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Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 5:33 pm
by pgfaini
Richard H wrote:
pgfaini wrote:
Richard H wrote:
pgfaini wrote:I hate to be dragging this thing out, Mr. Bullock, but if you never got a return address, just where in the h*ll were you supposed to ship the gun?

Sounds fishy to me, must be my past career as a big city police officer, has made me skeptical. :>)
Actually you didn't hate dragging it out that much, because you did. Who knows, who cares. A bunch of people here whining about something that none of them were actually involved in (I haven't seen the agrieved party here) other than Mr. Bullock.
I wouldn't characterize R.M.'s post, which was evidently meant as a "heads up", as whining. You, sir, evidently haven't ever had the trust that using these bulletin boards build up, used to cheat you. You're a lucky fellow!
Usually I just watch who I buy from.

Also you're making judgements based on less than all the facts, which didn't they teach you in the police force not to do? You've got one side of a story from someone who is not a participant who is passing along something his friend told him so. Also being a former cop I'd think you'd have noticed that no where does it say it was bought from any one on this board.

As for Mr. Mumby's post I wasn't really refering to that as whining he gave a heads up, I was really refering to the rest of the peanut gallery who continues to belabor this event even though they "hate to be dragging this out".
Point well taken, But I wasn't referring to the charges made, but to Mr. Bullock's lame excuse,(The other side of the story), that I felt was an insult to our collective intellegence. Having heard thousands of such excuses, I guess it just struck a nerve. I think you're right though, in that we've given this more time than it deserves. I'll post no more on this thread.
