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your thinking

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 10:21 am
by NB
I am actually a runner, shooting came to me as an accident. Jimmy got me to think about it for a minute and I think the two are about the same. I have won state championships in both events (for those who wish to ask). You run on autopilot ,to continually be force thinking about it for 26 miles would mentally and phyically drain you. Thats what is happening to the want to be great runners. I coach them all the time ,mostly trying to get them to relax( but now I see maybe Im just trying to get them to stop thinking) Years of running and phyical training (much more than shooting) inable a runner to finally run on autopilot one day . You come in from a run and your time took a major drop and you say to yourself that was easy. From that day on running is never the same. In shooting the HARD phyical training isnt as important (shot next to alot of fat guys) but the YEARS still come into play. I have been honored by being able to hand off a baton to the fastest man in the world and shot next to the olympic bronze medalist, now I just need to learn to ski and shoot a rifle.

Re: no mind

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:29 am
by Dev
NB wrote:It is no theory. When you get to that stage you made it. your sub concious has taken over. You have turned a drill into an instinct. Ive shot over 20 tens in a row without thinking. Without thinking you r thinking. Everytime I train now I always say (and my wife will vouch for me) " This is to easy" Everytime I train now Im in the zone(zen if you perfer). I didnt shot tonight , I worked for 14 hrs and was to tired. I knew it would be a struggle and I would not be in the zone. Meaning only train when the training is good. This sport is so easy once you learn to shot a ten and at the same time stop thinking about. Just say after every ten " YEP I SHOOT THAT WAY,IT SURE IS EASY" I feel at first your shot plan is very important, you have to live by it. Eventally you grow up and dont even think about it anymore. BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN YOUR NOT REPEATING IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. I wish I knew how to write , hope you can make sense of what im trying to say. Im just beat tonight.
Yes sir I understand what you are saying. I am just training to experience this high for once. In a small breakthrough I improved my score by twenty points at a friendly shoot this Sunday. So the tips that I have read here about training and having a positive mental attitude have really helped. I am walking on air from yesterday.

