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Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 12:34 pm
by Jose Rossy
_Axel_ wrote:Yes, a dull uninspiring enviroment, with authoriatian leaders is exactly what criminals need!

And most of all, punishment is the best deterrent!! History has showded it has worked great!!!
Typical soft, weak socialist-liberal drivel.

I agree with you on one thing: incarceration is not the best deterrent. Execution is. 0% recevidism rate.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:41 pm
by iow
This thread is getting interesting ..... I spent almost 15 years in a category A prison on the Isle of Wight.

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 6:46 pm
by iow
I'm out now ..... Come on , it's all gone quiet ..... I'm waiting for some more comments.

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 7:42 pm
by Fred Mannis
Is that anything like the former French penal colony on Devil's Island?

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 7:52 pm
by Guest
iow wrote:This thread is getting interesting ..... I spent almost 15 years in a category A prison on the Isle of Wight.
Parkhurst? What was the lemon and lime for a 15 year jolt?

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 8:29 pm
by iow
Albany , when it was a real nick .....

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 2:07 pm
by iow
After I posted , I just wanted to see if anyone else commented about hanging , or throwing away the key etc. ..... Strange how it all stopped ..... I worked there ..... I wasn't a convict ( oops , apparently that's now politically-incorrect in the UK , not allowed to call them con's any more ) ..... I wasn't an inmate ( oops , not allowed to use the word "inmate" either ) ..... I wasn't a prisoner ( I think you can still call them that , but I'm not sure ? ) .....
This says it all ..... When I joined the job , you called a con by the last four digits of his prison number & by his surname .... cons called me Mr Parker , or Governor , or Gov ( or a few other things i can't print here ) ..... Now , you're supposed to call a con Mister , and staff have all got a identifying number !
As for Devil's Island Fred , i guess you mean Tasmania ?

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:02 pm
by Richard H
iow wrote:After I posted , I just wanted to see if anyone else commented about hanging , or throwing away the key etc. ..... Strange how it all stopped ..... I worked there ..... I wasn't a convict ( oops , apparently that's now politically-incorrect in the UK , not allowed to call them con's any more ) ..... I wasn't an inmate ( oops , not allowed to use the word "inmate" either ) ..... I wasn't a prisoner ( I think you can still call them that , but I'm not sure ? ) .....
This says it all ..... When I joined the job , you called a con by the last four digits of his prison number & by his surname .... cons called me Mr Parker , or Governor , or Gov ( or a few other things i can't print here ) ..... Now , you're supposed to call a con Mister , and staff have all got a identifying number !
As for Devil's Island Fred , i guess you mean Tasmania ?
Actually I beleive they call them clients now. Thats what they call them here in Canada too.

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 9:26 pm
by Fred Mannis
iow wrote:After I posted , I just wanted to see if anyone else commented about hanging , or throwing away the key etc. ..... Strange how it all stopped ..... I worked there ..... I wasn't a convict ( oops , apparently that's now politically-incorrect in the UK , not allowed to call them con's any more ) ..... I wasn't an inmate ( oops , not allowed to use the word "inmate" either ) ..... I wasn't a prisoner ( I think you can still call them that , but I'm not sure ? ) .....
This says it all ..... When I joined the job , you called a con by the last four digits of his prison number & by his surname .... cons called me Mr Parker , or Governor , or Gov ( or a few other things i can't print here ) ..... Now , you're supposed to call a con Mister , and staff have all got a identifying number !
As for Devil's Island Fred , i guess you mean Tasmania ?
This explains why you didn't respond to the question about the nature of the crime you had committed :-).
As for Devils Island, I was just wondering whether the British had adopted the French practice of sending special prisoners off to a remote island. Devils Island is in Guyana (sp?) off the coast of South America.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:51 am
by Jose Rossy
iow wrote:After I posted , I just wanted to see if anyone else commented about hanging , or throwing away the key etc. ..... Strange how it all stopped ..... I worked there .....
The fact that you worked there does not change my views on the death penalty.

The more public the execution, the higher its deterrent value. And death row never produces repeat offenders.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:47 am
by David Levene
Fred Mannis wrote:As for Devils Island, I was just wondering whether the British had adopted the French practice of sending special prisoners off to a remote island.
We did our bit in the 18th century, the island was Australia.

Given the apparent lifestyle, and the fact that they keep beating us at sport, it makes you wonder whether it was such a punishment in the long term ;-)

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 10:48 am
by iow
You read my thoughts David ! ......

PS ..... Jose , that's good , "the fact that I worked there doesn't change your view on the death penalty" ...... I didn't give my view on the death penalty ...... I just wondered what comments we'd see after I posted ...... Maybe people who might have posted might have thought to themselves , Hmmmmm , I'd better not comment , just in case a lifer pays me a visit ! .....

