Please recommend some good pistol scope for silhouette shoot

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Please recommend some good pistol scope for silhouette shoot

Post by Guest »

What are some good air pistol scopes for silhouette shooting 5-50 yards?

What are some scopes that would allow me to focus up to few yards in front of me and up to 50 yards away easily?


Silhouette shooting great fun.
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Re: Please recommend some good pistol scope for silhouette s

Post by paw080 »

Anonymous wrote:What are some good air pistol scopes for silhouette shooting 5-50 yards?

What are some scopes that would allow me to focus up to few yards in front of me and up to 50 yards away easily?


Silhouette shooting great fun.
Hi Guest, for targets 5-50yds I haven't a clue as to which scope you would
use on an air pistol. But....for AP Silhouette, you don't need a scope at all.
I have setup Silhouette Swingers at regulation distances around my backyard
10 meter range. I shoot the swingers when I feel my 10 meter focus going
away. I usually only need to shift my feet and sight align on the 18yd Ram.
I rarely miss the Ram; and It's relaxing and calming enough that I soon
regain my composure and return to 10 meter training. Yor mileage may
of course vary.

Tony G
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Post by Bowman26 »

I would concur with Paw080. Having shot a Izzy 46M with a Leupold EER 2x pistol scope and my Aeron Chameleon with open sights. The scope made it harder to actually get a clear stable sight picture darn near dizzying. Most shooters are using the Taco Hold with a rifle scope for AP silhouette. IMO and this is just IMO that hold is as worthless as one could learn for shooting a pistol. Don't get me wrong they can knock them down but big whoop I would hope you can knock them down shooting 12x at something almost 3" across 18 yards away. I shoot the 1.25" round swingers @20 with my iron sights.

The Taco hold is akward, uncomfortable and just plain not practical to shooting a pistol for any other reason. Pistols are ment to be held at arms length and be shot. If I was to put any other type sight on my Aeron it would likely be a small 3 MOA max red dot for the any sight class. I shot a Master Class score for Open sight class last time I shot a regulation round. I have already decided if I decide to shoot both I will either come up with a quick mount red dot or just shoot another round with the open sights.

I just have it dialed to aim for the chickens leg, then aim for the pig belly, a little 6 o'clock dead of center on the Turkeys and pretty much dead on for the Rams.

The Taco hold also gave me and another shooter pain in our shoulders and elbows which indicated the postion was a forced one and not something I care to endure for 80 shots plus warmup. Not to mention I am never going to grab my 9mm or any of my other pistols anyplace and use the Taco hold so I stay away from it. But to each their own. Rifle is my main addiction of choice currently anyway :)

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Fred Mannis
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Post by Fred Mannis »

I have been using a Truglow red dot for the any sight class. This red dot has 2x magnification - just enough to get a better picture of that little chicken, but not so much that the wobble drives you crazy. Best of all, it's only $90. My scores went up 7-8 points when I switched from a plain red dot to theTruglow. The scope is mounted on a Steyr LP50.
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