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Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:09 pm
by Guest

I now live near San Antonio, Texas adn shoot here wherever and whenever I can. I shoot mostly USA Shooting sanctioned events but make sure that I get to several NRA matches each year as well. I shot the Open Sectionals in Amarllo back in January (a 500 mile one-way drive) where I won the 3P and the International Air events. I will be shooting the TSRA/NRA State Championships (near Houston) the end of March, and then I will shoot the NRA Regional and State Prone Championships (in San Antonio) when they come up later in the year. All my other matches are USA Shooting tournaments including four PTO's, Zones, and Regionals (all near Houston). Even though I am an older shooter (ripe at 45 as we e-speak) I returend to my sport after a 25-year break and am competing well so I cannot complain!

Please give Henry my regards when you see him next (tell him Paul Messina said hello). I imagine he is not quite as active as he is getting up there but when I talk with him on the phone he still sounds like he is 24! I call him often for coaching advice and always credit my success to him! He is just a heck of a guy and has been a family friend for well over 40 years!

Back to Eley real quick...I wish they had a customer range here in the U.S. (or do they and I do not know about it). I am sure that I would learn much from being able to use it. I am a nerd at heart and love running all sorts of experiments, especially realted to my shooting. You never know what you may learn! Have a wonderful day! Good Shooting!


Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:10 pm
by Guest

Thanks for the post! The nerd in me got all excited about it :-) I will check it out! By the way...I need to get out more too!
