Improve your Quality of Competitive Performance...

A place to discuss non-discipline specific items, such as mental training, ammo needs, and issues regarding ISSF, USAS, and NRA

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David Levene
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Post by David Levene »

Russ, I am beginning to think that we may have a communication problem caused by English not being your first language (although your use of it is undoubtedly better than most of us could manage in Russian i.e. nothing at all).

Are you saying that:-

1) Shooters below a certain level would make much more progress by 1 on 1 coaching in the technical basics than they would by reading books/web sites or studying the mental aspects of shooting.


2) You have a 1 on 1 coaching method which is more effective than anyone else's.

If 1) then you are very probably correct. If 2) then you need to provide some evidence.
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Who are you really?? Please tell.

Post by funtoz »

Rus -

It would have saved considerable time and bile if you would have introduced yourself fully, or responded completely, to questions about your qualifications. Steve, the owner of this forum, as well as others have asked you to tell us why your opinions should be given special weight. A few scores and mention of a web site somewhere really doesn't cut it among the quality shooters that regularly post here. We have had our share of frauds like Chet, and trolls just here to generate the kind of exchange you and Steve are having... and too many times we succumb to the temptation. There is no address for the web site you mention in your posts. Go look; I went back just to see if I had somehow missed it and it isn't there. Having it in your profile and expecting everyone to go digging for it, and then search through the web site to find your qualifications page is a strategy guaranteed to create this kind of exchange. I leave it to you to provide the list of your certifications, qualifications, and achievements, as well as the address of the web sit of the school you teach from. Then we can stop wasting time trying to figure out if you are just a fraud trolling for victims, a novice shooter with an over inflated opinion of themselves, or a real coach with valuable information to share.

David Levene
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Post by David Levene »

To be fair Larry, each one of Russ's postings (and your's for that matter) have an icon at the bottom to take you straight to his web site.
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Post by Russ »

Last edited by Russ on Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Steve Swartz

Post by Steve Swartz »

1) If you can score 600/600 it doesn't mean *you* are a good coach . . . it means *your coach* is a good coach

2) The proof of the value of any content on this board is not in the pedigree of the source of the content, but in the value of the content itself

3) Put your ideas in play here in this forum . . . like the rest of us . . . and then honestly and rationally discuss them. Some will agree; others will disagree; the *discussion* has value. The steam and banner waving has no value.

If David has captured one of your key training tenets, that you paraphrased:

"how to look at the sights and release the trigger."..

Oh-Kay then- what do you have to add of value on this subject? We have had many interesting and valuable discussions on exactly "how to look at the sights and release the trigger" in this public forum- as we will, I'm sure, in the future.

What is your opinion?

Steve Swartz
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Post by funtoz »


If you hadn't used a guest account, I would have PM'ed you. And since you didn't get the hint and check the fellow out yourself, you might want to know that he is certified in both the US and Russia. He certainly appears to be the real thing. And, now knowing that his English is not as perfect as yours, maybe you missed his whole point all the way back in the beginning.

I understand that shoe leather is an acquired taste.


Rouslan Diatlov
NRA Certified Instructor
For Over 15 years participated on the Russian National Shooting Competitive Level
International Level Sports Master of Russia
Certified Sports Shooting Coach of Russia
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Post by Russ »

Thank You, funtoz...
I think you will be not welcome now.... :(
Steve Swartz

Post by Steve Swartz »


Perhaps you missed the whole point about "pedigree." I never claimed he had no pedigree; just that if he had any ideas, it would be nice to hear them. If Rouslan is not willing to discuss his ideas in this forum, then is he just using it for free advertising?

Perhaps it irritates you, but I would take the same "attitude" with any one who posted in a similar pattern- regardless of medals in his trophy room or letters after his name.

The pedigree earns you the initial respect and kind attention- which was freely and graciously granted. Each subsequent request for ideas ("content" if you will) was responded to with, well, go back and read them for yourself . . .

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Post by Russ »

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How do I

Post by jackh »

improve my Quality of Competitive Performance?

If I keep "practicing" the wrong things, am I really "training" wrongly?

If I keep searching for the perfect shot and repeating that each time, time and again, when does the learning stop and practice begin?

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Post by Russ »

Last edited by Russ on Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jackh »

Russ wrote:Practicing not the wrong things!
But if your pattern of practicing and knowledge about practicing not complete defiantly you are on wrong way!

"If I keep searching for the perfect shot?"
What is it? Where your sources?
What is your level of performance? If your sources lower than your performance, you are on wrong way!

" Learning stop and practice begin?"
This sport is 90% psychology, by stop learning your will limit your potential! What is your goal in performance?
And each athlete has own answers, isn't it?

>>>>>What do you suggest as a good pattern of practicing and knowledge about practicing.

>>>>>That's easy. The perfect shot(s) are the ones that come often and I don't say to myself - Where'd that target come from? Has something to do with confidence plus doing well, and knowing that, before seeing the target that is.

>>>>>I think a lot of shooters stop "trying" to learn. I know a possible is possible. But I also know no shooter has reached 600 (?) (or 2700). And very few ever get close. So if I am practicing as a 550 shooter or 2570 (I wish) shooter, am I not really still training to shoot 560, 580, or 2600 and 2650?
David Levene
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Post by David Levene »

Russ wrote:"If I keep searching for the perfect shot?"
What is it? Where your sources?
What is your level of performance? If your sources lower than your performance, you are on wrong way!
An explanation of this would be useful. It seems as though you are saying that you cannot learn from someone who doesn't shoot better than you.

Unfortunately, because this is not your first language, your longer answers are sometimes difficult to understand. A short answer would therefore be appreciated.
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Fred Mannis
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Post by Fred Mannis »

What is your level of performance? If your sources lower than your performance, you are on wrong way!

It seems as though you are saying that you cannot learn from someone who doesn't shoot better than you.
Russ, is that what you are trying to say?

I would asses a coach's skills on the basis of his pupils' shooting performance, not the coach's shooting performance.

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Post by Russ »

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Post by Russ »

I like this story:
Nan-in, a Japanese master of the Meiji era (1808-1912), was visited at a univerity professor who had come to question him on Zen. Nan- in served tea. He filled his gust's cup to the brim and kept on pouring. The professor saw the tea spilling over and couln't contain himself any longer. "It's full! You can't pour in any more!"
"Like this cup", said Nan-in, "you are also full of your opinions and suppositions. How can I explain Zen to you, if you don't first empty your cup?"
David Levene
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Post by David Levene »

Russ wrote:Is not so simple (white & black) it is as a rainbow! Many colors, many details. Attention to details will make your performance different. Some of you not able recognize from my web site valuable source of information....
How I can teach them if they can't able to utilize it?
Russ, it is very rare that I am completely blunt in this forum. I try to be diplomatic and give people the benefit of the doubt.

I think that I have only had one serious head-to-head disagreement here before, and that was with Chet Skinner.

Your inability to clearly answer the simplest of questions leads me to one conclusion, you must be full of bull.

As you seem so keen to give your shooting background, I have come to this conclusion as a shooter with over 25 years experience, over 20 years involvement with our national team, competed in several World & European Championships, Commonwealth Games, numerous other international meetings and with many National Championship titles under my belt.
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Post by jackh »

Well, what should I do to "Improve [my] Quality of Competitive Performance…"?

I am trying.

There is one specific question I have. I need a tip on tipping. How may I best stabilize from minor body sway?

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Post by Russ »

Last edited by Russ on Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Russ »

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