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Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 1:40 pm
by blue62
if you look at books on relaxation or info on how to relax you find a technec where they have you tighten your muscles such as your thigh muscle then relax it.. they have you do this over and over until your body can feel the very real difference between relaxed and tense.

this is done with all the muscles groups in the body. soon a person can perceive the slightest tension in any muscle in any part of the body. and then relax it at will.
the person is able to do this because they have been taught the difference between tense muscles and relaxed muscle

I think the chart Rutty provided does the same sort of thing helps a person determine the fundementals that provide a good shot versious a bad shot..
so in my mind (or rather I am trying to make it so). the only bad shot is one I don't learn anything from.
