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trigger...good question!

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:10 am
by coolcruiser
My preference is a two stage trigger for the very reason (apparently) that Matt experienced. I used to use a 6 ounce single stage trigger. In practice one time I had a round discharge from a "too casual" trigger touch. After that I reasoned that a two stage trigger has the safety feature of a first stage take up before the second stage is active. This has been discussed here before but now we have Matt's experience to reference.
BTW, it makes me very uneasy when well qualified shooters say things like the "gun went off". The gun goes off when the shooter does something to make it go off. No disrespect to anyone intended.

Was he using single or two stage trigger?[/quote]

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:09 pm
by pwh
I'm not making any excuses for what Matt did nor would I ever accuse him of being pompous or arrogant as I never met the guy. To sit back and make judgments on him by what the media covers is unfair to him let alone making any innuendos that he possibly did what he did on purpose given the media attention that he was given in Athens and never asked for and then decided....he wanted more of the same!

For anyone to make any accusations that he in any way had any such thoughts on his mind during the Olympics in the hopes of more media attention pays much too much attention to the media which in and of itself proves one to have the I.Q of an egg shell.

Will this have any effect on him mentally if he should compete in London? Time will only tell. Matt has proven himself quite well and what we may have here with some of the asinine negative remarks that were made about him is perhaps plain and 'ol simple jealousy! All one needs to do is sit back and ask one simple question of themselves: "Can I shoot like him"? Blame the media......not Matt! Nough said.


Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:38 am
by Guest
WHOA - it wasn't the media that touched the trigger when he was not ready to hit the bullseye. By his actions, he may be a top shot & a great guy, but he has proved twice that he doesn't have that extra bit necessary to be the OLYMPIC champion. It's a mind game that somewhere along the line has messed with his.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:25 am
by pwh
No, of course it wasn’t the media that caused Matt a bad shot nor was I trying to infer that it in anyway was.
I’m afraid you misunderstood my post. I was simply referring to the absurd accusation(s) that perhaps Matt wanted more of the same media attention by repeating what happened in Athens which is of course, absurd!

Matt is by no means a well known multi-million dollar big time professional athlete who has the power to control the media to some or, any extent. He is just a shooter who, for all practical purposes, is unheard of or unknown to most people and could care less about him. He has no more control over the media than you or I do over a bad case of diarrhea!

Matt blew the match and lost and has no one to blame but himself. Is it some inherent mind anomaly that he perhaps has when under pressure? I have no idea and I imagine that is something only he could answer. Did he in anyway deserve to win? No, of course not. He came in fourth because he blew it, deserved it and has no one to blame for it except himself. But, to even hint that he may have done so because he believed it would get him more media attention is beyond the absurd! Can you imagine how much more media attention he would have had if he had won Gold right after his wife Katrina won Gold in same sport! I’m quite confident he would have wanted that rather than the media in anyway focusing on his lack of performance under pressure!


Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 12:44 pm
by bruce
Anonymous wrote:WHOA - it wasn't the media that touched the trigger when he was not ready to hit the bullseye. By his actions, he may be a top shot & a great guy, but he has proved twice that he doesn't have that extra bit necessary to be the OLYMPIC champion. It's a mind game that somewhere along the line has messed with his.
I know that I'll regret feeding a troll, but your theory that he is unable to be an Olympic champion is contradicted by the fact that won gold in the prone event in Athens.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:00 pm
by pwh
bruce wrote:
I know that I'll regret feeding a troll, but your theory that he is unable to be an Olympic champion is contradicted by the fact that won gold in the prone event in Athens.
Sure as hell did! So I have no idea where the statement; ""he has proved twice that he doesn't have that extra bit necessary to be the OLYMPIC champion." came from! Seems to me he has already proven that he is capable of winning the Gold. He just simply didn't do it again! Ya can't win 'em all!
