100. I am only shooting in my garage as there seem to be no clubs near me , I am in North Vancouver BC Canada. I used to shoot centre fire pistol years ago when I lived in England, but its air pistol for me now and I am really enjoying it.
My biggest problem is eyesight, does anyone know of an optician in the Vancouver area who can help pistol shooters?