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 12:41 pm
by Fred Mannis
David Levene wrote:
Fred Mannis wrote:As for Devils Island, I was just wondering whether the British had adopted the French practice of sending special prisoners off to a remote island.
We did our bit in the 18th century, the island was Australia.
Unfortuneately, the U.S. has now followed in your footsteps :-(

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 12:53 pm
by Richard H
Jose Rossy wrote:
_Axel_ wrote:Yes, a dull uninspiring enviroment, with authoriatian leaders is exactly what criminals need!

And most of all, punishment is the best deterrent!! History has showded it has worked great!!!
Typical soft, weak socialist-liberal drivel.

I agree with you on one thing: incarceration is not the best deterrent. Execution is. 0% recevidism rate.
So Jose you are suggesting that they execute the millions of people that are incarerated in US jails right now.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 12:59 pm
by Richard H
Jose Rossy wrote:
iow wrote:After I posted , I just wanted to see if anyone else commented about hanging , or throwing away the key etc. ..... Strange how it all stopped ..... I worked there .....
The fact that you worked there does not change my views on the death penalty.

The more public the execution, the higher its deterrent value. And death row never produces repeat offenders.
Criminals are never detered by the penalty because for the most part they don't think like normal people, they fall usually 2 batches Impulsive (act on the spur of the moment, crime of passion ect) they act without thinking about any consequence, the other batch think that they never will get caught so they don't ever think the penalty will applie to them.

Maybe they should drain the public pools and use them to have firing squads in, and use the football stadiums to hang people from the goal post. Oh I forgot the Taliban all ready did this.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:01 pm
by Jose Rossy
iow wrote: PS ..... Jose , that's good , "the fact that I worked there doesn't change your view on the death penalty" ...... I didn't give my view on the death penalty ...... I just wondered what comments we'd see after I posted ...... Maybe people who might have posted might have thought to themselves , Hmmmmm , I'd better not comment , just in case a lifer pays me a visit ! .....
Not afraid. Sorry.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:05 pm
by Jose Rossy
Richard H wrote:So Jose you are suggesting that they execute the millions of people that are incarerated in US jails right now.
Most who are on death row should be gone by now. One last lookee see of DNA evidence to make sure the right guy is sitting there and then strap them down and push it in.

And I'm sure that not all premeditated, violent felonies are carry the death penalty as an option, though most should.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:18 pm
by Richard H
Jose Rossy wrote:
Richard H wrote:So Jose you are suggesting that they execute the millions of people that are incarerated in US jails right now.
Most who are on death row should be gone by now. One last lookee see of DNA evidence to make sure the right guy is sitting there and then strap them down and push it in.

And I'm sure that not all premeditated, violent felonies are carry the death penalty as an option, though most should.
You watch too much CSI not every crime or even a majority have DNA evidence. I see now we start qualifying who you want to kill, you started with all criminals and now were down to the ones on death row that you can prove with DNA evidence, hmmm.

The vast majority of criminals aren't on death row and didn't committ a violent crime, but the solution to lock'em up treat 'em like animals almost assures you that they will be better criminals and more likely to use violence to stop from going back when they do get out.

You have to decide what you want from prison, vengence, punishment, re-habilitation, or some hybrid mixture. Personally I'm for punishment and rehab. The fact that you elect judges and DA's in the US only makes the system rife with crappy convictions. It's now a game of numbers, winners and losers, when the state or crowns actual job is to find the truth (not caring if they win or lose).

I use to be a big booster of the death penalty but I don't trust the system any more, with the number of people that would have been put to death that have now been found to be innocent. It sounds tough to talk like you but ask yourself how you'd feel if on of your relatives was wrongly convict, put to death and then later was found to be innocent.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:02 pm
by moi
JulianY wrote:
but...... it will take a concerted effort for from the governing bodies and a public campaign to distance target shooters from gun nuts but .... thats not going to happen.......
Wow, how very Chamberlain-esque of you . . . Still going for the old appeasement strategy, eh?

It didn't work in the 1930's and it sure hasn't worked since then.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:25 pm
by Jose Rossy
Richard H wrote: I see now we start qualifying who you want to kill, you started with all criminals and now were down to the ones on death row that you can prove with DNA evidence, hmmm.
Do show me where I stated that all prisoners should be executed.
Richard H wrote: The vast majority of criminals aren't on death row and didn't committ a violent crime, but the solution to lock'em up treat 'em like animals almost assures you that they will be better criminals and more likely to use violence to stop from going back when they do get out..
That is your opinion only.
Richard H wrote:The fact that you elect judges and DA's in the US only makes the system rife with crappy convictions. It's now a game of numbers, winners and losers, when the state or crowns actual job is to find the truth (not caring if they win or lose). .
The American system of justice has the MOST protection for the accused compared to any other in the world, bar none. I'd rather face the music in the US than any place else in the world.
Richard H wrote: It sounds tough to talk like you but ask yourself how you'd feel if on of your relatives was wrongly convict, put to death and then later was found to be innocent.
Nothing is perfect. But again, I'll take the benefits of zero repeat offender rate offered by death over its drawbacks.